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Super C9++ - open for signups


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Welcome to Super C9++

This game will be a little different to many mafia games run here in the Forest, because I'm going to tell you every single game mechanic, including all the possible roles, the priority tree, etc. In addition, day phases are going to be a bit longer than the Forest is probably used to. This is to encourage more in depth discussion and scumhunting, and encourage players to talk more during the day. It's also to facilitate a change to the way voting works, which is that there MUST be a majority vote on someone for a lynch to occur. If there is no majority by the day's deadline, the town does not lynch. This is a game for 15 players.

The most important rule in this game is to be active. If you do not expect to log on at least once per day most days of the week, preferably twice or more, and probably put at least 30-45 minutes into this game, do not sign up.

The second most important rule is to have fun. Okay, maybe I should have put that as rule one. Oh well.

The Rules

General Gameplay and Etiquette:

  • You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind. Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) is acceptable.
  • This is a NOC game. That means there is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless your role PM specifically allows it.
  • If you have a role with a Night action your choices are due to me by the posted deadline. If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions. In case of multiple submissions, the last valid one before the deadline will be used.
  • Roles with Night actions will not be able to submit an action on Night 0 (i.e. during the confirmation stage).
  • Any player with a Night action may instead submit a No Action PM to let the Mod know that you do not want to perform your expected action that Night phase.
  • As a general rule you should aim for one post every 24 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.
  • This is a game for 15 players. If more than 16 sign up, they will be added to a sub queue. If any player dies without extra information (e.g. night results), they may join the sub queue.
Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:
  • A simple majority (rounded up) of all living members must agree on one person for a lynch to occur prior to deadline.
  • Once you have reached a simple majority no further unvoting will change someones fate. Further votes will also be ignored.
  • Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until I post a death scene; all players including the one who was lynched may continue to post during twilight.
  • Please submit votes as: ##Vote: PlayerName. Votes may NOT be counted if they do not follow this syntax! Obvious abbreviations or nicknames will be counted so long as they are unambiguous.
  • Please submit vote revocations as either ##Unvote: PlayerName or ##Unvote. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
  • You may ##Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a lynch.
  • This game will generally have 7 day deadline for the day phase. If a player or No Lynch does not have a simple majority at deadline, no lynch will occur, and the game will go into night.
  • Once you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post. This means that you do not even get a Bah post. The dead in this game are silent.
  • Do not edit or delete posts. We don't want some players having more information than others. If you want to clarify posts, feel free to double post.
  • Blue text is reserved for the Mod. No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography.
  • If you have an issue/problem with the game, please say in your role PM. For the sake of others and myself, do not make a fuss of it in the thread.
  • The Mod may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently. Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed. These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
  • Please bold all requests to the Mod so that they dont get missed.
  • Prods of missing players will be issued automatically after 72 hours of no activity or upon request after 48 hours of no activity. A prodded player has 48 hours to respond or risks replacement. A player who has been prodded 3 times is subject to replacement without further notice.
  • Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity. In general, any rules violation will be dealt with in a way that ensures you or your team CANNOT benefit from it. Any violations thought to be intentional will result in a modkill and your win condition being changed to 'You cannot win'
  • If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate dont leave us hanging.
The Setup

This game is being run based on a system called C9++. However, this system has been changed and spiced up, making things a little more like what we're used to here (reasonably role heavy etc.)

Here is a short summary of how the system works, if you don't want to get into the details:

  • At the start of the game, 11 random letters are generated, each one of: T, I, P, K, M, R, J or B. These letters correspond to different roles.
  • Each I is an investigation role. The more I's, the more investigation roles the town has.
  • Each P is a protection role. The more P's, the more protective roles the town has
  • K is killing, M is Mason, R is Roleblocking, J is Multirole, B is Backup, all working the same way as the above roles.
  • T's work a little different. Each T decreases the number of roles the town could have, but in exchange, the mafia is weakened a little. This could mean slightly weaker roles or even fewer members. The number of T's also determines whether there's a Killer.
  • There are guaranteed to be between 10 and 12 town members, 3-4 mafia and 0-1 Killer. Nothing else is guaranteed!
And below is the real nitty-gritty, for those who want as much information as possible.

