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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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You all wake up in the morning, and hurry to find who all survived the night. Doing a quick headcount, you find that Prims is missing. However, when you go to find him, all you find left is a pile of burnt ashes, with no role PM to be found.

Prims is dead. D2 starts now and will end 4/27 at 8:30 PM EST

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My head is throbbing. I'll be checking in on the thread today, but don't expect me to be too talkative.

##Vote: Kay

Your suggestion regarding Shinori and his alignment cop claim was really odd, and I'm not sure I like it.

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Alright, thanks.

First things first. . .

You wanna take a gamble on whether or not we've got a hijacker or a driver? I'm not entirely sure why anyone would want to willingly redirect Psych, of all people.

(and yes, I have a very valid reason why I'd want to know)

I hope none of you forgot this.

I still haven't decided whether or not the redirect was a hijack or a drive. Ah, screw it. Watcher on Elieson - if it's a hijacker, they'll out themselves. This should help him to survive a bit longer, too. I'm going to ensure that it wasn't a driver/martyr.

And this.

They're important, but it's due to a lack of results.

I was going to press Prims this day phase, but he's not around. Thus, he'll get an answer from beyond the grave. Next time, post this shit 24 hours earlier, so I can respond.

clipsey's Marth vote is actually really weak even though she clung onto it for the latter half of the phase - okay, Marth is scumhunting based on a perceived scumslip. yeah, that's weak, but where's the scum intent of it? Generally "scumslips" are considered plausible by town, and a wagon on Rein actually had no support. Marth's point was that Strege's suggestion could easily have scum intent, and you vote people you think have scum intent... so eclipse wasn't voting Marth for voting with craplogic, just voting for what she didn't agree had scum intent because it's "easy", which makes her look more concerned with finding a target to poke at than finding somebody posting from a mafia PoV.

Or it could be Marth justifying a crap vote by using the words "scum intent"; I obviously did NOT see the scum intent in Strege's suggestion (and still don't). If I can't see the scum intent in person A's statement, and person B pulls it up as a reason to vote, then I'm inclined to vote person B for pulling reasons to lynch someone out of their ass. That phrase doesn't automatically make someone's vote a town one.

. . .I get it.

##Vote: Kay

I think I know who the alignment cop is; thus, the logic for keeping Shinori around makes no sense. I'm glad the mafia wasted their kill on Prims.

(P.S. Dear cop, I hope you were intelligent enough to target someone that wasn't Slayer; also, I hope and pray for my win con's sake that no one else put the pieces together)

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Kind of expected that to be honest.

Well, I reread some over the night and decided 2 things. I think Prims was right about Marth, but I don't really agree with him about Kay. Like I said earlier, her defence of Kay read sort of like white knighting, and I think due to what Shinori claimed, and because Boron unvoted just before her, she might have decided to see if they could swing it off Shinori, and she wouldn't really have been blamed because Cop claim.

##Vote: Kay

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Psych, weigh in on something other than just the obvious "Prims got Janitored". Are you opinions about Rein still the same, or did they changed based on Shinori's flip? What about your scumreads on me and Eclipse?

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Psych, weigh in on something other than just the obvious "Prims got Janitored". Are you opinions about Rein still the same, or did they changed based on Shinori's flip? What about your scumreads on me and Eclipse?

Not really, because going back and reading it's more obvious, at least to me, that he was just buddying and trying to save him before jumping ship.

You've also been clearing up in my eyes, but it wasn't that I found you scummy or something like that I think it was I just didn't like how you were acting re: Slayer

Eclipse pinged me where she said

(P.S. Dear cop, I hope you were intelligent enough to target someone that wasn't Slayer; also, I hope and pray for my win con's sake that no one else put the pieces together)

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I'm not really sure what to think of Kay, because I didn't find anything of her suspicious near end phase yesterday. I suppose Kay's messing up of wording could be considered a point against her.

For now, I want to see Boron's response to Shinori's flip as well as for her to tell us what it was that she wanted to tell us in D2 that she could not tell us in D1.

##Vote: Sangyul

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You don't find Kay's suggestion at the end of D1 fishy, Mancer? That we should keep Shinori around even if we suspect he lied about being alignment cop (which we now know he did) just to see whether he would "bus" or push a fake guilty on an innocent? This is never a good idea and I dislike this reasoning far more than anything else from D1 so far.

I made a mistake regarding Shinori. I really did think he could have been an alignment cop and didn't want to risk lynching him when there were no counterclaims. Obviously I was wrong, but that alone doesn't make me scum. I've also explained why Shinori faking an innocent on me means nothing even if he flipped scum. Go find it, because I won't explain myself again.

Also, about that thing I wanted to tell you guys in D1 but said to wait until D"2" ... let's just say that eclipse has already covered it in her post. As much as I'd love to tell you guys what's on my mind, I don't feel that it would be beneficial to town if I reveal all my cards. You're going to have to read between the lines. Based on the circumstances of D1, I'm going to be decisive and say I CAN'T tell you guys everything.

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Not really, because going back and reading it's more obvious, at least to me, that he was just buddying and trying to save him before jumping ship.

You've also been clearing up in my eyes, but it wasn't that I found you scummy or something like that I think it was I just didn't like how you were acting re: Slayer

Eclipse pinged me where she said

You are not the god of reading between the lines. Here's a hint: What would happen if everyone figured out who the alignment cop was?

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Well, Rein voted Shinori at a point when two people had just unvoted and changed to Marth over Shinori. Rein could easily have been the tipping point there to convince people that Marth was a better lynch, but he voted Shinori instead, making me think he's probably not scum.

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Prove it, Kay. All I said about the wording was that it seemed to imply otherwise.

Boron, what else do you think about the similarity between Ozai and Aang's tutor's (I forgot his name) claims in that they're both dead and spiritual character claims?

Personally, I'm for a Boron or Rein lynch due to the claim and flavor/win con/element claims and statements that they have made. The Fire Nation mention does not seem to be a coincidental mention and I have a feeling that I'm the only Fire character that is good.

If you realise, apart from an iffy character claim from Boron, all Fire element characters would be scanned as Fire element aligned with the Fire Nation, me included as a Miller.

Boron's claim just doesn't seem plausible to me.

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My thought processes just find it hard to be phrased in words.

I think that all Fire characters scan as Fire Nation aligned in this game, like my Zuko Miller.

If Boron claims something with a Miller modifier or another Miller I might buy her claim more, but given the circumstances and alignment flip, I think that a Fire character who scans as town aligned is out of place here.

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Psych, if your opinions about Rein haven't changed, where's your vote?

i'd be the only one voting him and no one ever listens to me anyway so there's no point in trying to start something that won't get anywhere

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Mancer, I am going to ignore everything you say from this point on if you don't stop tunneling and cut the flavor spec crap.

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