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Your Favorite and Least Favorite Lord

Mighty Kamina

Your Favorite Lord?  

279 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina
  2. 2. Least Favorite Lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina

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I voted Hector as my favourite, the big guy was so different than other Lords, it was a nice change to the formula. Chrom, Ike, Eliwood, Lucina and Sigurd are other good competitors.

Roy, I hate him with a passion, I also hate Eirika, and Micaiah. I dislike Lyn, but not as much as everyone else does.

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Alm is my favroite. He's a pretty simple character, but I don't care so much about that so much as how much he wrecks everything.

As for least favorite, I voted Eliwood. I don't know why I don't like him very much, but I don't, so I voted him. Roy is dangerously close for being boring and also terrible.

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Do keep in mind that I've never played anything before FE7. Lucina bumped Eliwood out of second favorite lord, lol.

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I was torn between Leif and Lucina, but finally decided for Leif because I'm still not sure if I like Lucina so much because i enjoy her as a character or because she's the new lord in the fancy new game.

least favorite lord is without a doubt Roy.

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Favorite would be Marth because i liked broken Lords

I thought Marth was one of the weaker lords. o.O

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't really have a "least favorite" lord, I went ahead and said Sigurd because he's not as cute as his son Seliph. 8U

As for favorite, it's probably Micaiah. Originally voted for Ephraim, but it's sad that Micaiah doesn't get as much love as she deserves. I never got the "Mary Sue" argument people say, seriously. If she's a Sue, so is every Fire Emblem lord ever. :/ Micaiah isn't perfect, but she did what she had to do, and I really respected the difficult choices she had to make in this game.

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Leif is my favorite "young" Lord, but I also love Sigurd for being more established as an adult so well. Very fond of both and happy to see both doing well in the poll (voted Sigurd).

Least favorite is probably Roy. Seliph isn't too far behind, though. Part of why I like Leif as much as I do is people aren't all hyperbolically kissing his ass the way people kiss can-do-no-wrong-at-15 Roy's.

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I'm gonna be a bit of a contrarian and put down Ephraim for least favorite. Always found him very boring, even when compared to other Lords in the series.

I'm a bit torn between Lucina and Lyn for my favorite Lords in the series, but I went and decided upon the one who needs more love here.

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People like Eirika over Ephraim? Have I missed something?

Eirika has a more interesting personality for me. That, and i just really enjoy her. Ephraim can stat very well and rocks a lot of socks gameplay wise, but thats about it. His personality is like meh.

Thread. Hmmm

Hector is my favorite lord. Chrom is pretty great and i really like him, but he has yet to dethrone Hector as my favorite. Hector just makes my soul smile. Hes just so much fun.

Least favorite? Micaiah because shes pretty meh anyway. (dat speed. D:) And things can one-shot her for a lot of the game. Storywise, she pisses me off even more for toeing the Sue line.

Runner up of meh lord is Roy. Dude really cant stats and deaugh.

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The only lord that comes close to being kinda sue-ish was like.... Roy. And thats because his story is pretty much a Perfect guy doing perfect thing. Or Seliph because almost everything in the universe practically worshipped him.

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Not saying she is or isn't a Sue, but...

The way Micaiah is worshipped in Daein definitely veers in that direction. As does her super-special heritage she was unaware of. As does her super-special power, Sacrifice, no one else has. As does her clairvoyance for that matter.

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gonna have to go with Ike for favorite since he was my first Lord and i really like how he deals with situations.

least favorite is going to be Erika, she always left who i was attacking with little HP, never went for the kill shot when i needed her too and got hit by really low percentage, though thats just my luck i guess but still.

basing this off of the fire emblems i have played, since i havent played most of them(such a horrible act for someone who claims this to be one of their favorite series)

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The way Micaiah is worshipped in Daein definitely veers in that direction. As does her super-special heritage she was unaware of. As does her super-special power, Sacrifice, no one else has. As does her clairvoyance for that matter.

She's shown to not be able to live up to that hype, though. Daien can worship her all they want, but she's shown to not be able to do the implausible and lead Daien out of the mess Pelleas put it through. Hell, she had to resort to dirty, underhanded tricks just to try and get a small edge over the alliance army.

As for the rest of the stuff, it's better to pretend that Part 4 doesn't exist..

Edited by Constable Reggie
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So, uh, why do people keep considering Micaiah a Mary Sue. She's one of the few lords who shows the inability to live up to the standards set for her.

People just prefer to parrot the argument that they heard once that Micaiah is a Sue instead of doing silly things like actually looking into/thinking about it.

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She's shown to not be able to live up to that hype, though. Daien can worship her all they want, but she's shown to not be able to do the implausible and lead Daien out of the mess Pelleas put it through. Hell, she had to resort to dirty, underhanded tricks just to try and get a small edge over the alliance army.

But she was made queen of the nation anyway. Also, she still succeeded in liberating Daein.

I agree with what Sublime Manic said.

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Micaiah is subversion of the Mary Sue archetype that wasn't handled very well. I agree with what Constable said. She is unable to live up the hype around her. Eventually she becomes nothing more than a puppet for Yune anyway, seeing as Yune pretty much completely takes over all story importance in part 4.

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But she was made queen of the nation anyway. Also, she still succeeded in liberating Daein.

I agree with what Sublime Manic said.

On this list, none of these things make her stand out in any way.

What makes her stand out, is the fact that the affection of the people of Daein is merely the result of make believe.

The very foundation of that relationship between Micaiah and the Daein people is based on the fact that the Daein people prefer fairy tale romanticism over reality.

Their life kinda sucked under the occupation, so they built the next best person to be a their hero.

They built her up to such messianic levels, that their affection grew into sheer fanaticism. They kept their blind faith into her, even when she reached the point where she merely bargained the exact circumstances of Daein's downfall.

As the chapter 9 narration put it: "In their troubled hearts, they see in her nothing less than the promise of salvation."

This fantasy image ultimately originated from her powers... which in reality are merely the result of her being a branded. And the Daein are the biggest racists on Telius, so they would probably be particularly unkind if they knew the truth.

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