[spoiler=How C9++ works]

Firstly, open this google doc. It probably won't make an awful lot of sense at first, but with a little help it should.

Firstly, the top right corner contains the ranges for each role to be generated. Duplicated here, this means each of the 11 letters has the following chances:

T: 21%

I: 18%

P: 15%

K: 10%

M: 12%

R: 11%

J: 7%

B: 6%

A quick sanity check shows this adds up to 100%.

Below this is a generator, probably for you stuck on whatever I left it on (note: I didn't use these numbers for the game, although there's a 1/1022 chance it happened anyway (that's only about the chance of winning the lottery three weeks in a row)). This just shows how numbers convert to letters.

Below this is something actually useful, a tally of letters plus a chart of max values. If the max values are exceeded, the whole distribution is remade (the chance of this occurring though is very low). These letters are then, for each type, looked up in the columns next to them, to find out which roles will occur. So one I would be a one shot cop, two I's would be either a cop or a tracker etc. (determined randomly). Some examples of these are shown on the second tab. At the bottom, the mafia teams are shown, depending on the number of T's. Note that two or five T's means there's a Killer.

Note also, whether each PR becomes a Jailkeeper (a protective/roleblocking role) is a 50% chance for each pair of PR's.

On the right the possible roles are shown with a little explanation, and some role information.

Finally, the third tab shows priorities. There's nothing exciting there, methinks.

Some other important things to note in general:

  • Mafia roles will not be 100% revealed after death. Alignment will certainly be revealed, but the exact role will be slightly hidden, and the town will learn it's one of two roles that died. In this way, it may be easier for the mafia to fakeclaim, as the town cannot easily work out how many roles they have. On the other hand, this still provides enough information for the town to narrow down how many roles their might be and perhaps begin to spot fakeclaims.
  • Only role names will be revealed on death. This matters mainly for the Killer, Backups, Inventor and Jack of all Trades.
  • For every role which gets some information or abilities specially (e.g. Jack of all Trades, Killer), the way that is generated is shown in the Role PMs on this page, meaning everyone can see how it's generated (but doesn't know what they have). Some of that information will be culled out of the role PM they're given.
  • Investigations are not guaranteed to be accurate. A guilty result is certainly correct though, but a not guilty may be incorrect.
  • All information on setup is freely available. If you think I've missed anything, feel free to ask and I will answer.
  • Anyone may ask me simple questions about the probabilities of certain roles being in the game. Simple includes 'what's the chance we have a doctor?' or 'How likely are we to have at least one I and at least one P role?' Not simple includes anything I can't be bothered to answer. I will remove this privilege if I feel players are wasting my time.

[spoiler=town][spoiler=I - Information]

Dear USER,

You are a Thief, a one-shot Cop


While Alchemists were looking for a way to turn lead into gold, you found something much more profitable: Turning your lockpick into all of their valuables.

ONCE during the game, at night in your role PM, you may choose another player. You will infiltrate their house and find information on their alignment. You will get one of the two results:

  • No incriminating evidence - this means the player is either town, a Archsage (Godfather) or an investigation-immune Dark Druid (Killer) aligned.
  • Anti-town, in which case the player is certainly either mafia or a Dark Druid (Killer).
If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Rogue, a Cop


The new super secure palace gate was designed for Kings and Princes and described as being 'impossible for thieves to open'. You learnt that day that impossible means 'about 15 seconds'.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. You will infiltrate their house and find information on their alignment. You will get one of the two results:

  • No incriminating evidence - this means the player is either town, a Archsage (Godfather) or an investigation-immune Dark Druid (Killer) aligned.
  • Anti-town, in which case the player is certainly either mafia or a Dark Druid (Killer).
If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Swordmaster, a Tracker


Extremely fast and nimble, you've also mastered the art of following people silently, finding out what they're up to in the night.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. You will follow them around and find out what player or players they visited. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

[spoiler=P - Protection]

Dear USER,

You are a Cleric, a One-shot Doctor


As you finish your prayers to the Saints and the Gods, you smirk to yourself as you think about what's going on. By night, you're a devout Cleric, saving lives. By day you're all like 'KILL HIM WITH FIRE!'

