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Group Mafia -- Game Over


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Everyone wakes up in the morning and gathers around the breakfast table to find that they were one person short. Where was Marth? Was he still asleep? A quick search of the apartment showed that all of his stuff was gone and a note was on his bed. Apparently he had forgotten that he was supposed to be back in college the following day and had left in the middle of the night. On the back of the note was the following message:

Dear Cam Marth,

Taehyun trips over a crack in the sidewalk.

One hour later …

Taehyun trips over the same crack in the sidewalk.

You are Taehyun S. You are the unofficial leader of the Group. On a good day you are merely the third most annoying person around, but you're responsible for single-handedly keeping everyone together. You plan group get-togethers that don't always go according to plan. You're also afraid of talking on the phone, can't drive on the freeway, and suffer from a plethora of problems. How are you the leader of the Group again?

Once during the day phase, you may respond in-thread or in your role PM with: Guys, this isn't part of the plan! Because you are in charge, everyone will listen to you and the day's lynch will be canceled.

Twice during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: Night X: Wave Dory at <USER>! You will spend the night threatening <USER> with your plush dolphin Dory, making all people attempting to kill <USER> change their plans in fear of being pelted by Dory.

You may not claim your character name under any circumstances, or you will be modkilled. You also know that Chris H. is not in this game.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Well ... there went Taehyun. Things were probably going to get crazier from this point on ...

It is now D2. D2 ends on April 7 at 9:30 PST.

With 10 alive 4 votes are required for a deadline lynch and 6 votes are required for a hammer.

Edited by Sangyul
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that was expected/10

anyway so thinking over things (barely) there's a number of people I could run up today (scorri/SB/Fera/Shinori)

just gonna read to see who to go for, brb

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Well, after a reread during the night, I changed my mind about Manix. What Bal said sort of made sense, I guess. Anyways, I don't really have an interest in lynching Bal, Rapier, Eclipse, Manix, Shin, or Scorri, today, at least for the moment. That leaves SB, Fera, and Shinori that I need to look at.

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That leaves SB, Fera, and Shinori that I need to look at.

are you psychic

can you read my mind

(I just remembered that scorri wasn't a good run up for -reasons-)

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(I just remembered that scorri wasn't a good run up for -reasons-)

could you explain those or are those just for your own thoughts

"It is now N2. N2 ends on April 7 at 9:30 PST."

also I assume that's a D and not an N. (I can't into multiple quotes)

also also ouch that's a kill

though that does leave Marth's hint about either of the two remaining being scum plausible, I think?

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Sadly, that's what I expected (due to Marth's vote on Elieson).

Time to get to work. First, to address something that kinda bugged me during the night:

Okay so various things.

I think at the moment I would actually prefer an SB lynch but I'm highly doubting that there is enough time to build up for that. Pretty sure he was in here recently and left his vote sitting on rapier which I don't like.

Between Eclipse and Scorri though I'd prefer to lynch Eclipse who has done less in my eyes than Scorri. Early game she focused mainly on people who were squabbling over reactions tests and that didn't help at all. Also I'm not too find of Eclipse's semi-list post considering that's the majority of what she seems to have done in recent devolpments.

That being said:


##Vote: Eclipse

Gonna make a post involving sb in my next post in like 20 minutes since I'm not gaming at the moment.

##Vote: Shinori

What happened to that post on SB you promised?

I'm not taking what Elieson said about his "scum buddies" seriously. We could speculate all day about whether or not what he said was true, which will go nowhere, IMO. The living have more to say than the dead, in this instance.

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could you explain those or are those just for your own thoughts

sure i'll explain.

basically it revolves around the scorri/eclipse argument D1 and to me, it reads as frustrated town against frustrated town. adding on to the fact that I don't think there'd be two scum pushing the same opportunistic wagon so hard. (SB didn't push it quite as hard as scorri did, for example)

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Well, as he was town, that was just his best guess. Also gut on Elie "outing" his scumbuddies tells me that one of Scorri and SB are scum and the other one is town. I still don't really find Scorri scummy, so I'm going to reread SB later, probably tomorrow.

