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Welcome to this playthrough of Fire Emblem:Sacred Stones.

I'll be going through Magvel in an attempt to create the lamest jokes possible and to have a fun time. It was a request

that I wear bulletproof armour due to the risk of you folks getting a little trigger happy.

The only rule is that I manage to have fun while you folks get some amusement out of reading this.

Please note that I will include politically incorrect jokes and comments.

Also, I encourage participation by quoting my screenshots and placing a new joke under them.

Note: This might turn into a Seth+Garcia+Sean Connery+Gilliam Bojangles quartet run if I get bored enough.

Screenshots in the morning.

And thanks to Dokutayuu and Refa for their influence in helping me find my hidden comedy style.

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What have I created! I expect this to be full of horrible jokes and references so obscure nobody even gets them. Don't forget the bad spelling and grammar!

I am most definitely watching this! May your levels be full of SHIN.

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What have I created! I expect this to be full of YUKKIYUKKIYUKKIYUKKIYUKKIYUKKI. Don't forget the bad spelling and grammar!

I am most definitely watching this! May your levels be full of REFA.

Fixed for my post.

Even though I didn't really help all that much. But still!

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What have I created! I expect this to be full of horrible jokes and references so obscure nobody even gets them. Don't forget the bad spelling and grammar!

I am most definitely watching this! May your levels be full of SHIN.

Fixed for my post.

Even though I didn't really help all that much. But still!


just so i don't get warned - if you don't make references every time anything comes out of rennac's mouth i will smack you

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just so i don't get warned - if you don't make references every time anything comes out of rennac's mouth i will smack you

Can I count on you to fix them if I get them wrong?

As the mighty RadmaCamdar

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Update #1 because insomnia


The only non-chump mode!



No really think about it really hard.

And then smack me upside the head.


He Fade-Os away!

Funny, because real men are warriors and he's a thwomp.

And thwomps aren't known for stealth, look at Horace trying to get SHins cookies.


He's not exactly wise, he merely has common sense.

Oh, and the game lies; he's a RANGER.


Wouldn't living in a desert make you look "darker"?

I mean she's really pale skinned.

Uh, cracker in da sand?


So in other words, he the pope.

Or the equivalent of Charlemagne in FE.


Mansel will MANHANDLE people in the post-game.

He's ready to RAUSTEN up like a bitchin' POPE.

Vigarde is kind of just there and would be cool but he's just kind of silly.

I mean I can see him as a muppet.






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Wouldn't living in a desert make you look "darker"?

I mean she's really pale skinned.

Jehanna are not only known for their funny hat wearing swordsmen, but also for their unpenetrable sun cream. Those mages will think twice before casting Elfire!

Warning: Not quite as good against a spear to the face.

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A light-skinned queen in charge of the White Dunes. Awaiting accusations of racism in 3.

EDIT: I suck at removing quote tags.

Edited by eclipse
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Jehanna has no affirmative action policy.




Valter looks like an 80s Metal Rocker on drugs.

Oh wait they all did drugs.


Fun Fact:Valter ORKOs base Seth with his boss stats.


The most dangerous game has begun.




"Let's have sex right here!"


Getting stabbed in the chest with a giant spear constitutes as a flesh wound.

Only for Seth.



Hmn I wonder which one dies.

I'll bet all of Shin and Horaces money on Ephraim.


Dun da dun dun

dun dun.

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You need to be more openminded of things like that; how else will you accept Princess Knoll in your heart?

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You need to be more openminded of things like that; how else will you accept Princess Knoll in your heart?

I'm just a little afraid Princess KNoll will act like that girl from The Exorcist.

and will :KnollRoll:

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, well.

I could do this again when photobucket starts working or when Imgur starts working properly.

to be fair, I"m pretty predictable when it comes to unit selection.

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