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(FE10) There's enough of Haar to go around.

Da Bear

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Question: Is the speedwing necessary for Haar 2-E?

It's EM I doubt it... you could always run a speed test too make sure but I think the Short Axe is enough if he has a speed proc.

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Oh fuck I misread the OP and thought undrafted units could shove drafted units.

With your turn-counts I don't think anyone really cares ;)

Also, ITT: We make all the double posts!

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Oh shit right! Now I remember that Luvdisc attacks at 1-2 range due to the annoying Elthunder Sage moving. THIRD TIER HAAR IS COMING AND ISN'T AFRAFI AFRAID OF NOTHIN'!

EDIT: DErp, typo

EDIT 2: Is 3rd tier haar even possible? Well, CR got 3rd tier Neph, so yeah

Edited by Quintessence
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Oh shit right! Now I remember that Luvdisc attacks at 1-2 range due to the annoying Elthunder Sage moving. THIRD TIER HAAR IS COMING AND ISN'T AFRAFI AFRAID OF NOTHIN'!

EDIT: DErp, typo

EDIT 2: Is 3rd tier haar even possible? Well, CR got 3rd tier Neph, so yeah

Really? When did CR get a 3rd tier Nephenee? Also before you do that remember that Geoffrey (and another CRK if you have one... I don't feel like checking) might have trouble in 3-9 wothout BEXP. Probably still doable though...

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Really? When did CR get a 3rd tier Nephenee? Also before you do that remember that Geoffrey (and another CRK if you have one... I don't feel like checking) might have trouble in 3-9 wothout BEXP. Probably still doable though...

It was in an older EM draft. I had Calill and promoted her to third tier too. Bexp on em is ridiculous. Also, em is so easy that third tier geoff can solo 3-9, he's likely to get to lv 19 or 20 by 2-3 so that's piece of cake 8p

edit: actually, geoff can solo 3-9 on nm too, dunoo hm, and don't want to know x_x

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You know what I realized?


I hate Part 2.

Update tomorrow, too lazy to do it tonight

That map has a reliable 5 turn that isn't that hard. You know that right?

It was in an older EM draft. I had Calill and promoted her to third tier too. Bexp on em is ridiculous. Also, em is so easy that third tier geoff can solo 3-9, he's likely to get to lv 19 or 20 by 2-3 so that's piece of cake 8p

edit: actually, geoff can solo 3-9 on nm too, dunoo hm, and don't want to know x_x

Mine is only like level 16-17 by the end of that map... wtv he can just take a Master Crown, not like he's coming to endgame (unless someone gets screwed)

And yeah EM BEXP is ridiculous.

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Actually, in EM, Geoffrey solo is 6 turns due to AI shenanigans iirc. That's why in EM, having a CRK saves a turn.

I keep on forgetting this is EM... but yeah I recall needing Makalov in the other EM draft.

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Well then I'm no longer sick (I think...) so I'm starting this up! My counts will be edited into this post.

I have to restart again because my Edward can't manage LTCing and surviving at the same time... (I literally would have to rig something below 6...)

Edited by bearclaw13
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quick question and unrelated to this topic (well mostly).

Has anyone managed a 5 turns or less with Nephenee and Marcia in 2-E?

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quick question and unrelated to this topic (well mostly).

Has anyone managed a 5 turns or less with Nephenee and Marcia in 2-E?

Depends on what level and what equipment Marcia has/is I guess... if you can get Elincia to 1-turn it's still 5...

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Depends on what level and what equipment Marcia has/is I guess... if you can get Elincia to 1-turn it's still 5...

At this point I can't because I spent most BEXP on Neph without concerning myself with Elincia, so it'd be six. Besides I'd like to have the exp for neph.

Thanks Serious.

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quick question and unrelated to this topic (well mostly).

Has anyone managed a 5 turns or less with Nephenee and Marcia in 2-E?

Yeah you can do 5 turns min with Nephinel on foot. I could've done 4 if I'd thought it out more.

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Actually, in EM, Geoffrey solo is 6 turns due to AI shenanigans iirc. That's why in EM, having a CRK saves a turn.

5 turns is possible if geoff cantos to Tashoria after brave lancing the door. Geoff has to kill the knight in the middle of the way, though.

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Even if I did that, Brave Lance!Geoffrey would leave the boss at exactly 1 HP :/

Anyways, Part 2 is done!

Chapter 2-P: 8 Turns/64 Total

I didn't take this chapter very seriously


I think I've got this right...


Oh hi, I'm supposed to use you. Welcome aboard!


This isn't looking too good...




Nailed it!


It's stomping time!


So close, yet so far. -End chapter-

Chapter 2-1: 5 turns/69 Total

Alright, let's charge! Wait, we need to recruit Heather! Right!


Well this was unexpected


Wait, what's going on? You're not supposed to be doing good!


Um, hello? Did you hear me? STOP BEING GOOD.

Oh, by the way, I got Heather.


I wish Nealuchi would Wrath Crit this much!

Chapter 2-2: 5 Turns/74 Total

Free unit: Lethe


Lucky me
Now, the actual chapter...


Going to insta-transform here...


That looks like it should do more than 9 damage. It's a freaking black hole!


Having no Fog of War vision is actually pretty scary


Ha! Missed by a mile!




Thankfully Lethe got here in time to light up the boss area. Nealuchi wrecks the General and Canto's to the boss...


And ruins him too. Nice defence.

Chapter 2-3: 8 Turns/82 Total

Did I mention that I hate this chapter? Because I do.

Geoffrey starts by murdering a Cavalier and Cantoing north


Stupid AI




Damn the AI!


Hey, you're not doubled by the boss anymore!


Yes, you do have good Speed. Can we move on?




Come on, game.


Well, look who decided to get Strength after it was necessary. God damn it...


That was just awful

Chapter 2-Endgame: 2 Turns/84 Total

So after a BExp dump, here's the team:
Now, onwards!
Yeah, that didn't go well


Wait, where did that Vantage come from!? It's all right, he missed. (Ignore the fact that my timing was off)RFEE01-61_zpsbfdc4ae7.png

Ha ha, very funny. It's not like he needs stats anyways

And that's that! Also, I'm having some trouble on 3-2...

I can't think of a name for a Knife forge

'Kay, I've got one. I might update with a little bit later

Edited by EpicTurtle
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Even if I did that, Brave Lance!Geoffrey would leave the boss at exactly 1 HP :/

Anyways, Part 2 is done!

Chapter 2-P: 8 Turns/64 Total

I didn't take this chapter very seriously


I think I've got this right...


Oh hi, I'm supposed to use you. Welcome aboard!


This isn't looking too good...




Nailed it!


It's stomping time!


So close, yet so far. -End chapter-

Chapter 2-1: 5 turns/69 Total

Alright, let's charge! Wait, we need to recruit Heather! Right!


Well this was unexpected


Wait, what's going on? You're not supposed to be doing good!


Um, hello? Did you hear me? STOP BEING GOOD.

Oh, by the way, I got Heather.


I wish Nealuchi would Wrath Crit this much!

Chapter 2-2 next!

lol at all the Nephenee criticals.

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