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Don't don't you hate it when you write the same word twice?

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Yeah, I dislike when that happens.

I know you can just erase it or something, but when you do you just have this vacant space where some word should be but can't because any word you add there is either too small, too big, or just doesn't make sense going there.

Ha ha, we all need to be extra careful with out writing!

EDIT: >out writing


I need to take a pointer from myself.

Edited by Esme
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Don't you hate it when you're thinking ahead in the sentence, and write the word you want to come in a few words, at the place where the current word should have gone, and then you don't notice it because you're all frantically trying to keep up with your train of thought that isn't slowing down, because if you don't you'll be left behind, and why hasn't somebody invented a thought-to-text transcription device, that would be so useful and probably unintentionally put millions of people out of work.

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Don't you hate it when you're thinking ahead in the sentence, and write the word you want to come in a few words, at the place where the current word should have gone, and then you don't notice it because you're all frantically trying to keep up with your train of thought that isn't slowing down, because if you don't you'll be left behind,

THIS has happened to me a whole lot of times and is very irritating.

and why hasn't somebody invented a thought-to-text transcription device, that would be so useful and probably unintentionally put millions of people out of work.

Thought-to-text requires mind reading, which seems to be pretty tough. Emotions may be identified from the brain, but the exact word you're thinking of? Yeah, I don't think science would go that far anytime soon.

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