ONCE during the game, at night in your role PM, you may choose another player. That player will be protected from one kill attempt during that night. If more than one player tries to kill your target, they will still die. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Bishop, a Doctor


These poor souls in this farce... so many will be losing their lives, if you don't interfere. You pledge to save as many lives as possible. Well, maybe one per night, maybe less. Those Mend staves are expensive. And they aren't paying you.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. That player will be protected from one kill attempt during that night. If more than one player tries to kill your target, they will still die. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Sage, a Watcher


Magic comes easily to you now, and with it came the all-seeing third eye. While that was useful, some things you saw were... too much. Now you're just limiting what you do with it to avoid any more mental scarring.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. You will find out which players (if any) visit that player during the night. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

[spoiler=K - Killing]

Dear USER,

You are a Knight, a Bomb


'Get over here! We need some defence!' 'Armour, in front, now!' You still remember all the cries from the soldiers, treating you as some expendable wall. Well, tonight, things will be different.

EVERY night, you are armed and alert. If anybody kills you during the night, you will kill them at the same time. For timing purposes, the mafia hits first, any vigilante second (ties broken randomly between multiple vigilantes), and the Killer last. This ability is always active, and you must die during the night for it to have any effect.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Wyvern Rider, a One-shot Vigilante


Wyvern Riders are so elitely trained, and Wyverns are so amazing. Fast, deadly, accurate, amazing, just some of the words the people use to describe you, and your Wyverns are pretty serious too.

ONCE during the game, at night in your role PM, you may choose another player. Unless prevented by another player's interference, your target will die during the night. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Wyvern Lord, a Vigilante


As commander of a platoon of Wyvern Knights, nobody can question your orders or your decisions. So "Go and smash someones house up, kill them, and steal their wallet" has become something of a standard for you.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. Unless prevented by another player's interference, your target will die during the night. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

[spoiler=M - Mason]

Dear USER,

You are a Pegasus Knight, an Innocent Child


No platoon is as pure and innocent as the Pegasus Knights. Well, except the Clerics, maybe, but they're boring. But asides from them, nobody would doubt the innocence of a Pegasus Knight.

AT ANY POINT in your ROLE PM (NOT in the thread), you may ask to be revealed as a Pegasus Knight. As soon as the mod sees your message, he will confirm your innocence in the thread, and votes will be reset to the point you asked to be confirmed.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER and USER (and USER),

You are a Falcon Knight, a Mason


The Falcoknights are a closely knit group, and no secret would be safe for long from your colleagues. So you share all your knowledge, and as a result, can perform the famous biangle attack.

You are allowed to talk freely at any point in this PM. You may share any resources (notes, spreadsheets etc.) here as well. You are guaranteed that everyone in this PM shares your win condition (town wins).

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

[spoiler=R - Roleblocker & RP - Jailkeeper]

Dear USER,

You are a Fighter, a One-shot Roleblocker


Being big and burly has it's upsides. You attract the ladies easily, and as you look scary, stampeding around outside someone's house screaming war cries tends to scare them into inaction. Fun stuff!

