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If you could rename Morgan, what would you call them?

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I've been thinking about this for a long time, since I first heard about the game. While I appreciated the callback to FE7 with the name Mark, I didn't like the fact fact that you couldn't name your Avatar related kid even though you could name your own Avatar; especially since the name Mark just looked plain weird on a girl. Then they named them Morgan for the localization, which was better than Mark I suppose, but I still would've preferred to name them myself.

So, what would you have named them, either gender? I would've named Male Morgan (Chrom's son) Lucian, because it would've been funny to use a name so close to Lucina and its fit for a prince as well. Female Morgan (Tiki's daughter), I would've named Sephie for no particular reason other than I like it and I think it sounds like a typical FE dragon girl name.

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It was difficult enough coming up with seven other names for my non-Robin MUs, now I have to name the different Morgans too?!

EDIT: I'd actually rather have an option to choose your kid's gender OR have it be randomized each playthrough instead of fe!MU always producing a son and ma!MU always producing a daughter.

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I don't know about generics, but if Inigo and FeMU have a child, the son should be called Pelleas. Ain't a bad thing to name your child off of the author of a book that changed your mother's life and made her what she is today. Nobody can beat Pelleas though.

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Ooh boy. All of my 3 main files have Irish names, so I guess I'd give Morgan an Irish name. 8U

File 1: Maeve would name her son Cathiar (pronounced ka-heer).

File 2: Aingeal would name her son Diarmait (pronounced deer-mit).

File 3: Diarmait (head-canon son to Aingeal) would name his daughter Riona.

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Knowing my naming sense it would be something like Umbra to keep the dark motif Tharja and Noire have going.

Or Zwei.

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I would name male Morgan Mark, and leave female Morgan as Morgan.

This is ... probably what I would do, honestly. Although I like the name "Marin" for a female as well.

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I'd give both Morgans Hawaiian names, but I find them unfitting...so I default to english names. I really can't think of a good male Morgan name but I'd name female Morgan, Katherine. Dunno why, I just like the name and the K variant.

And no it's not because of the game Catherine (I've never played it.)

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Either Oedipus or Electra, depending.

loooool! Good choices. (Unless I'm wrong in thinking of Psychology first..... oh god, I might have just pulled the nerd card.)

Male Morgan... Chrom Jr. Just kidding. I don't really know to be honest. Probably keep it as Morgan or even Mark. As for female... well, there's no chance of that! I have enough difficulty coming up with a name for avatar. D:

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