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Anyone remember "god" units that are "bad" now?

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I remember way back in the GBA days when units like Wendy and Nino were considered the best units in the game? And the "Jagan" characters were considered useless (Which is now different).

I was just playing through a GBA one and it made me think of how the communities veiw on unit usefulness has changed since FE first hit the west.

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Wait what, was Wendy really considered good? What kind of crazy merits did we come up with back then?

Another example of an underrated unit back in the day would be Dagdar, that dude breaks FE5's early/mid chapters so hard, and the staffers can take care of what he doesn't

EDIT: Oh right, we actually have a translated name for that guy now

Edited by The Batter
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^ In drafts, certainly. When I first came on the scene people picked Tiltyu third in order to prevent Forseti Arthur from existing. Then strategy advanced to the point where dancers and warpers are the first priority, and Forthur costs turns.

Edited by Baldrick
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if getting arthur costs turns in a draft, then he's going to cost turns in a non-draft

regardless, arthur is an interesting case because the community didn't think he was that great to start with, then we got better and he got "better," then we got even better and now he's no longer that awesome.

but he's not "bad," unless you're olwen and speak strictly in hyperbole.

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Canas is one, sort of for a similar reason to the really low levelled characters like Nino but based on the Luna tome. Luna's use in the Final Chapter painted the perception that it was a brilliant weapon and made Canas "broken" with it despite the fact that for the most part due to low enemy resistance and speed Flux is going to deal more damage and allows Canas to double more often.

Edited by arvilino
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I don't really remember having a kind of favoritism over a character enough as to be biased about them as characters. I know their growths and averages, so yeah...

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The first time I played Fire Emblem, I thought every Mounted units that is not Pegasus are Jeigans that "should not be used". I mean, wtf 7 moves, take hit like a champ, doubled everything, and wield lances? Hax man

And then I read that Marcus is the best character in FE7

I never looked back >_>

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Snipers are still cool, to an extent.

For me, I found myself never using pre-promotes when I first started. Now, I love them to death. In fact, most of my favorites are pre-promotes now. Isadora, Harken, Seth, Percival, Titania, Pent...

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I remember way back in the GBA days when units like Wendy and Nino were considered the best units in the game?

It's like you're not sure if you remember that.

But yeah, Est units in general, though I don't remember people ever thinking Wendy was great. Lilina, Nino, the FE8 trainees, etc.

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Est was amazing the first time I played FE11, but then I used Cleric!Est in an SOYO draft....just, why?


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Well, at the time Arena Abuse was considered the best strategy because "it alllows you to max every ranks except turns".

Yeah, I remember Lillina considered as an awesome unit, too. Then everyone said she sucks. I think that now, we just see her as OK, but I'm not sure.

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Yeah, I remember Lillina considered as an awesome unit, too. Then everyone said she sucks. I think that now, we just see her as OK, but I'm not sure.

Lilina still sucks. I'll always remember using her in Normal mode and seeing an enemy in Ch 19 able to OHKO her. She dodged...but then he attacked again and killed her. After that, I never understood the hype around her.

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Lilina still sucks. I'll always remember using her in Normal mode and seeing an enemy in Ch 19 able to OHKO her. She dodged...but then he attacked again and killed her. After that, I never understood the hype around her.

Hmmm... What do people think about Gonzales these days?

Though indeed, Est units like Nino and the trainees are the main ones who opinion changed from having been regarded as awesome to being seen as more of a burden (at least, they're the only ones I can think of off the top of my head).

Also, I suspect that most Lilina hype was mainly fanboyism because of her overkill Mag.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Lilina still sucks. I'll always remember using her in Normal mode and seeing an enemy in Ch 19 able to OHKO her. She dodged...but then he attacked again and killed her. After that, I never understood the hype around her.

Well... My guess always was fanboyism..

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