ONCE during the game, at night in your role PM, you may choose another player. Any role action that player attempts to take that night will fail. Any one shot abilities they try and use will still be expended, however. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Warrior, a Roleblocker


Massive axes and massive bows have given you a little bit of a massive ego. It doesn't bother you. You're just going to have massive amounts of fun using them to instill massive fear into everyone else.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. Any role action that player attempts to take that night will fail. Any one shot abilities they try and use will still be expended, however. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Hero, a Jailkeeper


A veteran of multiple wars, you've learnt the sad truth of the world. Sometimes, you need to be cruel and merciless to get a result. But sometimes, making those choices is what makes someone a hero.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. Any role action that player attempts to take that night will fail. Any one shot abilities they try and use will still be expended, however. In addition, you will protect that person from one kill attempt during that night. If more than one player tries to kill your target, they will still die.If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

[spoiler=B - Backup]

Dear USER,

You are a Cavalier, a One-shot backup


Charming and suave, you pride yourself on honor and versatility, and consider your role the most valuable on the battlefield, as you fit seamlessly into whatever hole happens to be left by the first casualties.

You have no active ability initially. After the first of the following roles dies, you will gain a one-shot version of whatever role they had:

  • Thief/Rogue (Cop)
  • Swordmaster (Tracker)
  • Cleric/Bishop (Doctor)
  • Sage (Watcher)
  • Knight (Bomb)
  • Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord (Vigilante)
  • Pegasus Knight (Innocent Child)
  • Fighter/Warrior (Roleblocker)
  • Hero (Jailkeeper)
  • Shaman (Inventor - one random invention they did not use)
  • Druid (Jack of all Trades - one random ability they did not use)
You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Paladin, a Universal Backup


Unlike the raw recruits in the Cavaliers, you've devoted your life purely to serving your liege. If that means dying here, so be it, but you at least hope your sacrifice will not be in vain.

EVERY night, you may choose a town aligned player who has died. When you do, you will take on that player's role and may use it immediately, the night you take it.

If you choose a Falcoknight (Mason) you will be added into the Mason role PM. If you choose a one shot role, you will have the one shot available. If you choose a Shaman (Inventor) or Druid (Jack of all Trades), you will have whatever inventions or abilities they had at the game's start. You may not choose the following roles: Cavalier (One-shot Backup) or Great Knight (Shifting Backup).

Once you have chosen a role, you will keep it for the rest of the game, even if it runs out of uses. Regardless, you will ALWAYS be revealed as a Paladin on death.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Great Knight, a Shifting Backup


The frontline of every cavalry squad, you've seen just about everything there is to see. Death, panic, despair... but also the beauty of nature at it's finest. And now, you're going to fill into whatever roles you need to.

EVERY night, you take the role of the most recently killed town member with a role. If two or more town members died simultaneously like this (e.g. the previous night), you may choose which role to take. When you do, you may immediately use their role ability as though it were your own.

If you choose a Shaman (Inventor) or Druid (Jack of all Trades), you will have whatever inventions or abilities they had at the game's start. If you take the same person's role more than once, any 'used' abilities will be unavailable (this applies to all one shot roles, as well as Shaman (Inventor) and Druid (Jack of all Trades). You may not take any of the following roles: Pegasus Knight (Innocent Child), Falcoknight (Mason), Cavalier (One-shot Backup) or Paladin (Universal Backup).

You will be revealed as a Great Knight on death, regardless of what role you were using at the time.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

[spoiler=J - Jack of all Trades]

Dear USER,

You are a Shaman, an Inventor


You love to mess around with Elder magic. Sometimes, you discover something great, like a way to pull a glass of water on the other side of the tables a few inches towards you. Most of the time, you set your robes on fire, or accidentally dissipate your pet gerbil, but hey, that's the price of progress.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player and one of your two inventions. Below is a brief description of each invention and what they could possibly mean. Each invention may only be used once, and you will not find out what effect it has (although certain effects may make themselves apparent to you). If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

Invention A: (This will hinder another player/This will protect another player/This will gather information on another player)

Invention B: (This will hinder another player/This will protect another player/This will gather information on another player)

"This will hinder another player": This invention could give you a jailkeeper effect on that person, a roleblock effect on that person, kill that person, or it could give you a bomb effect (and you will not visit your target).

