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Your Favorite Map themes

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Most of the Fire Emblem games have great soundtracks. I was wondering which map themes stick out to people as their favorite.

My Favorite:

I believe this song is called either "Chased" or "Adversity". I feel this song really captures the feeling of Leif and Co's struggle to escape from enemies who are Stronger, Better Equipped, Smarter, and heavily Outnumber Leif's army. (From a story stand point) It also helps that most of the chapters that use this theme are difficult and will kick an ill prepared player's ass.

Edited by Zelos
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"A Hero's Destiny". Dramatic, tragic and conclusive. And I absolutely love how they mixed the original map theme into it. It really hits you into the nostalgia.

"Soldiers of Granada" (Tear Ring Saga). Mind you, the version from the actual game is a lot better then the one from the official soundtrack that we have on this site.

It's just a rather unfitting dramatic theme for the wacky antics of Holmes' swimming kindergarten. "Adversity" was definitely used a lot better.

"Leaf" (FE5) was just great. A triumphal arrangement of your leitmotif has to be the best way to accompany your last stand.

"Land of Promise" (FE8) feels extremely mysterious and dangerous. It's just perfect.

"Light Inheritors" (FE4) I don't like most of the game's map themes but this one is just wonderful.

It beautifully symbolizes the legacy left behind by the first generation and gets you really pumped to get the rebellion rolling.

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Girl of the Spirit Forest (Fe4) For the Commanders (Fe6) Crimea Attacks (Fe9) and Eternal Bond (Fe10) have always been my personal favorites.

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fe4- light and dark

fe5- that theme when you lose a character

fe7- wind across the plains Companions and Distant Travels

fe8- determination and land of promise

fe9- side battle and crimea attacks

fe10- bearer of hope

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Adversity (Thracia 776) is probably the overall most fitting song in any Fire Emblem game for the chapters it's used in. A great theme. :D My personal favorite is Road of Sorrow (Radiant Dawn); it's poignant and is very fitting for the Dawn Brigade chapters. Confront the Past (Sacred Stones) is also great; it's a real shame that it isn't actually played in the story chapters.

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Wind across the Plains just gives me nostalgia up the butt so I have to mention it. Dragon's Gate II gives a demonic, final chapter, but there is still hope feeling that is perfect for a last chapter music.

Beyond the Sky has a great ring to it. It just feels like your playing something authentic. It's not trying to be cool, but the feeling is there. /end weird explanation.

Birth of the Holy Knight

Girl of the Sprit Forest

Dance in the Skies

I love a lot of the Gen I Genealogy tracks.

I love all Early Game, Eirika's route tracks in Sacred Stones, I hate Ephraim's route's music and the end game's... I dunno. One of the reasons I always play Eirika's route. That and the story.

Ike's Resolution. Is this even a map theme? I know it is in the OST, but I don't recall this being in a particular map. Also Greil Mercenaries is beautiful. From Radiant Dawn, A Grasping Truth fit the "OOOHHHHHH SHIIITTT, AM I GOING UP AGAINST A GOD???" feeling.

Chaos, and oh god the Ablaze version(Though not a map theme) are genius! Obligatory Conquest... and the Ablaze version... I think I like most of Awakening's battle themes is because of the excellent Ablaze, Galvanaized versions and how they mix so well with combat, another reason to turn on battle animations, whereas in previous versions, where it was a chore. Also, Prelude, Divine Decree, Don't speak her name!, Run all you like-you can't escape fate, DUTY(especially), Id(Purpose)(Oh god yes!)

Yes Awakening has my favorite soundtrack, after that Path of Radiance.

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Ike's Resolution. Is this even a map theme? I know it is in the OST, but I don't recall this being in a particular map.

IIRC, it was used in chapters 6 and 7.

Now then...

Beyond the Sky

Within the Magnificent Nature


Inescapable Fate

Dragon's Gate II

Rise Above

Truth, Despair and Hope

A Battle And a Beginning

Crimean Army Sortie (Crimea Attacks)

Congregation of Ambition

Proud Flight

Eternal Bond

Dark Traveler


A Grasping Truth

A Hero's Destiny


Storm Clouds



Divine Decree






Id (Purpose)

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Disturbance in Agustria and Congregation of Ambition (FE9).

Edit: Oh, and that song that plays in Awakening on skirmish maps.

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Divine Decree, Eternal Bond, that one that plays in 2-E and 3-13, Liberation, Hero's Destiny, In Search of Victory, Lion King Eldigan and The Last Holy War off the top of my head

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Edit: Oh, and that song that plays in Awakening on skirmish maps.

I wonder if you mean Conquest specifically, since I don't remember that one playing in main story maps.

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FE4 with honorable mentions

FE5 with honorable mentions





FE10 has very awesome music

Not too sure on FE13 since I didn't finish the whole thing. Don't speak her name was ok but not the best thing since sliced bread IMO, despite being quite atmospheric.

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Eternal Bond Eternal Bond Eternal Bond!

It's my favorite video game song of all time! I first heard it in Brawl where it's titled Ike's Theme (and it kind of IS his theme too. It only plays on Ike's maps in RD, and it plays when he appears in the game's intro movie) and before I even played any FE games. I just thought it was totally epic! And it gets bonus points for being IKE'S theme too, of course. :P:

EDIT: Oh, I also like Crimea Attacks and Congregation of Ambition from PoR. I think both are map themes as well.

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I know it's not a map theme, but Power Hungry Fool is one of my favorite songs in FE9.

And Pelleas's theme is really nice and somber. Again, not a map theme, but I love the harpsichord.

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Oh, oh, I forgot one! Victory is Near, also from PoR! It only plays in some early seize chapters, though. If your units defeat all the enemies before Ike seizes the seize point, this theme plays. It's so catchy and cheerful, I love it! And it got in Brawl too! In fact, Brawl has several of my favorite FE tunes. Eternal Bond, Victory is Near, Crimea Attacks (Brawl calls it Crimean Army Sortie), and Unstoppable Destiny/Against the Black Knight. ^^

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FE6 - For the Commander

FE7 - Inescapable Fate/Dragon's Gate I

FE8 - Determination

FE9 - Crimea Attacks

FE10 - Eternal Bond

FE12 - Holy War (Ch. 21-23 Map theme)

FE13 - Chaos (Ch. 22-23 & Ch. 25 Map theme)

(My least favorite's are basically all GBA Fog of War Map themes)

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FE4 : Girl of Spirit Forest, Disturbance in Agustria, Light and Dark

FE6 : For the Commander, Beneath a new light, With the Magnificent Nature

FE7 : Companions, Distant Travels, Inescapble Fate

FE8 : Rise Above, Determination, Truth, Despair and Hope

FE9 : Crimea attacks

FE10 : Hymn of Righteous, Bearer of Hope, Eternal Bond, Ascent

FE11 : For Liberty, A hero's Destiny

FE12 : Expedition, Endless Battle

FE13 : Conquest, Don't speak her name, Id(Purpose), Duty,

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