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The SB post never was posted cause I think I ended up getting in a league game and it took longer than I thought and then phase ended.

Trying to think of what to say about the previous night.

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Okay. So I'm really not sure what to make of what happened last night.

I have no way of know whether what I found out is scum or town and at worse what I might reveal would end up just being not good.

Although I think I can guess at part of what happened in my results so that's decent at least.

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eclipse, I tried to draw a lovely picture of you, but it failed. Did you have anything to do with it? I'll have a read over later.

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eclipse, I tried to draw a lovely picture of you, but it failed. Did you have anything to do with it? I'll have a read over later.

Okay, question answered on IRC. I can do this.

One-shot omniguard here, and I WILL be using my ability tonight. If you want to target me and fail, feel free to do so. I also target someone else and give them the same cool benefits, which is why I think there is way the fuck too much protection in this game.


##Vote: Elieson

Glad I caught Boron, because she forgot to tell me SOMETHING IMPORTANT (namely, that I block night actions, so I'm a one-shot jailer). Furthermore, I don't think it's possible to stop this one.

So, Balcerzak, let's have some tea~!

Yes. Yes, I had everything to do with that.

(I got my role confused in the crunch before the lynch, but everything that targeted me last night would fail, and thanks for confirming that)

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I see nobody ended up being kidnapped?

Anyway, it took her long enough but my sister finally got me out of jail. N-N-Not that the company was unpleasant, mind you. Just the principle of the thing.

*kicks her in the shins repeatedly*

I had a nice long rumination over the events of Day 1, and while there are several things that need following up on, what I really want now is

##Vote: Fera

more content from our least productive group member.

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The SB post never was posted cause I think I ended up getting in a league game and it took longer than I thought and then phase ended.

Trying to think of what to say about the previous night.

Funny how you aren't posting about SB now that you have the opportunity to do so.

Also I need to read whatever happened after I stopped posting on this thread, because I thought the game would end in 3 hours but instead it continued for some reason.

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okay this activity is depressing

##Vote: Fera

thoughts go

also I'm half tempted to ask for a massclaim at this point but that's probably a bad idea

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I think it's a bad idea because we have a lot of people who claimed. Maybe we should do it after we hit another scum.

Also, I read everything I missed out already. I'm rereading some stuff, the case on Clipsey in particular. I find it to be a nice gold mine.

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Also, I read everything I missed out already. I'm rereading some stuff, the case on Clipsey in particular. I find it to be a nice gold mine.

how so? like what are you getting out of it?

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how so? like what are you getting out of it?

Elie's reaction turned out to be the key to find a scum on D1. Now I'm checking toward Scorri in particular. I feel like there is something within her case that I don't like, but I won't talk about it for now because I've yet to iso her properly and I'm busy now and feeling lazy.

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##Vote: SB

His content has been pretty sparse. The only people he's really pushed at all have been Eclipse and Rapier, and Shin a little bit. But he sort of switched from Eclipse to Rapier without much of a reason. He gave reasons for his read on Rapier, but he didn't really say whether his opinion of Eclipse had improved, and in fact, he never commented on Eclipse after his initial vote at all.

He also thought Shin was slightly scummy for being suspicious of Rapier, which doesn't really make much sense since he himself was also suspicious of Rapier. I know that he thought Shin was sheeping, but his reasons were calling Rapier scummy at the beginning were sort of bad. He initially prodded Rapier for "ignoring the activity in the thread" even though the posts of Rapier's that SB was talking about were made at a time when like a third of the game was voting me for posting a meme. Plus, Rapier did actually give somewhat of a read by saying that he thought SB was sheeping. He voted Rapier sort of for sheeping on the Eclipse wagon, but again, never really said how his opinion about Eclipse changed.

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