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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and the new Avatar was discovered, an airbender named Aang. He set out along with the companions he met along the way to defeat the Fire Nation. Only he can save the world.


1. This game is NOC. This means all talking must be done in the game thread unless your role PM says otherwise.

2. I will write a fake role PM for anyone that asks if they can give me a good reason for doing so.

3. No screenshots. No posting role PMs.

4. No talking at night, unless I tell you otherwise.

5. A vote counts as ##(your choice of verb): (someone), with (your choice of verb) being "Vote" or something more creative, and (someone) being who you want to vote for. If you want to change your vote, you must ##Unvote first.

6. Don't edit your posts, please.

7. In case of a lynch tie, something will happen. You'll see.

8. Person with the most votes is lynched at the end of the day phase on D1 only. After that a hammer is required, hammer is simply (50% of usable votes in the game +1)

8a. If at the end of any day phase, the number of people not voting at phase end exceeds the majority vote, OR at least one-third of the game, rounded DOWN has not voted, the game will end with a universal loss.

9. If you have a night action, and do not want to do it, reply to your role PM with Night X - Idling.

10. No items.

11. If you miss a day and night, you are eligible for auto-sub-out/modkill, whichever one is deemed more appropriate. If you need a sub, say so in the main thread and/or your role PM.

12. If you end up dead, you can post in thread if the posts are non-informative. However, don't abuse this and try to keep it to a minimum, especially during the day phase.

13. Punishment for breaking the rules will range from nothing to modkills. If you feel that the risk of punishment is worth it, go for it, but be warned that things will probably not turn out the way you want it to.

14. If in doubt, follow your role PM. If your role PM goes against any of these rules, there's probably a reason and as such you should follow your role PM.

15. If you have been modkilled, you lose unless you were modkilled by something someone else did.

16. If you want to share your thoughts, I welcome them. Reply to your role PM/bug me on IRC if you wish to do this.

16a. If you feel the need to complain about some aspect of the game before the game is over, please do so in your role PM or on IRC. No where else.

17. If I tell you to do something, and you don't listen, you probably aren't going to like what will happen next.

18. If you die, you’re dead. Period.

19. No self-targeting unless your role PM says otherwise.

[spoiler=Game mechanics]

1. This game has a N0 start.

2. Each day phase will be 72 hours and each night phase will be 24 hours.

2a. If there's hammer, the day will end early, and if I get all actions in, the night will end early. If for some reason, I'm not around to update, phase still ends then.

3. Each player will recieve in their role PM an element as well as an alignment. These are important. You may talk about these.

Sign ups:

2. Boron

3. Elie

5. Marth

8. Kay

10. Eclipse

11. Mancer

12. SB

13. Strege

15. Rein

17. Grassbridger

18. FtP


6. Shinori : Lynched D1, Fire Nation rolecop

7. Prims : Died N1, ????

14. Psych : Lynced D2, Team Avatar bodyguard

9. SlayerX : Died N2, Self aligned Survivor

16. Blitz : Died N2, Team Avatar Martyr

1. Kiryn Baldrick : Dead D3, Fire Nation roleblock

4. BBM : Dead N3, Team Avatar Alliance Cop


1. Baldrick

2. Cam (last resort)

3. Balcerzak


1. Paper

2. Manix

It is now N0. Read the rules, some minor changes have been made.

Edited by scorri
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Element really isn't an indication of even alignment, because I could easily see both Zuko and Iroh as Team Avatar aligned despite being of the Fire element.

That being said, I'm speculating that at least one role, probably more, has something to do with people's elements. This could be both helpful and harmful to the town, so I'm not entirely sure that everyone element-claiming right off the bat is the way to go.

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I don't mind claiming my element if people want me to.

##Vote: Blitz

Who do you think is scum, almighty one?

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I think we should all claim elements. This will first of all limit what mafia can fakeclaim as far as characters and stuff. Dunno how useful that is, but I don't see harm in doing so as soon as possible. If the consensus seems to be yes to this I'll claim mine.

PEDIT FTP beat me to it but yeah.

##Vote: Psych

I feel obligated to do this.

