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FEE3 2013


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Base Engine: FE7

Name of Hack: Project Z
Creator: The Emblem Brigade
What You'll Submit: Trailer, Live Demo, Interview
Anything Else?: Nothing much and stuff?

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Base Engine: FE4
Name of Hack: Fire Emblem 4: Shin Patch
Creator: Shintelligent Systems (basically just me)
What You'll Submit: Patch, Interview, Misleading trailer
Anything Else?: In all honesty, this is probably the laziest project submitted. Stoopid Cam.

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Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE7

Engine: FE4 aka "probably the laziest project submitted"

also hi arch

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Okay, time to mark your calendars! The show will start on August 9th, a Friday, and will span that entire weekend.

Entries are due two weeks prior to the event, so as to allow our hosts enough time to record and put the show together. All entries are due July 26th!

Best of luck to you all in getting everything ready. It's gonna be a great show!

Edited by Arch
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Like I said on OT I'm willing to offer some support. I don't think I can make the time to host the whole event, but I can do a couple of presentations and maybe some co-commentating.

(pssst give me the good ones okay?)

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Myke's on board, Mage Knight 404 said he'd look at doing some, and there have been a couple other volunteers I'll likely be enlisting. Thinking I might join in for some commentary too.

As always, I'm still looking for people. The more hosts, the better (and less work for all).

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I want to have it on one channel. Hosts are people doing LPs/commentating. The hosts would be free, of course, to upload their commentaries to their own channels as well, but it would also be on the main channel (the logistics of which are still being worked out).

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I already vied to host all of the videos on my channel if you still want to, Arch. I think all anyone needs to do is just send their finished videos to me via Dropbox or Sendspace or what have you and I'll take care of the rest, It's no problem to me.

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On one hand, I think MK404's channel is ideal due to how popular he is. On the other hand, speaking from a specific viewpoint, having a dedicated FEE3 channel (FETrailers? FEE3 Official?) would be better for the long run as it keeps all the videos in the same place without any worry of the channel being taken down, like what happened with Trent's channel. Also it isn't aiding anyone's particular motives like gaining a ton of views for whoever gets the host position, and it makes it a lot easier to submit. Why upload, have someone download that, then reupload to youtube? Just cut out the middleman.

There's the issue of security, but that's why one person (Like Arch, for example) could be the "main" host who changes the password after all the submissions are in and alters it every year. I get the feeling since we're on the third FEE3 we need to be thinking more longterm, along the lines of the NCFC website, and not just passing the buck to different people every year. What if Ray is busy next year? What if's are what we should be thinking to mitigate right now and I think having its own channel is definitely the best idea.

Believe me, if the channel has content, it'll get views.

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On one hand, I think MK404's channel is ideal due to how popular he is. On the other hand, speaking from a specific viewpoint, having a dedicated FEE3 channel (FETrailers? FEE3 Official?) would be better for the long run as it keeps all the videos in the same place without any worry of the channel being taken down, like what happened with Trent's channel. Also it isn't aiding anyone's particular motives like gaining a ton of views for whoever gets the host position, and it makes it a lot easier to submit. Why upload, have someone download that, then reupload to youtube? Just cut out the middleman.

There's the issue of security, but that's why one person (Like Arch, for example) could be the "main" host who changes the password after all the submissions are in and alters it every year. I get the feeling since we're on the third FEE3 we need to be thinking more longterm, along the lines of the NCFC website, and not just passing the buck to different people every year. What if Ray is busy next year? What if's are what we should be thinking to mitigate right now and I think having its own channel is definitely the best idea.

Believe me, if the channel has content, it'll get views.

I don't know, Klokinator.

In my opinion, you're quite optimistic.

We're talking about a totally new channel with no subscribers.

It could get few hundred views through serenes, but then?

How will people find it? FE hacks are not exactly mainstream, and FEE3 is an event known (or remembered) by few, no offense.

Also, it will be a channel updated once per year... which isn't exactly helpful in order to earn views and subscribers.

Why having a channel for this event, whose purpose is to showcase to fanboys the world the projects, if it will be mostly seen from the same people of serenes?

Why waiting for months or years before reaching 1000 views per video (maybe...) when someone here gets the same amount in few days, if the serie is popular?

It's a showcase.

It has to get the most views in the less time.

It's stupid to earn 1000 views in 1 year if the year after those contents will already be old and a new FEE3 is intended to come.

This said, I think that uploading all of them on a popular channel like Ray's (or Rey's) is the best thing to do. Gathering the videos and changing the host year by year is an effort worth the time.

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Just post the videos up on as many channels as possible, for god's sake. This event should be about getting exposure for the hackers, not getting viewers for LPers.

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This sounds epic! However, I'm not all too skilled at romhacking yet, and don't know the basics of the Event assembler. But I'd love to get better and improve. I've made some hacks before but it is so sad that they got deleted with our hard drive from years ago.

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I don't know, Klokinator.

In my opinion, you're quite optimistic.

We're talking about a totally new channel with no subscribers.

It could get few hundred views through serenes, but then?

How will people find it? FE hacks are not exactly mainstream, and FEE3 is an event known (or remembered) by few, no offense.

Also, it will be a channel updated once per year... which isn't exactly helpful in order to earn views and subscribers.

Why having a channel for this event, whose purpose is to showcase to fanboys the world the projects, if it will be mostly seen from the same people of serenes?