"This will protect another player": This invention could give you a watch report, a doctor effect on that person, or a jailkeeper effect on that person.

"This will gather information on another player": This invention could give you a track report, a cop report or a watch report.

Both inventions were chosen randomly from the list of possible inventions with equal probability, with effects that could have been in two possible categories (jailkeep or watch) chosen randomly between the two categories. This process was repeated until the two inventions were in different categories.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Dear USER,

You are a Druid, a Jack of all Trades


You're a master of Elder (sometimes rudely called dark) magic, the magic of Nature, and of healing to top it off. All in all, you're a well rounded individual. You've been looking for an oppertunity to practice your new spells, so this could be pretty exciting.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player (excluding activating your bomb) and one of your three abilities. Each ability may only be used once. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

Ability 1: (One of the below hindering effects)

Ability 2: (One of the below protecting effects)

Ability 3: (One of the below information effects)

Ability 1: This could be a jailkeeper effect on that person, a roleblock effect on that person, a vig effect (kill) on that person, or it could give you a bomb effect.

Ability 2: This could be a watch report, a doctor effect on that person, or a jailkeeper effect on that person.

Ability 3: This could be a track report, a cop report or a watch report.

Each ability was chosen with equal probability within it's category. This makes watch or jailkeeper effects more common.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.

Note: Some irrelevant information from this PM would be ommited if/when sent to a user. This information tells everyone however what a Druid could potentially do.

Dear USER,

You are a Soldier, a Vanilla townie


You're just a generic soldier, but you have an important role to play. Nobody knows your role is less significant, so hopefully you can be just as persuasive everyday as everyone else.

You have no special abilities. More than anyone else, you will live and die by your wits and contributions into the game thread.

You are allied with the town. You win by eliminating all threats to the town.



You are the Mafia


The invaders on this space, you want to claim these lands for yourself. Each of you has your own strengths and abilities, and you must work together to achieve your goal.

You are the mafia. You are allowed to talk freely at any point in this PM. You may share any resources (notes, spreadsheets etc.) here as well. Each night, the mafia as a group must decide on one person to kill AND which mafia member will commit the kill. If you haven't made a decision as a group, the first name listed in this quote who gave a person and a target will be considered the mafia decision. The person performing the kill CANNOT use any personal abilities they may have that night, if they are a stalker or roleblocker.

You are able to partially disguise your roles upon death.

Lancers (Goons) will be revealed as Mafia Lancer (Goon)

Reavers (Roleblockers) and Whispers (Stalkers) will be revealed as Mafia Reaver/Whisper (Roleblocker/Stalker)

Dragon Lords (Strongmen) and Archsages (Godfathers) will be revealed as Mafia Dragon Lord/Archsage (Strongman/Godfather)

You are allied with the mafia. You win by eliminating all threats to the mafia, or being in a position where this is unavoidable.

Dear USER,

You are a Dragon Lord, a Strongman


The strongest person in the skies, you instill fear into all who see you. And even more fear into those who hear you, moments before you take their life through just about any obstacle.

ONCE during the game, when performing your factional kill you may choose to become 'strongman'. If you do, then you will kill your target through any obstacle, and be unharmed yourself. This means in particular that doctors, bombs, roleblockers and jailkeepers will not affect you the night you use this.

When you die, you will be revealed as a Mafia Dragon Lord/Archsage (Strongman/Godfather)

You are allied with the mafia.You win by eliminating all threats to the mafia, or being in a position where this is unavoidable.

Dear USER,

You are an Archsage, a Godfather


Wiser and more powerful with magic than any, you've decided these lands belong to you and only you. Well, and maybe your companions, a little, if you're feeling generous. But probably just you.

During EVERY night phase, if any cop or cop ability investigates you, the result will not find any incriminating evidence. This is identical to the result given by town aligned members. If you perform the factional kill for the mafia, this ability will still be active. You are ONLY immune to direct investigations, you can for example still be tracked or watched.

