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[FE7] Blgayzing Sword


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1. When a unit is picked for the draft, the person who picked names a stat. That unit will have a 255 growth in that stat and 0 in all others.

2. Growths for free units are picked alongside a player's first pick.

3. Stat boosting items may be used freely.

4. Merlinus keeps default growths.

5. Afa's Drops may only be used if it turns out to not break anything.

Some Shit I Copypasted:

1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use.

3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair.

4. Geitz and Wallace will remain undrafted. jk it's cool

5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16.

6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25.

3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter.

4. Other units may do as they please without penalty.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11.

2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x.

3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16.

4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items.


1. Prims

2. BigGayngMeteor

3. Serious Bananas

4. Gaynix


Matthew - SB, STR

Serra - Manix, DEF

Oswin - Manix, SPD

Eliwood - Prims, STR

Lowen - SB, SPD

Rebecca - Manix, STR

Dorcas - Prims, SPD

Bartre/Karla - Manix, SPD/STR

Guy - Prims, STR

Erk - Manix, MAG

Priscilla - Manix, DEF

Florina - BBM, STR

Lyn - Prims, STR

Sain - BBM, SPD

Kent - SB, DEF

Wil - SB, RES

Raven - Prims, SPD

Lucius - BBM, MAG

Canas - BBM, SPD

Dart - Manix, SPD

Fiora - Prims, STR

Legault - Prims, STR

Isadora - SB, STR

Heath - SB, SPD

Rath - SB, STR

Hawkeye - Prims, SPD

Farina - BBM, STR

Pent - SB, Mag

Louise - BBM, STR

Karel - Manix, STR

Harken - BBM, SPD

Nino - Manix, MAG

Jaffar - SB, DEF

Vaida - BBM, SPD

Renault - BBM, MAG

Geitz - Prims, DEF


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final teams

4. Gaynix

Hector SPD

Marcus STR

Ninils DEF

Oswin SPD

Bartre SPD / Karla STR

Dart SPD


Serra DEF

Priscilla DEF

Rebecca STR

Karel STR

Nino MAG

2. BigGayngMeteor

Hector SPD

Marcus STR

Ninils HP

Florina STR

Lucius MAG

Sain SPD

Harken SPD

Farina STR

Canas SPD

Vaida SPD

Louise STR

Renault MAG

1. Prims

Hector SPD

Marcus DEF

Ninils DEF

Fiora STR

Raven SPD

Hawkeye SPD

Legault STR


Dorcas SPD


Eliwood STR

Geitz DEF

3. Serious Bananas

Hector SPD

Marcus RES

Ninils HP

Pent MAG

Heath SPD

Isadora STR

Lowen SPD

Matthew STR

Kent DEF

Rath STR

Jaffar DEF


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Chapter 11 - 6 turns (6)

One attempt had Hector miss Wire with an 89 and resulted in the death of Matthew. 8 speed Hector is funny.

Chapter 12 - 4 turns (10)

Matthew and Hector screw around up top. It's kind of really easy when Hector doubles everything but mercs. Matthew and Hector have the same strength now. Marcus charged up to bosskill, Lowen killed a few southern enemies.

Chapter 13 - 4 turns (14)

Ran Marcus down south, Matthew followed killing Archers for exp and Lowen got the village.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns (21)

Fear my Matthew, ohkoer of Myrms.

Chapter 14 - 4 turns (25)

Matthew stayed back and OHKOed a soldier after leveling on his friend. Hector and Lowen Pirate kill, Marcus kills everyone else.

and now it's 1am.

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CH11 - 8 turns

i forgot to save my turncount and had to restart this but it also resulted in hector gaining two +3s so i'm not complaining

CH12 - forgot to save......

got tired of restarting due to lost turncounts so i guess this is a mystery until endgame

basically hector carried up north, marcus took out enemies i was worried about and dorcas and eliwood cleaned up. eliwood got the boss kill and his strength is already pretty great, dorcas didn't really do anything other than take hits

CH13 - 13 turns

guy took way too long to recruit. if only i had picked matthew over legault.

i sent dorcas up north and he took care of the pegasus knights for me. everybody else dicked around at the bottom of the map, eliwood wrecked the two ponies and hector killed the boss

already making Dumb Moves in 13x so i'm taking a very early break

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C11: 7 Turns

Hector bashed shit up, Matt diverted for the Red Gem. Hector got two levels, of two +2's. Random Hand Axe crit on an archer sped things up a bit.

