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If male characters had their own children...


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I think Libra should have a Cleric daughter who is always mistaken for a boy by strangers, including her parents when she is first recruited. The kicker is she looks almost identical to her dad.

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Gregor has s daughter named Gregoria, whom talks exactly like her father, but instead of being a sellsword, she's a thief who donates all her profits to charities.

Frederick's son is a pyrophobe and an anarchist. His name would be George.

Vaike's daughter is a modest girl with low self esteem. She doesn't like it when people look at her and her name is Verta.

Kellam's son is a male model, who hates it when people look at him, his name would be Romeo.

Virion's daughter is a flirt and ham of a princess; spoiled and rotten. Her name could be Queenie.

Wait, wait... One more. Lon'qu's daughter is a girly girl who loves fashion and make-up. Her name would be Brittany (no offense meant to any other Britannies)

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Oh this is fun!

Virion would have a daughter. Her name would be Yvonne and she would be a mage. She'd be really intent on regaining the people's respect for her House. She'd be pretty humble though...

Gregor has a little girl named Olga. She'd start as a myrmidon. And she would be really big on cooking.

Kellam has a son named Rodd, He stands out in a crowd and has a very booming voice. (he'd be a thief)

Henry's son, Stephen would be really well adjusted and Friend To All Living Things. And hes a barbarian. (think Mordecai)

Rickon's boy, Bran, would really like it if he could keep his childhood forever.

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Frederick's son is a pyrophobe and an anarchist. His name would be George.

I see what you did there.

@Vashiane: Assuming that there's a 50-50 split between people who play as male avatar and female avatar, and that people want to recruit as many characters as they can, I'd say that one solution is to make it so that either Donnel is not pairable with anyone except female Avatar, or Anna and Tiki are pairable with all the guys. It doesn't really make sense to me that Donnel, a paralogue character, can marry anyone but Anna and Tiki, both paralogue characters, cannot do the same. Too bad Phila isn't recruitable.

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To prevent any child bearing men from staying single, they will be able to marry Tiki and Anna, who will not have children but exist to allow every child character to be recruitable.

Rickon's boy, Bran, would really like it if he could keep his childhood forever.

That just writes itself. We have a boy who can't wait to grow up and his son who grew up too fast.

Edited by Spaceman Craig
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Yeah, I never understood why Donnel could marry anyone but the other sidequest people couldn't. It's why I don't particularly like him and because he messes up the pairing balance; and that's why I always keep him forever alone.... :P

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Yeah, I never understood why Donnel could marry anyone but the other sidequest people couldn't. It's why I don't particularly like him and because he messes up the pairing balance; and that's why I always keep him forever alone.... :P

Wut, he's like the best parent besides MU...

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Wut, he's like the best parent besides MU...

Not in my opinion. The only notable thing he can give is aptitude, and once all stats are capped its completely useless. He's not bad, but he's by no means the best. Plus, I tend to pair people for support quality first; I just don't see him with any of the women. Maybe if IS had given a few extra girls I would actually pair him...

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I think he's absolutely adorable with Lissa. <3

Also, am I the only one that would give Frederick a daughter if he were to get his own default kid? xP

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Lon'qu gets a daughter who's a lesbian

Gaius' son likes vegetables more than sweets

Gregor's son is very prudent with his money

Stahl's daughter is an overachiever

Everyone but Lon'qu will have children who will be... their opposite, lol... Nice. But I can't see IS actually implementing any children being a lesbian. Too bad, or I'd marry male Avatar to Chrom if I played as male.

And whoa whoa whoa, we don't really need extra females characters. Vashiane pretty much summed up what I figured after planning some pairings... although she went into way more details than I was gonna, by adding in Donny. I always just included him in my lists.

The same is with children. As for having some males not being able to...have children... I suppose so, but you could kinda see why it was the case for the females. Like Tiki and Anna are kinda... out there, no offence to their fangirls/boys. Say'ri, I'm not sure why -- maybe because she's kinda like an outsider and comes in late. Real late.

Plus, it's Avatar/Morgan that throws the pairing balance ...out of balance. But I don't really care.

I do agree with whoever comes up with daughters for Lon'qu. (Read as: not from the mother's side.)

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Wut, he's like the best parent besides MU...

