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...the most important person in your life?

A person you respect and would do anything for?

As for me, it would be my mother.

She means a lot to me (even if sometimes she can be annoying), I still love her more than anything else.

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A good number of people.. My family, some very close friends. This is a nice question it made me think and be thankful for all the great people I know. Thanks

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Because I don't have a significant other right now...

I'd have to say, despite my family still being important...

My mother. She's always been there for me. Every step of the way, when we moved to America. A strange land. And all I could do while I was in elementary school was complain how we didn't have a car, how it was hot when walking to the bus, how my feet hurt, etc. Looking back, I really wish I had acted better.

No matter how naggy she is... she's the best mother I could ever have.

And considering how she doesn't go on the computer much, my sappy little confession will never EVER be read by her.

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At the moment, every person in my life has some importance to me. If they didn't I wouldn't talk to them.

You guys do too. : ] Every person I meet is another invisible tie created, and every tie I have to this planet reminds me of why I'm still living.

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At the moment, every person in my life has some importance to me. If they didn't I wouldn't talk to them.

You guys do too. : ] Every person I meet is another invisible tie created, and every tie I have to this planet reminds me of why I'm still living.

Please don't make me tear up.

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A good number of people.. My family, some very close friends. This is a nice question it made me think and be thankful for all the great people I know. Thanks

You are welcome~

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My cousin was. I'm really glad to have had her in my life, though I think it goes without saying I'd have liked it much more if she never left it.

But yeah, thanks for asking this.

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Nightmare is very very important to me~

If he ever needed my help I would always contribute!!

Ever since.... *sniffle* ever since he introduced me to the IRC channel.... I've been forever grateful ;u; Bestestest friend foreveeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr

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This is a really sweet question :cry: Hmmm...I'd say my grandmother. My parents were always busy with work, so she basically raised me and my brother. She was always kind, caring, encouraging, and all the neighborhood kids called her grandma too. She's 90 now, but I want her to live for at least another 20 years so she can pass on her influence to my kids when I get married :)

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The 6-7 billion. Every time I eat it is to make sure I'm a good food resource for them if we hit armageddon.

Whoever is reading this post. Goes to look in a mirror. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH-*vanishes*.

This is not

OK it's my mom.

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