This is where I realize I drafted loads of earlygame units (read as: I have Serra/Oswin/Bartre/Rebecca/Marcus/Hector for C12 which is over half the fielded units oops)

anyway more later because lol effort

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Chapter 11: 6/6

Hector smash gain 2 speed

Chapter 12: 4/10

Pretty easy when Hector doubles the boss

Chapter 13: 6/16

curses nobody to break snags, cost me a few turns

Chapter 13x: 7/23


Chapter 14: 6/30

what is earlygame

Chapter 15: 7/37


Chapter 16: 6/43

Finally some units

Chapter 17: 15/58

Everyone's durability is pretty trash. Sain is pretty decent, Florina is pretty terrible, and Hector's cruddy STR is making him miss out on some kills despite doubling everything.

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psh i am going to lose this horribly seeing as i'm the only one here who has never played for turns in my life

oh well, playing to have fun anyway cause i'm a casual scrub

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Chapter 15 - 7 turns (32)

better than babybowsermonster

Chapter 16 - 5 turns (37)


Chapter 17 - 12 turns (49)

my units can't offense

Chapter 17x - 5 turns (54)

Going through the middle is too tough but the top is too boring. So I went down, and Lowen also almost bled to death.

Chapter 18 - 3 turns (57)


No idea who it's going to, keeping it for now.

Chapter 19 - 6 turns (63)

good luck killing uhai, he's dodgy as fuck.

Kent and Lowen should combine to make a slightly less mediocre unit. They still would suck at damaging things.

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Chapter 12: 4 Turns

Also known as "An exercise in experience distribution". Hector/Oswin smashed the top half, boss went south to die on Marcus, etc. Hector got two levels and that was it. :/

Chapter 13: 6 Turns

idek I did stuff I got levels oswin got village hector bosskilled bartre/rebecca killed things got levels

Chapter 13x: 7 Turns

routed stuff, eliwood kept getting hit by nomads, merlinus almost died to nomads, people got levels and I got the gold village

C14 base prep: sold red gem/lockpick/rapier, have 11k gold

Chapter 14: 6 Turns

Kill things, take names, recruit Erk, Erk crits on the last turn to save me a turn otherwise (8%)

Chapter 15: 7 Turns

Defend, have thief steal silver axe, kill thief for axe, etc.

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Chapter 16: 7 Turns

Buy lots of shit. Kill things. Marcus ORKO's the boss with an iron lance. Erk almost dies. etc.

rip Marcus you will be missed (and your 24 strength)

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13x - 7 turns

got boss kill and gold though the boss kill was probably unnecessary a waste of weapon uses thinking about it. hector and eli cap their respective stat buffs. guy got his first level up but it was only +2 :<

also i didn't realize meatshielding was ok for this chapter so i restarted the first time when a nomad attacked bartre because i made a mistake. oh well i didn't need to meatshield in my real run anyway HEH 8)

14 - 8 turns

Marcus went up top (with a rescued Serra for the sake of Erk's Goddess Icon), Hector / Eliwood wrecked the horsemen in the middle, Guy went to recruit Priscilla so I can get Raven later and Dorcas took care of the Pegasus Knights at the bottom. yeah ok

also i gave hector my secret book from ch12 as i enjoy hitting things

15 - 7 turns

gave goddess icon to dorcas pre-chapter. at this point i'm just feeding things to marcus because my units cap their only important stat so fast, dorcas and guy are the only dudes who need levels right now and not really desperately or anything

i do not understand how the thief in this chapter works by the way since he went for some random door instead of the booty and i didn't get a chance to get a drop from him

16 - 6 turns

oh hey lyn finally. also marcus' last chapter, see ya buddy :< at least his defense training paid off by making him immune to basically everything the chapter could throw at him while he carried hector to the boss.

aside from marcus eliwood and lyn visited villages, some ASSHOLE stole eliwood's vulneraries and one of the free units bought me some cool stuff. that's about it aside from another +2 guy level up because the rng doesn't want me to have nice things

i hate chapter 17 even on ordinary playthroughs so i'll save that for later. doesn't help that marcus is gone now. at least i'm gonna get raven?

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17 - 13 turns

i absolutely despise this chapter. restarted a bunch but in the end i got both crests (wasn't fast enough for silver sword), a boss kill for lyn (who is pretty weak in this game) and kept all three NPCs alive

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Chapter 17x: 3/61

Florina is finally useful, flying over the walls.

