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Seriously though, I can't understand all of you saying that Gerome is Nightwing, not Batman (in the first page or two). Much of his exterior personality is "My parents are DEAD!"

...or at least, "My real parents are dead, you're not them."

Also he totally sounds like Christian Bale :P

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I don't like using MU as a magic user so I make Morgan one instead.

I also like to make maximum-strength MUs (+STR -RES is my standard build) and I play nogrind so FeMUxChrom's just practical to do.

This ended up with Morgan with only 11 base mag and having more strength than mag even as a (10Tact/15GM/1)sorcerer before I got him a spirit dust.

Guess he'll make good use of Ignis!

Lucina on the other hand though

second strongest unit on team leaving dad in the dust so bad

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I don't like using MU as a magic user so I make Morgan one instead.

I also like to make maximum-strength MUs (+STR -RES is my standard build) and I play nogrind so FeMUxChrom's just practical to do.

This ended up with Morgan with only 11 base mag and having more strength than mag even as a (10Tact/15GM/1)sorcerer before I got him a spirit dust.

Guess he'll make good use of Ignis!

Lucina on the other hand though

second strongest unit on team leaving dad in the dust so bad


Chrom is a Lord/Cavalier/Great Knight/Great Lord with Luna and Aether as his two attack skills.

His daughter is a Lord/Great Lord with Aether as her attack skill.

She mops the floor with him. And Chrom's been reclassed/promoted three times to her one.

Chrom, do you even lift? Lucina sure does.

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My Chrom's strength screwed (he had 22 strength as 20/10 Great Lord +4 from energy drops) so I just let him support MU for some glorious speed, especially since I just reclassed her from hero to great knight and she took a speed hit. Just reclassed him to bow knight so she can have some more movement too.

In the mean time Lucina's running around as 10/15/5 Paladin with 37 strength + some bonuses from yarnball and doing 52 damage a shot with parallel falchion and doesn't give a fuck about anything. Glorious.

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Yeah, Chrom kinda falls short compared to recent lords (Ike, Ephraim, and Hector would totally crush him). Frederick, my Avatar, Morgan, and a couple other guys on my team are all outdoing him. He's not bad, don't get me wrong, he's just not omg beastly.

I might train up Lucina after all if I end up having trouble with him.

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I love how people find no point in using Frederick post-game. I'm like, "Fine by me... come meet my Spotpass team and prepare to have him single-handed serve you your ass on a platter."

My Frederick is straight-up Naga blessed. I distinctly remember getting FOUR perfect level-up for him and several near-perfect ones.

Oh, and you know why Chrom may fall a bit short? Has anyone played Archer!Chrom?

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Chrom is yet another craptastic lord that I hate using. Being unable to use magic and being locked to terribad skills with no redeeming qualities make him inferior to all others. Even his goddamn daughter is better than him.

Levin Sword. Shockstick. Dread Fighter class. :Knoll:

Is my Chrom the only Chrom that's way better than Lucina? 8U Then again, Lucina does tend to suck when lolmaiden is her mother...

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I love how people find no point in using Frederick post-game. I'm like, "Fine by me... come meet my Spotpass team and prepare to have him single-handed serve you your ass on a platter."

My Frederick is straight-up Naga blessed. I distinctly remember getting FOUR perfect level-up for him and several near-perfect ones.

Oh, and you know why Chrom may fall a bit short? Has anyone played Archer!Chrom?

Limit Breaker + Postgame grinding + Pair-up have something to say to you. Nobody gets their ass handed to them by any Streetpass team in post-game, as long as there isn't a LB gap. And even then, it's still possible to beat 'em.

That aside, I agree that Frederick is perfectly viable post-game, simply because you can grind the hell out of anyone. Frederick won't have as many classes accessible as children characters, but he should be perfectly viable, especially with access to both Aegis and Pavise.