When you die, you will be revealed as a Mafia Dragon Lord/Archsage (Strongman/Godfather)

You are allied with the mafia.You win by eliminating all threats to the mafia, or being in a position where this is unavoidable.

Dear USER,

You are a Reaver, a Roleblocker


More ferocious and terrifying with an axe than any other, you feel it only fair that people should respect your brute strength. If they don't, well, you'll just have to demonstrate why they should.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. Any role action that player attempts to take that night will fail. Any one shot abilities they try and use will still be expended, however. You may not use this ability if you are performing the mafia's factional kill. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

When you die, you will be revealed as a Mafia Reaver/Whisper (Roleblocker/Stalker)

You are allied with the mafia.You win by eliminating all threats to the mafia, or being in a position where this is unavoidable.

Dear USER,

You are a Whisper, a Stalker


Silence. It follows you. Breaking into someone's house? Silence. Taking someone's valuable notebook? Silence. Cracking your knuckles? ...Uh, actually, that usually makes a little sound. But not much.

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. You will infiltrate their house and discover their role name. You may not use this ability if you are performing the mafia's factional kill. If you do not wish to use your role, please say in your role PM.

When you die, you will be revealed as a Mafia Reaver/Whisper (Roleblocker/Stalker)

You are allied with the mafia.You win by eliminating all threats to the mafia, or being in a position where this is unavoidable.

Dear USER,

You are a Lancer, a Goon


The perfect soldier. Dilligent in following orders, loyal to every command, others should really try to be more like you. These citizens... they lack discipline. You will be a shining example to them, as you take their lives for your liege.

You have no special abilities. Each night you may converse with other mafia members and may perform the factional kill, but beyond this you do not have any extra abilities.

You are allied with the mafia.You win by eliminating all threats to the mafia, or being in a position where this is unavoidable.


Dear USER,

You are the Dark Druid, a Killer


At last, your plan to conquer the world is complete. All you need... the sacrifices of many lives. These victims should help your bring about your new world order, with you at the top of everything.

You are the Killer. You have the following special abilities:

EVERY night in your role PM, you may choose another player. Unless prevented by another player's interference, your target will die during the night.

You are one nightkill immune. This means that one attempt to kill you will fail (two attempts on the same night however will kill you). A doctor's protection takes effect before your nightkill immunity.

The stalker (mafia aligned) will always fail when investigating you, and your role will be reported as Soldier (vanilla town).

(If Tx5) You know that there are exactly 6 town role letters in the game. These could be distributed between anywhere from three to six town members. You therefore also know the mafia consists of a Reaver (Roleblocker), a Whisper (Stalker) and an Archsage (Godfather)

(If Tx2) You know there are exactly 9 town role letters in the game. These could be distributed between anywhere from five to nine town members. You therefore also know the mafia consists of a Reaver (Roleblocker), a Whisper (Stalker) and two Lancers (Goons).

(If Tx2) You know the town's strength lies mostly in it's (one of:)

investigation roles. You are also investigation immune. This means if any cop or cop ability investigates you, the result will not find any incriminating evidence. This is identical to the result given by town aligned members.

protective roles. You are also a one shot strongman. ONCE during the game, when performing your kill you may choose to become 'strongman'. If you do, then you will kill your target through any obstacle, and be unharmed yourself. This means in particular that doctors, bombs, roleblockers and jailkeepers will not affect you the night you use this.

killing roles. You have a second nightkill immunity which works the same way as the first. This means you may survive one kill on two different nights, or two kills on one night (but not both).

roleblocking roles. You are immune to being roleblocked.

The ability of the above you were granted was determined by which of I, P, R and K's there were the most of and nothing else (in particular all M, J and T were ignored). In the case of a tie, the ability was chosen in order I>P>K>R.

You are allied with yourself. You win by being the last person alive, or being in a position where this is unavoidable.

This is all the possible roles in the game. There are no other roles. If it isn't listed here, it is not in the game.