"Wut." Donnel passes a negative Spd (and Skill) modifier, and his other modifiers are not particularly stellar (+1 Str / +3 Lck / +1 Def), and while he passes Merc (and Peg Knight, for daughters), he is far from a 'great' parent, let alone 'best.' If we're talking best of any parent, Cordelia is easily best , besides Avatar. For male parents, Lon'qu is good, and Gregor is also better than Donnel, even if he does miss out on Peg Knight.

And Aptitude is overrated.

/end rant

I think Libra should have a Cleric daughter who is always mistaken for a boy by strangers, including her parents when she is first recruited. The kicker is she looks almost identical to her dad.

So much win right here. If so, I might actually start using Libra.

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Say'ri, I'm not sure why -- maybe because she's kinda like an outsider and comes in late. Real late.

Well, Say'ri is kind of dead in the original timeline. Maybe IS wanted the non-Morgan children to definitively come from the same timeline?

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"Wut." Donnel passes a negative Spd (and Skill) modifier, and his other modifiers are not particularly stellar (+1 Str / +3 Lck / +1 Def), and while he passes Merc (and Peg Knight, for daughters), he is far from a 'great' parent, let alone 'best.' If we're talking best of any parent, Cordelia is easily best , besides Avatar. For male parents, Lon'qu is good, and Gregor is also better than Donnel, even if he does miss out on Peg Knight.

And Aptitude is overrated.

/end rant

You forgot Gaius, the other bearer of the majestic Pegasus Knight Class in his... genetics, and mods similar to Lon'qu.

Back on topic, while this idea is really fun, I think we're forgetting the other reason that any future kid would be messed up/silly/crazy: a good amount of the quirks/traits of any child character are also coping mechanisms stemming from the bad future and whatever crap happens to the family.

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No, it never really made sense to me either, but I guess because Donnel has his own unique class while Tiki is another manakete and Anna is a trickster. Even if said trickster and manakete are freaking awesome.

Oh! And while I was at it, I made a son for Anna.

Name: Jake (I know, I am SO original. [/sarcasm])

Gender: Male

Starting Class: Trickster (Level 1)

Weapon Rank: Sword - C, Stave - C

Starting Inventory: Levin Sword, Rescue, Concoction x 3

Skills: Locktouch, Movement +1

An explorer with a knack for his mother's trade. While he has her sharp wit and charming smile, his love of knowledge and uncanny ability to stray adrift his original course is completely his own. The most adept gambler.

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No, it never really made sense to me either, but I guess because Donnel has his own unique class while Tiki is another manakete and Anna is a trickster. Even if said trickster and manakete are freaking awesome.

Oh! And while I was at it, I made a son for Anna.

Name: Jake (I know, I am SO original. [/sarcasm])

Gender: Male

Starting Class: Trickster (Level 1)

Weapon Rank: Sword - C, Stave - C

Starting Inventory: Levin Sword, Rescue, Concoction x 3

Skills: Locktouch, Movement +1

An explorer with a knack for his mother's trade. While he has her sharp wit and charming smile, his love of knowledge and uncanny ability to stray adrift his original course is completely his own. The most adept gambler.

Jake ought to be ostracized by his mother's family for not being named "Anna." Other than that, I really like it.

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"Wut." Donnel passes a negative Spd (and Skill) modifier, and his other modifiers are not particularly stellar (+1 Str / +3 Lck / +1 Def), and while he passes Merc (and Peg Knight, for daughters), he is far from a 'great' parent, let alone 'best.' If we're talking best of any parent, Cordelia is easily best , besides Avatar. For male parents, Lon'qu is good, and Gregor is also better than Donnel, even if he does miss out on Peg Knight.

And Aptitude is overrated.

/end rant

So much win right here. If so, I might actually start using Libra.

Those modifiers get canceled because of the child bonus. You know I meant fathers, mothers aren't paired the same way... And umm, yea, Galeforce&armsthrift is better than some crappy mods anyway. I'd take skills and classes over mods any day.

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Galina - Gregor's daughter. Myrmidon. Efficient, elegant, and eerie. Lacks a sense of humor. Thinks nothing of killing other human beings, saying "Is for good cause, die for important reason". Same broken speech patterns as her father, though this is just to make her enemies think she's less of a threat than she seems. Known to break bottles of alcohol on impulse.