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I love how people find no point in using Frederick post-game. I'm like, "Fine by me... come meet my Spotpass team and prepare to have him single-handed serve you your ass on a platter."

My Frederick is straight-up Naga blessed. I distinctly remember getting FOUR perfect level-up for him and several near-perfect ones.

I know, right? They brush off poor Freddy just because he's a Jagen. They make him and my Avatar sad. :(

My Frederick is pretty damn good too, though he has yet to get a perfect level up. He did get a good few almost perfect ones as well as a level up with +2 HP.

And there's nothing wrong with using Jagens at all! Especially if they're honestly still amazing at the end of the game. It isn't like they'll be your main guys the whole game. Frederick wasn't even one of my mains for awhile because I didn't want him to eat up too much exp early on. Any Jagen is an exp eater in the beginning, so yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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Fred is alright. He has a decent class set, good growths, and doesn't even know what weapon training is. He's slow though, and his personal bases are garbage, so it's hardly worth the effort to make him useful unless you really like him or something.

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I wouldn't say he's that slow. A 50% speed growth is pretty decent, especially for a Great Knight. He's one of my faster Great Knights too. Though it could just be that Stahl and Morgan are totally speed screwed...

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A 50% SPD growth is nothing special. He's only 5% better than the slowest characters in the game (like Stahl), and he loses 2 SPD off the max of every class (like Kellam and Nowi... this is the largest penalty of the story characters other than -SPD Avatar). Someone has to be the molasses guy; that's pretty much where Fred is.

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I like him for the support bonuses, though. After a while all my support units just stopped fronting except when I really want them in another class or something (Bow Knight Chrom for some movement for example), and due to his high effective bases and prepromote status he gives pretty great bonuses and shit so he's been giving Gryphon Panne a fuckload of strength and defense. Always appreciated.

Also +1 move support. 11 move Panne go~~

But yeah he kinda falls off due to not leveling fast enough I mean if you grind then whatever everyone's fair game but I kinda don't so

Go make Panne fly faster

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I never use bows in FEA. Ever. They have literally become useless thanks to the removal of WGT and now handaxes and javelins are 10x better, not to mention TOMES.

I have yet to play the game and use the story characters. Using my favorite GBA characters is much more satisfying, plus the devs were kind enough to give Jaffar Galeforce.

Chrom is yet another craptastic lord that I hate using. Being unable to use magic and being locked to terribad skills with no redeeming qualities make him inferior to all others. Even his goddamn daughter is better than him.

I'm not good enough at this game yet to beat classic lunatic mode. Still playing on casual lunatic though.

I gushed with happiness at being able to use Nino in this game. Even if she is just an average mediocre spotpass unit.

I hate that I can't have a 6th skill slot to truly break the game >:|

I think that based on his S rank conversation with Nowi, Henry may be a rapist.

Henry: "I know how to give you a little manakete friend... Just have sex with me and I'll give you a baby..."

Nowi: "Oh sure! That sounds innocent and fun!"

He is every father's nightmare.

I hated bowman in all FE because of their lack of 1-2 hit. But this game, Sniper is my favorite. They are counter resistant, and that is awesome.

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So, Stahl isn't like molasses, but Frederick is despite being faster than him? I don't understand what you're telling me here. :/

Stahl doesn't stay slow for very long. By the time he can reclass, he's already equal to Fred's starting SPD. Also has access to a faster class type (Myrmidon tree), and doesn't lose 2 SPD off the max of anything that he goes into like Fred does. Never mind that Fred's class options -- Cav/Knight/WK -- aren't burning anyone's shorts off, either.
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Stahl doesn't stay slow for very long. By the time he can reclass, he's already equal to Fred's starting SPD. Also has access to a faster class type (Myrmidon tree), and doesn't lose 2 SPD off the max of anything that he goes into like Fred does. Never mind that Fred's class options -- Cav/Knight/WK -- aren't burning anyone's shorts off, either.

