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Who ends up ruling Grado after the game?

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Nice catch, they never really explained that. It would make good for a sequel to have some power quarrel, but that doesn't fit the theme of Sacred Stones with its monsters, and fantasy horror and such.

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After the earthquake destroyed most of Grado, I'm sure the kingdom had to rebuild itself from scratch.

If Knoll and Duessel survived, they'd probably have some authority, but we don't really know what happened during and after the earthquake.

Edited by Paper Jam
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Good!Lyon came back from the shadow realm, rebuilt Grado after the earthquake and ruled happily ever after with Eirika at his side.

Seriously though, its things like this that make me wish for a return to Magvel so that we can see what happened after all. Other than Gaiden, it was the only FE game not to have any prequel, sequel or sidequel; as a huge Magvel fan, I've been super disappointed on all of the loose, unexplained ends IS left us with.... :(

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I like to think that Ephraim becomes the Restoration King of Renais, and Eirika the Restoration Queen of Grado (knowing that's what Lyon would've wanted), and the two countries become so close that they're practically the same entity in all but name and government.

If that doesn't work for y'all, though, then my second-choice future is "assimilated into Renais."

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Nice catch, they never really explained that. It would make good for a sequel to have some power quarrel, but that doesn't fit the theme of Sacred Stones with its monsters, and fantasy horror and such.

I don't know about that, I remember quite a few lines and support subplots that refer to the countries' state of disrepair. Usually in the context of Grado's actions, like Duessel questioning Vigarde's orders to seemingly destroy Renais as a country, Knoll's supports where he talks about the reason for Lyon's futzing about in the first place being in large part to find a way to prevent or otherwise deal with a massively destructive earthquake prophesied to happen in Grado's future.

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Banana is right, my girl shall rule grado with a trembling and shaky fist!

In all seriousness though, I thought grado was DESTROYED by an earthquake, like, full scale evacuation, gone from existence destroyed, and everyone sort of dispersed across magvel

Lyon didn't have any siblings, did he?

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Good!Lyon came back from the shadow realm, rebuilt Grado after the earthquake and ruled happily ever after with Eirika at his side.

Seriously though, its things like this that make me wish for a return to Magvel so that we can see what happened after all. Other than Gaiden, it was the only FE game not to have any prequel, sequel or sidequel; as a huge Magvel fan, I've been super disappointed on all of the loose, unexplained ends IS left us with.... :(

But Gaiden and FE1 ARE sidequels. Gaiden literally means "side story". It happens on a different continent as FE1/FE3, which is why you see the pegasus sisters in it.

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I like to pretend it's Lute and Knoll though, forever being the weird couple that took over and had no idea what they were doing.

Klok, you should totally make a hack of that.

Anyway, Duessel does probably make the most sense, but as others have said, there's also the possibility that the country was so damaged by the earthquake that it became unlivable and the citizens moved.

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Vigarde is dead has no other sons or daughters.

Lyon is dead, and/or whatever happened to him.

Knoll went on a journey around Magvel.

Duessel probably went to Renais.

Amelia married Franz.

Natasha married Joshua.

The 6 gemstone general are all dead, save for Duessel

Seeing that Grado already has a bunch of undeads, undeads come from Grado anyway...

Probably, Grado's ruler is.... A Random Etombed

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i feel like fe8 is the only title that hasn't really dealt with regional politics at all and focused more on a grand scheme of "let's fight the bad guys"

so i'm not really surprised that this didn't get more than a passing mention

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But Gaiden and FE1 ARE sidequels. Gaiden literally means "side story". It happens on a different continent as FE1/FE3, which is why you see the pegasus sisters in it.

Oh, whoops, I haven't actually played it so I didn't know. My bad.

But that still further proves my point that Magvel more than any other game needs more love, in the form of prequel, sidequel, or sequel. Hell, even a remake would do. I know its not the most popular one, but I (and I'm sure other people) wanna go back! IS, make it happen please! D:

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Knoll orchestrates a "for the greater good" Dark Magic coup eventually imo

Edited by Rehab
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Knoll orchestrates a "for the greater good" Dark Magic coup eventually imo

Him disappearing was so he could form the Magvellian Illuminati
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Klok, you should totally make a hack of that.

Anyway, Duessel does probably make the most sense, but as others have said, there's also the possibility that the country was so damaged by the earthquake that it became unlivable and the citizens moved.

I find the choice of the word "romhack" to be very... FEXing...

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Nice catch, they never really explained that. It would make good for a sequel to have some power quarrel, but that doesn't fit the theme of Sacred Stones with its monsters, and fantasy horror and such.

actually depending on what was done with the dark stone say Knoll finds it and it has the same effects as him as it did on Lyon and the dragon reawakens could go for a good story line

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