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The RNG.

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Meh. Just today my Ricken got RNG screwed. I put him barely in enemy range and he got 5% critted by a revenant which wouldn't have killed him. I know it's quite common for these to happen but... just thought I'd put it in here anyway. He died : [ I love you casual mode. If it wasn't for you I would be to scared to skirmish

abuse recklessly

Edited by Aethern
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Me ranting earlier:

"what are the odds of missing an 89 then having chrom activate a dual strike at 20ish chance then he misses at i assume more than 80 hit because WTA then avatar misses the other 89, chrom dual strikes again into another miss?"

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Jaffar activating lethality (in R&R on lunatic mode he has a 13 percent chance) and hitting with it ever.

In this particular case he got it and scored a hit at a 60 hit rate. That's about an 8 percent chance. Any chance of instant death on classic mode is too high. xP

The worst part? Robin was at full health and he'd only do 5 damage to her with a regular hit. And of course Chrom chose not to hop in and save his wife. Wimp.

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Me ranting earlier:

"what are the odds of missing an 89 then having chrom activate a dual strike at 20ish chance then he misses at i assume more than 80 hit because WTA then avatar misses the other 89, chrom dual strikes again into another miss?"

assuming it was a flat 80 hit (probably higher), you get a 3.246x10^-6 chance

that's about half as likely as FE6 Dayan getting a perfect levelup :P:

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In some games it has 1RN and in other games it has 2RNs except for skills which are still 1RN.

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Lyn capped strength and had 18 defense the last time I played FE7. I also had a Kent with 16 luck and 11 defense in the very same file. It also seems that Nowi, Nah, Ricken, and Frederick never want to gain any speed when I use them.

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Nowi/Gaius had a 75% chance of proccing a dual attack and OHKOing Sephiran. Sephiran had a 75% chance of hitting Nowi. Guess which event happened, given that I nearly turned my 3DS into a projectile.

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Nowi/Gaius had a 75% chance of proccing a dual attack and OHKOing Sephiran. Sephiran had a 75% chance of hitting Nowi. Guess which event happened, given that I nearly turned my 3DS into a projectile.

Bad luck. (Read: Gaius didn't assist, and Sephiran wiped Nowi out.)

That aside, all I can remember was in a challenge, I tried to play defense mode, but Olivia kept getting assisted by Maribelle, felling whatever attacked her, and making me think I was on the road to disaster, since allowing too many attacks is very very bad for your health. INSTEAD... other than one enemy, most of what attacked her missed, despite having respectable hit rates.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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  • 2 weeks later...

I judge this thread recent enough to revive

Literally THE most thorough RNG screwing just happened to me. Sure, we've all heard of those 3% criticals. But Caellach doesn't think that's enough. Oh no...

Went up and stole his Hoplon Guard with Colm. Rescued Colm with Vanessa. Joshua attacks with Shamshir, has chat with C, hits twice at 89% for 10x2 Dmg but refuses to activate his 51% critical. Caellach, predictably, misses with his Tomahawk.

Then enemy phase starts. For some reason, C's regular battle quote activates (calls Josh a stepping stone yaddayadda)--never seen that happen before after a special quote but okay...

34% Hit. 22 Dmg. 1% Crt.

I swore. It's like he knew what was about to happen.

Edited by Owain Dark
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