Really? Stahl is slow as hell for me. He's got like 14 speed while Fred has 22 or 23. :/ Both have gotten roughly the same number of levels too since I sent Fred back to lv. 1 Great Knight to get him stronger. I guess Stahl really did get speed screwed....grr.

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Really? Stahl is slow as hell for me. He's got like 14 speed while Fred has 22 or 23. :/ Both have gotten roughly the same number of levels too since I sent Fred back to lv. 1 Great Knight to get him stronger. I guess Stahl really did get speed screwed....grr.

Stahl is a serious toss-up unit. He either gets completely screwed out of something vital or becomes a freaking god.

My first playthough he got strength-screwed and had to basically become a Pair-Up buddy for his wife Sully. This time around with Scotia he's actually doing amazing. Pairing him with Kellam gives him a serious DEF boost, so if he does get hit by something now it usually does 2-3 damage on him.

Frederick too, is getting RNG blessed.

I actually love using bows. BowKnight!Donnel was an absolute monster on the battle field with bows as his primary on my last playthrough (52 x2 damage? Hell yes). Then again, all Donnel has to do is touch something for it to die.

Scotia playthrough has Assassin!Lon'qu, Assassin!Scotia, Sniper!Virion and Archer!Chrom kicking ass and taking names right now.

And is it just me, or does Lon'qu NEVER get stat screwed?

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Huh. Well, apparently my Stahl got speed screwed. He's as tanky as Frederick though and can take as many hits and deal as much damage.

It happens.

And Frederick is total tank. Lightning Bruisers FTW.

And he's always be a pretty frequent dual guarder, but the second I got Dual Guard+ for him, that's all he does. No one paired with him gets hit anymore, it's awesome.

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It happens.

And Frederick is total tank. Lightning Bruisers FTW.

And he's always be a pretty frequent dual guarder, but the second I got Dual Guard+ for him, that's all he does. No one paired with him gets hit anymore, it's awesome.

Yeah. Fits with his character too. He's a guy with a lot of endurance and energy! And he always guards his comrades when he can.

This is one thing I love and admire about him! I wish I could have that much energy! I sure could use it at work...

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Huh? I don't think I'm a noob, but what's WGT?

...and I uses bows, occasionally, but only with Assassins.

Jaffar FTW. I used him all the time until I got Severa to be an Assassin who did everything he did, but better. And even then, I still sometimes used him (past tense, 'cuz now I'm on my second file).

WGT = Weight, it was used in the older fire emblem games. Removal of weapon weight removed all penalty for using the best weapons thus making all units equally good and removing any strategic choice in your weaponry. If you can afford it, just use legendary/brave/other powerful weapons, not like they'll slow you down or anything.

Levin Sword. Shockstick. Dread Fighter class. :Knoll:

Except that his magic growth seems for me to be somewhere between 0 and 10% at best. Dread fighter, sure, but terribad magic cap along with even worse magic cap because he has I think -1 or -2 magic cap himself. And again, after reclassing him like 10 times, he still might not max luck.

Chrom is just terribad. Once I completed story mode I never touched him again. (Though I would agree if someone said he's better than the average FE lord like Eliwood, Eirika, or Roy, but all of those characters are bonus box characters and they don't suck.)

Edited by Klok
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WGT = Weight, it was used in the older fire emblem games. Removal of weapon weight removed all penalty for using the best weapons thus making all units equally good and removing any strategic choice in your weaponry. If you can afford it, just use legendary/brave/other powerful weapons, not like they'll slow you down or anything.

No, they'll just break your checkbook, make it harder to weaken things, and have inferior hit rates. Units are equally good, because all units have the same class sets and stats. It will remove all strategic choice, if one didn't have much depth to begin with.

Chrom is just terribad. Once I completed story mode I never touched him again.

Chrom is mediocre at worst. He's probably the best Support unit in the game because of Dual Strike+, and he hits a lot of effective types for free.
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