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I'm numb emotionally and I should feel that way because. I'm a bad person I deserve to be numb. Like a block of ice is forced upon me. Freezing against my skin the pain is slowly killing me on the inside but my bodies numb to it all the same. Emotions are important to a certain degree and being apart from that degree just hurts. I've lost track of myself yet again and have become numb. This is a useless status.... Please don't try to cheer me up it's not worth it.... Honestly don't

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I'm numb emotionally and I should feel that way because. I'm a bad person I deserve to be numb. Like a block of ice is forced upon me. Freezing against my skin the pain is slowly killing me on the inside but my bodies numb to it all the same. Emotions are important to a certain degree and being apart from that degree just hurts. I've lost track of myself yet again and have become numb. This is a useless status.... Please don't try to cheer me up it's not worth it.... Honestly don't

>That feel when you realize your entire life is stagnating and everyone around you is finding not only jobs but careers and you have about a million different choices to make and the world wants you to make them NOW but you just want to curl into a little ball and hide from it all, so you do and the world punishes you for it, and the worst part is there is always a tiny glimmer of hope that keeps you from descending into rampant alcoholism or suicide, and you just wish it would go away so you had some excuse for why your life is going nowhere, but you really don’t so you chalk up everything that’s going wrong to some problem you have that millions of other people have but are dealing with just fine so it’s not really an excuse, is it? And you don’t have any friends since you left school, but they are still friends with each other, and worse than the hurt, worse than only finding about parties when their smiling faces are uploaded to Facebook, is WHY they aren’t interested in you anymore. It would be better if they didn’t like you, but there was just an ambiguous drifting apart and if you just had some reason you could fix it, like it was some part of you, but isn’t and no one will tell you, so there is nothing to fix, and it’s just you alone all day. You try to play vidya to take your mind off of it, but every game is the same quality as years ago but shit now because you are depressed and angry, and you can’t get lost in anything for too long anymore so you come here to belong to a collective but you don’t really belong. You don’t belong to anything, and you try to blame it on Aspergers and insomnia and bad people skills, but really you are just sad. You are one, sad little kid that everyone wants to be an adult and you can’t take it, and being sad makes you sad and you can’t stop being sad

Also crawwwwwwling in my skiiiiiiiiin

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I'll be honest- I've been down enough before to stop caring about what I said to people, myself. Generally I wouldn't advise listening to a depressed person for advice when depressed (and that is what it sounds like you've got on your hands, though my word is by no means final and that doesn't reflect poorly on you as a person), as much as a trained professional or somebody who has beaten depression (it can be done), but I would say this: try not to deny your friends or those close to you too much, if they do try to help. I'd find somebody you can ask for support, anybody is better than nobody (I'm bad at following this advice myself, but it can be done and it's effective even in small portions), and invite a little support. You don't need to completely unload on somebody if they don't ask, but just saying that you're feeling down can give them an opportunity to show you they care about you.

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i hope this isn't one of those "oh i thought fftf was serious discussion"

It's the opposite for me. Man oh man, that lead to some hilarious misadventures.

But uh, do something that makes you feel better?

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I've been talking to Ryan and now it makes me wish more than I did earlier people would quit bothering him...

But yes, he did choose the wrong place to put this topic (he didn't realize it though) and yes it is strange that he'd post about it then ask people to not worry or try to help, but perhaps he just wanted to let out his feelings... It shouldn't be hard to realize that if somebody's suffering, they'd want to let it out.

I'd really appreciate it if people quit being insulting, though.

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>That feel when you realize your entire life is stagnating and everyone around you is finding not only jobs but careers and you have about a million different choices to make and the world wants you to make them NOW but you just want to curl into a little ball and hide from it all, so you do and the world punishes you for it, and the worst part is there is always a tiny glimmer of hope that keeps you from descending into rampant alcoholism or suicide, and you just wish it would go away so you had some excuse for why your life is going nowhere, but you really don't so you chalk up everything that's going wrong to some problem you have that millions of other people have but are dealing with just fine so it's not really an excuse, is it? And you don't have any friends since you left school, but they are still friends with each other, and worse than the hurt, worse than only finding about parties when their smiling faces are uploaded to Facebook, is WHY they aren't interested in you anymore. It would be better if they didn't like you, but there was just an ambiguous drifting apart and if you just had some reason you could fix it, like it was some part of you, but isn't and no one will tell you, so there is nothing to fix, and it's just you alone all day. You try to play vidya to take your mind off of it, but every game is the same quality as years ago but shit now because you are depressed and angry, and you can't get lost in anything for too long anymore so you come here to belong to a collective but you don't really belong. You don't belong to anything, and you try to blame it on Aspergers and insomnia and bad people skills, but really you are just sad. You are one, sad little kid that everyone wants to be an adult and you can't take it, and being sad makes you sad and you can't stop being sad

Also crawwwwwwling in my skiiiiiiiiin

These woounndds they willll not heaaallllll

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Well, whichever's the best place to put it, I can agree that sometimes, you just feel like you want to let it all out. Nevermind how people react; just let it out, and you'll feel at least a bit better afterward.

It's really better than keeping stuff inside. I know that feeling all too well. :v

Of course, you then realize later on what you just did as soon as you've calmed down.




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I've been talking to Ryan and now it makes me wish more than I did earlier people would quit bothering him...

But yes, he did choose the wrong place to put this topic (he didn't realize it though) and yes it is strange that he'd post about it then ask people to not worry or try to help, but perhaps he just wanted to let out his feelings... It shouldn't be hard to realize that if somebody's suffering, they'd want to let it out.

I'd really appreciate it if people quit being insulting, though.

I'd say the more appropriate place to sort this out would be outside of the public forums. By posting things, you are letting the world know about them, and also opening up an avenue of comment (for good or bad). If he doesn't want this, he is free to PM the mods and ask them to close the topic.

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I've been there. Not feeling worth help, but not being able to stand the darkness anymore without saying anything... depression sucks.

You are worth help. And you do not deserve to hurt in this way-- nobody does. I don't know your situation, so I don't know if there's a way I can help, but just know that you are not alone, and that it can get better.

The sun will come out someday.

Edited by kdanger
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Normally I'd try to be a humungous butt about how you're feeling because, after all, this is not a very serious part of the forums and I also pretty much thought of your post as edgy, angsty teenager crap, but apparently you're actually feeling pretty bad. I'm sincerely sorry about that and I hope it gets better. I personally don't know how it feels to be "numb" but it must suck.

I can't offer much over the internet, but what I can offer is sincere condolences and that is what I give to you.

Be strong, ok?

Edited by Esme
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Normally I'd try to be a humungous butt about how you're feeling because, after all, this is not a very serious part of the forums and I also pretty much thought of your post as edgy, angsty teenager crap, but apparently you're actually feeling pretty bad. I'm sincerely sorry about that and I hope it gets better. I personally don't know how it feels to be "numb" but it must suck.

I can't offer much over the internet, but what I can offer is sincere condolences and that is what I give to you.

Be strong, ok?

Well tbf angsty teens are probably depressed and they just don't know that its normal to feel depressed and don't know how to express it either?

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