Wade - Vaike's son. Barbarian. A grim man who almost never smiles. Trains his ass off. Makes his friends and family train their asses off. When questioned, says that they will never be "good enough", not while there's still self-improvement to be achieved. Puts special attention on anti-ambush measures.

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Frederick would have a son who would have left Butler School uncreative ideas FTW in the future to fight in the war.

Virion would have a spoilt daughter who only came to war because her dad made her, but ends up enjoying it in the end.

Gregor would have a son who resembles The Heavy from Team Fortress 2, who has an obsession with killing people.

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I think of any children of the fathers that paired up with the other mothers and wanted to have sibilings with the others children that I can maybe think which its for the best for the fathers is:

Frederick -> Probably Daughter (I thinking Cavalier would be the best for her, maybe as an ally that she got lost during with Lucina, and she might have a friendship support conversation with Lucina (that she could not causing too many problems like her father and Chrom), Morgan, and Kjelle)

Virion -> Probably Daughter (I thinking Troubadour would be the best for her and she probably the same like Nanna, maybe have a support conversation with Inigo and talking about his dance looks greatful and he may get surprised and she might have a friendship support conversation with Severa, Morgan, and Noire)

Vaike -> Probably Daughter (I thinking Thief would be the best for her, probably have experience for stealing like Patty from FE4, and she might have a friendship support conversation with Lucina (she can maybe be the rival of Lucina), Morgan, and Noire)

Stahl -> Probably Son (I thinking Villager would be the best for him, that I can might want to think of maybe that he lives in the village, and he might have a friendship support conversation with Morgan, Brady, Inigo, and Owain)

Kellam -> Probably Son (I thinking Cavalier would be the best for him, she can maybe use a horse instead of using the armor and he maybe acts more like Noish from FE4 or Kyle from FE8, and he might have a friendship support conversation with Gerome, Brady, Morgan, and Owain)

Lon'qu -> Probably Daughter (I thinking Myrmidon would be the best for her, plus, she might going to have the ' in between in her name too, maybe that I can think of she probably does get along with some men (but not all of them that she get shy around), and she might have a friendship support conversation with Lucina, Severa (unexpected rival for Severa that Severa comes first to ask her and then, telling Severa to stop being so mean on others), and Nah, plus also, special conversation with Say'ri (as talking about Chon'sin and Lon'qu's past))

Donnel -> Probably Son (I thinking Fighter would be the best for him, maybe acts more like calm as Halvan from FE5, Dorcas from FE7, or Nolan from FE10, and he might have a friendship support conversation with Inigo, Morgan, and Gerome)

Ricken -> Probably Daughter (I thinking Mage would be the best for her and maybe she might be similar to Hugh from Binding Blade and she might be a Mercenary Mage that wanted 10,000 gold if she's recruited by Chrom or Lucina, and she might have a friendship support conversation with Morgan and Cynthia)

Gaius -> Probably Son (I thinking Barbarian would be the best for him, maybe more similar to Gonzalez from Binding Blade and Lucina might recruit him instead of Chrom, and he might have a friendship support conversation with Owain and Inigo (that Inigo mistakenly him for a Bad Guy after he's recruited))

Gregor -> Probably Son (I thinking Archer would be the best for him, maybe just similar to Ronan from FE5, and he might have a friendship support conversation with Laurent and Yarne)

Libra -> Probably Daughter (I thinking Cleric would be the best for her and maybe that she wanted to heals up the allies just like Brady, she might gets kidnapped like Maria from Shadow Dragon, and she might have a friendship support conversation with Lucina, Severa, and Nah)

Henry -> Probably Daughter (I thinking Dark Mage would be the best for her and she maybe hates death or injuries that she might don't want to act like her father, and she might have a friendship support conversation with Noire (talking about Tharja and Noire's problems with her) and Nah)

Edited by King Marth 64
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What did I do there, I es going for George like the one knight of old, real world legend.

Not a Harry Potter reference then? (Fred and George Weasley)

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Those modifiers get canceled because of the child bonus. You know I meant fathers, mothers aren't paired the same way... And umm, yea, Galeforce&armsthrift is better than some crappy mods anyway. I'd take skills and classes over mods any day.