Chapter 18: 3/64

Florina carries Hector over, who ORKOs the boss with a Silver Axe.

Chapter 19: 5/69

promoted Sain... Horseslayer Sain da bess.

Chapter 19x: 5/74

strategies become so unreliable when Hector has 8 SKL after two Secret Books and still has 70% hit on everything, while Florina gets OHKOd by Bolting.

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##Vote: BBM

Chapter 19x - 7 turns (70)

hey look lowen orkoes the boss

shame he has to hit 2 15s

so I had matt do it instead

Chapter 20 - 6 turns (76)

killed legault for his barrier. Might need it considering nobody but wil can proc RES

matt got the brave bow, wil can have that and still be terrible until rath gets here

Chapter 21 - 3 turns (79)

Ninis Grace matthew so op. Got the whip.

Chapter 22 - 4 turns (83)


Isadora gets the robe and runs down. Everyone else follows, Lyn grabs Rath, Lowen got the Brave Axe

Chapter 23 - 5 turns (88)

why did I only get heath for desert

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (90)

Ninis Grace on Isadora so Lloyd doesn't blow her to pieces. Fed the kill to Rath, Heath got the Earth Seal.

In other news lowen's inventory is made up of a light rune, door key, and every armor killing weapon in the game for some reason

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Chapter 20: 4/78

Catching up! Florina and Sain is a cool combo, especially since Canas is the broest of bros. Sain and Florina dropped Canas ahead to kill most of the peeps and weaken Cameron on EP. Then Hector chipped him some on Turn 2 for Lucius to pick up the kill. Canas and Sain moved ahead and Florina picked Hector up and moved as far ahead as possible while remaining outside of the Nomad and Longbow Archer's range. On turn 3, Canas cleared the path for Heavy Spear Sain to open the door and then canto in front of Darin. Florina goes forward and drops Hector ahead. Sain weakens Darin on Turn 3 EP and Turn 4 PP, for Florina to pick up the kill and Hector to seize. Not sure if you can 4-turn on regular (probably) but I haven't done it before so it was pretty cool.

Chapter 21: 2/80

Sain rescues Canas and is danced ahead to drop him in Oleg's range for EP. Canas kills him over EP and Turn 2 PP/EP, while Sain gets the Whip on Turn 2. Also promoted Lucius so he could get staffspamming for Warp. I really wish I could promote Canas because he's so amazing, but my quick clear of C20 prevented me from getting that Ring. :(:

Chapter 22: 3/83

whoo caught up to SB

Sain got danced ahead and killed Eubans with Horseslayer on Turn 3 PP and EP.

Chapter 23: 3/86

Florina promoted at the beginning of the chapter. Canas got danced ahead towards Paul to attack him on Turn 3 PP, while everyone else hung out near the starting point and took care of the enemies there. Pent killed Jasmine on Turn 3 EP and then finished off Paul on his phase, what a bro.

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Chapter 17: 12 Turns

Rush Hector by foot to boss, have thief steal silver sword for me while I take it from his dead body. I grab the Knight Crest and ignore the Hero Crest.

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Chapter 24: 2/88

Lloyd got triggered on Turn 1 EP and then finished off on Turn 2.

Chapter 25: 6/94

Started this chapter and realized I had 250 gold and needed 20000 for Farina... So I sold a Knight Crest, an Orion's Bolt, a Red Gem, a Goddess Icon, the Rapier, and some other junk. Pretty simple otherwise, just had to wait around for Farina. Sain and Canas took the Cavalier castle, Florina took the Monk castle, and Lucius took the Pirate one.

Chapter 26: 11/105

Trained Farina and Louise (too bad I forgot the Brave Bow...), and Lucius got to B staves.

Chapter 27: 10/115

I really hope Harken is worth the turns he cost here... Bleh SB will probably be ahead of me again when he catches up.

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Chapter 17x: 7 Turns


This pretty much sums up the entire chapter (Bartre is hiding offscreen in the top path)

Chapter 18: 3 Turns

zzzzzzzzzzzz Priscilla ferries Hector over while a few others clears paths. OsWIN promotes mid chapter with the Knight Crest. Time for Oswin to bro it up


look at this it's a thing of beauty

Chapter 19: 6 Turns

Oswin rushed to Uhai, others fended off enemies. Erk promoted mid chapter.


told you oswin would be a bro 8)

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