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I doubt scorri would have made it that easy to scumhunt based on elements, but I'll claim mine if that's what people wanna do.

##Vote: Prims

Who did you ge a fake guilty on today?

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My role gives me no indication whether or not claiming elements is a good idea. I can't tell how they're tied to the game, other than flavor. Anyway. . .

##Vote: Strege

Welcome to SF Mafia~! How do you like it?

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To a certain extent, I think that this is kind of like Djinns in GSM. I can't remember why exactly we didn't Djinn-claim right off the bat there (and I don't particularly want to reread that game) but it was probably along the lines of not wanting to give the mafia more info than is necessary, and I don't particularly see why it's necessary now, especially as I don't think that it's an indication of alignment.

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Element really isn't an indication of even alignment, because I could easily see both Zuko and Iroh as Team Avatar aligned despite being of the Fire element.

That being said, I'm speculating that at least one role, probably more, has something to do with people's elements. This could be both helpful and harmful to the town, so I'm not entirely sure that everyone element-claiming right off the bat is the way to go.

Trying to remember my ALA history, the only things I can think the elements might help on would be if this was a Korra game if an Amon type role could take powers, or maybe a Koh the face-stealer.

I can obviously see a type of role stealing role, but not too sure. Elements may just affect results from night actions or something like that.

##Vote Prims because he's very primsy today

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Elements may be flavor, they may be more.

BBM, it doesn't necessarily indicate allignment. But why would someone have cause to lie about their element? Sure, maybe the bad guys of the game aren't all fire nation (it'd be kinda weird if they were), but the only people I see lying would be those who aren't pro-town. Besides, if the maf are forced to claim an element now, it does severely limit what they can claim later in the game, like Rein said.

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I am going to claim right now:

Name: Zuko

Element: Fire

Role: Miller


##Vote: Bluedoom cause I have not forgotten that RoleCop scan in Shining Force or another Mafia we played in.

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I think revealing our elements would be very telling about roles, which could be good or bad. However cleverly they might be associated, some roles just don't have similar characters in certain elements, especially wind and earth.

##Vote Sangyul because reading that name makes me dizzy.

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Welp, if a majority of people agree to reveal elements, I'll reveal mine at that time.

Also, Necro, I'm not sure why you revealed that, or why you expect people to believe that Zuko, the main antagonist, and then an important protagonist, would have such a sucky role with no extra options.

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I'm not sure if claiming elements is really helpful, but I can agree that it will severely limit what characters and roles scum can claim later on, and we can catch some of them in the act of lying or stumbling through their claims if we can have a consolidated list of all the element claims.

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Mancer, paste your role PM please. Just want to make sure that's not a fake (though Scorri has offered to help with fakes, so I guess it doesn't mean much). If you've got more to your role, snip that part out.

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Elements may be flavor, they may be more.

BBM, it doesn't necessarily indicate allignment. But why would someone have cause to lie about their element? Sure, maybe the bad guys of the game aren't all fire nation (it'd be kinda weird if they were), but the only people I see lying would be those who aren't pro-town. Besides, if the maf are forced to claim an element now, it does severely limit what they can claim later in the game, like Rein said.

Welcome to SF where Prims lies about everything.

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Welp, if a majority of people agree to reveal elements, I'll reveal mine at that time.

Also, Necro, I'm not sure why you revealed that, or why you expect people to believe that Zuko, the main antagonist, and then an important protagonist, would have such a sucky role with no extra options.

Just think: If I were scum, I definitely wouldn't expect people to believe me either so I would probably make up some unprovable or hard to prove part of my role to claim just so that people would believe me.

Refer to Pokemon Adventures Mafia for an example of this (me claiming Yellow the Oracle-Voyeur-thingy).

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Welp, if a majority of people agree to reveal elements, I'll reveal mine at that time.

Also, Necro, I'm not sure why you revealed that, or why you expect people to believe that Zuko, the main antagonist, and then an important protagonist, would have such a sucky role with no extra options.

It's generally best for Millers to claim ASAP so they don't get inspected. >_>

Also, whoops, Scorri removed the ability to post role PMs (don't do that then Mancer)

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