Donnel is good only because of the Peg. Knight tree and the Mercenary tree that he can pass down to kids (+ Aptitude, though I think that one is a load of bollocks, given how easy it is to get experience through DLC, and thus chances for level ups, and the kids not being worth much on Hard or Lunatic in my opinion). And out of all the children, two of the girls can't have him as father, two of the girls are absolute wastes of his inheritance due to getting both of those trees, two of the boys are similiarly a waste since they get Mercenary as well as the chance to inherit Galeforce from their mothers, two more boys can get Galeforce through their mothers, and three of the boys can't get Galeforce at all, but can get Sol, Renewal, or Axefaire, and/or wants a magic father or Gregor (who can give both Mercenary and Barbarian).

That leaves three girls who can't get Peg. Knight or Mercenary: One girl's mother can marry Vaike and get Mercenary that way + Axefaire, as well as access to the Thief tree for skills that help with mobility and avoid, or can get Gaius for access to Peg. Knight + Sol and mobility/evasiveness skills through the Thief class (both also allows for you to eventually build a fairly mobile General). one girl wants a magic father for Tomefaire, and Ricken fills both of those on top of passing down the Cavalier tree, which enables her to access the Aegis/Pavise combo which, coupled with access to Sorcerer, allows her to be a really good Nostank. One girl is a member of the tankiest class in the game, and wants skills that help her in this role more-so than Galeforce and Armsthrift, especially since her most powerful weapon in that class can be bought infinitely.

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Donnel is like the second best father in the game, the first being Gregor

So, there

Although Donnel being good or not really depend on how you use him. If you used him for the legendary Donnel!Inigo, then I have nothing to say

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I also made Frederick's daughter. Frederick always struck me as a Lawful Good sort-of person, so I made his daughter Lawful Neutral incarnate.

Name: Isolde

Gender: Female

Starting Class: Wyvern Rider (Level 10)

Weapon Rank: Axe - C

Starting Inventory: Steel Axe, Vulenary x 3

Skills: Strength +2, Tantivy

A ruthless and driven girl who believes she was destined to upload the law and act as a true bringer of justice. Her cool-headed attitude disappears once nighttime falls, and rest refuses to come to her unless she's near a fire. The one most likely to drown.

Additional Notes: One of her critical quotes is "Have you picked your god?"

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I'm probably got a few Cut In Off quotes that I came up that will probably be good for the father's children:

Frederick's daughter:

"This the end for you!"

"For the future!"

Virion's daughter:

"For the House of Virion!"

"I will not fail for my father!"

Vaike's daughter:

"Don't mess with the daughter of "The Vaike"!"

Stahl's son:

"You are nothing but a enemy!"

"I'm working very hard!"

Kellam's son:

"I am not to judge with your acts!"

Lon'qu's daughter:

"For Chon'sin!"

"This will kill your souls!"

"I will not let my homeland gets destroyed!"

Donnel's son:

"For my grandma ma's village!"

"Let's chop some wood!"

Ricken's daughter:

"You will pay the ultimate price!"

"This will finally might get enough for my family's starvation!"

Gaius's son:

"You're the enemy of Ylisse!"

"I'm a good guy, not your minion!"

Gregor's son:

"This will avenged my father's death on you!"

"No more tricks from you!"

Libra's daughter:

"You're not even praying enough!"

"For the Gods of Naga!"

"Nothing that will keep trying to hard!"

Henry's daughter:

"This will strike on you for killing people!"

"Why you! Craven!"

I also made Frederick's daughter. Frederick always struck me as a Lawful Good sort-of person, so I made his daughter Lawful Neutral incarnate.

Name: Isolde

Gender: Female

Starting Class: Wyvern Rider (Level 10)

Weapon Rank: Axe - C

Starting Inventory: Steel Axe, Vulenary x 3

Skills: Strength +2, Tantivy

A ruthless and driven girl who believes she was destined to upload the law and act as a true bringer of justice. Her cool-headed attitude disappears once nighttime falls, and rest refuses to come to her unless she's near a fire. The one most likely to drown.

Additional Notes: One of her critical quotes is "Have you picked your god?"

That might be a good one. And what will Frederick might think of her daughter during in their support conversations if he asks her if why is she Ruthless?

Edited by King Marth 64
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