Finally, feel free to ask questions or make suggestions during signups. The game is semi-open - all possibilities are shown here, so if you think the game feels broken in some way, now's the time to tell me so it can be fixed!

Signups (15/15)


Serious Bananas



Super Serious Gal


Liquid Snake

Eclipse (assuming sanity after finishing his game)





Cap'n Flint



Subs (1/X)



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I'll sign up for this if the day phases are reduced to 4 days at most. 7 day phases do a lot more to stagnate the game than they do to increase discussion. If people are being active, they can and should be able to get their shit together for a lynch in 96 hours at the most. If they're not being active, the thought that there's still so much time left in the phase isn't going to make them more likely to post. Rather the opposite.

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I'll sign up for this if the day phases are reduced to 4 days at most. 7 day phases do a lot more to stagnate the game than they do to increase discussion. If people are being active, they can and should be able to get their shit together for a lynch in 96 hours at the most. If they're not being active, the thought that there's still so much time left in the phase isn't going to make them more likely to post. Rather the opposite.

I've played games with 3 week deadlines which have gone right up to the wire with activity throughout (I think we reached about 3K posts by the end of day 2). But you're probably right that 7 days is too much here. I'll reduce it to 4.

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I'd really just prefer 72 hours, in recent games SF has generally done fine enough at talking to get a lynch within them. If anything, more than that will lead to a shitton of pages I don't want to read. But either one is better than 1 week days.

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I think it's worth reminding people that day ends as soon as a lynch has majority, and majority is needed for a lynch. So the (currently) 4 day deadline is an upper limit, not the norm.

Edit: In fact, I think this really needs to be stressed. People need to actually agree on the best person to lynch each day. If they can't, they no lynch, and that's generally bad for town. This often means people need to vote for lynches for the person that isn't their biggest scumread, but to vote someone many find suspicious that they also want to vote for. This in particular forces peoples hands, especially the mafia, and makes it much easier to get reads from voting patterns.

And I'm actually concerned 4 days isn't even enough for these kinds of deadline to work.

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Yeah basically what SB said. We have hammer games that go for 72 hours and people are generally pretty good at reaching hammer in that time. Normally there's a threat of universal loss imposed if you fail to reach a majority in those games (normally twice is the trigger), with normally a complete RL if you fail to get majority

And in non-hammer games, general rule of thumb is someone needs 1/3 of the total votes to be lynched each day or it's universal loss again (again, normally twice to trigger universal loss, but I run non-hammer games where you can't do it even once without universal loss)

edit: I know i won't have a lot of time because this will make me playing in two games but what the heck i'm in

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I'm not playing because I have finals starting a week from Monday but going "man week long deadlines are dumb" when you guys think you can get a lynch in 3-4 days which would end the day immediately is kind of odd

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Because week-long deadlines I think would have a tendency to cause people to slack off because they think they have a longer time.

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I'm in. (Newbie)

welcome to sf mafia SSG (sounds like SG someow), where new players are always welcome

I don't think I have the ability to play another game, can I be a sub to be subbed in only after I am free enough (as in dead in one of the two games)

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My purpose in life is to sub.

Or keep me as a last minute player, the setup looks interesting but I doubt I'll have a lot of time to play

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We're over halfway full now, with two subs. That's quite nice.

I'm in many ways glad the hammer only system is being used now, that's nice. When I proposed the game onto the list, it wasn't, and I've been pretty inactive here since then (part of that is because I've been absolutely avoiding everything about Awakening - which coincidentally I finished about two hours ago).

For the new players (Super Serious Gal and daBOMB, I think, and any I missed): Welcome! I hope you enjoy the game, and don't hesitate to ask me questions. Also make sure to give the Mafia HQ post a look over (but basically the key things are 1) It's only a game, be civil and play to win and 2) It's a game about lying and knowing anyone else might be lying, don't be offended if people start aggressively questioning you)

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