Why waiting for months or years before reaching 1000 views per video (maybe...) when someone here gets the same amount in few days, if the serie is popular?

It's a showcase.

It has to get the most views in the less time.

It's stupid to earn 1000 views in 1 year if the year after those contents will already be old and a new FEE3 is intended to come.

This said, I think that uploading all of them on a popular channel like Ray's (or Rey's) is the best thing to do. Gathering the videos and changing the host year by year is an effort worth the time.

Maybe I'm missing something very obvious, but why do these videos need to get tons of views?

I figure the primary audience, the community, would see it, since Arch made the topic here.

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Maybe I'm missing something very obvious, but why do these videos need to get tons of views?

I figure the primary audience, the community, would see it, since Arch made the topic here.

Obviously the community will always be a great part of its audience.

But the community is not everything.

There are people interested in hack projects that don't even know serenes. FEE3's purpose is to showcase these projects to whoever is interested in them. This is at least how I see it.

The topic is here just because hackers are here, and they're the ones who intend to show their projects to others.

Where should the topic be, otherwise?

Also, would it be a problem for the community if the projects get tons of view? I don't think so, in fact people here will watch the videos regardless.

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Perhaps like the first FEE3 there should be a topic for it on every major forum? And aside from that, since FEE3 will be many multiple videos, people who are browsing youtube for YETI FE7X VIDEOS will find FEE3 videos and say "hey, what's FEE3? perhaps I should google this?"

Give people some credit man. If some unknown kid picking his nose to the beat of some j-pop song can get a million views on youtube, I think a large event like FEE3 can get a significant amount of exposure as well. Even with a new youtube channel.

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I don't know. It doesn't convince me but I'd be happy to see a channel full of everyone's projects.

I was just pointing out the risks that this could bring, that's all.

Anyway any choice is good, what matters now is that FEE3 will be a great show like always. ;)

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If you want the videos to get views, you have to approach the people who just lurk FE forums or don't go on them at all, which are a lot of people. I don't expect some of you guys to believe me, but most of the people who email me bug reports or hacking questions don't go on forums, for various reasons, though they might go on youtube or occasionally be led to a forum link to download something. Getting them to pay attention is the difference between it getting a solid amount of views versus thousands. Tell your friends and co-workers go go go

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Some interesting discussion, certainly. Good points on both sides. I guess I'll weigh in.

Just post the videos up on as many channels as possible, for god's sake. This event should be about getting exposure for the hackers, not getting viewers for LPers.

I think this just about sums up the way I'd like to approach it. We'll have Mage Knight 404's channel acting as the main host for the event, with the LPers being free to upload the videos to their own channels as well in order to further expand the show's audience. I'd also like to maybe advertise it on other forums. This gives us the biggest audience possible. We already know that the community will tune in (at least the portion of it that cares about ROM hacks), this approach makes the event into an opportunity to bring our community's works to a bigger swath of people. This also goes for the LPers, who would be hosted on Ray's channel as well, giving them an opportunity to reach a large audience of LP fans. No reason we can't kill two birds with one stone, get exposure for the hackers and new views for the LPers.

In regards to a special FEE3 channel, my biggest concern is the audience. Although I'm certain it would get enough views from the community, I don't think it'd be the optimal way to accomplish the goals of the event. In my experience, moving and building audiences is tough. Shit, just look at Café. We have a good person connected to the community with a built-in audience volunteering to host us, what more could we really ask for? From there we can add the commentators' channels, advertise the event, and further expand the scope of the event.

Although as Klok mentioned, it would be a good idea to build something more permanent (ala the NCFC's website), but that would take much more time and effort to build something from scratch (even if it's just a YouTube channel, we still have to build an audience). A channel that only updates with an event once per year isn't exactly the most attractive thing to subscribe to; we'd either have to expand beyond FEE3 to build up an audience (perhaps an FE/hacking-dedicated channel and try to have a steadier stream of content), or simply accept a smaller-scale approach for the event.

I think we've got a good offer. Both options have their merits, but one comes with significantly less cons. Hosting through Ray helps us better fulfill the goal of the event, so that's the side I'm landing on. We can work around the somewhat messier logistics, and although building a more permanent home for the event would be nice, I don't think it's entirely necessary. It'd also add a lot more work, and I just want this to be a nice, chill, enjoyable affair for everybody.

Anyways, I went and updated the first post with all of the new information.

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What if we do both? Upload to Ray and the FEE3 official channel as well? Then you link to the official channel on the videos of Ray's and vice versa on the official vids. Maybe if it gets enough subs then after a couple years of slowly building its own audience it can stand on its own?

Also, maybe have an "FEE3 Minis" section which people can add to year round, but limit it specifically to trailers and "professional" level LP's. (As in "I'm let's playing this for the specific purpose of showing off the features of the hack/fangame" and not "I'm let's playing this to make a funny video because lolz that's what I do".) This way the channel has a way of continually having content be added to it. It also wouldn't hurt to have an official Fire Emblem Fangames channel with professional or high quality LP's with lots of effort being hosted on it.

I'm fine with Ray hosting it for this year, but setting up the base for FEE3 to stand on its own legs sounds like a good maneuver to me for the longterm situation.

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Give people some credit man. If some unknown kid picking his nose to the beat of some j-pop song can get a million views on youtube, I think a large event like FEE3 can get a significant amount of exposure as well. Even with a new youtube channel.

one video is utterly inane, and the other would have a purpose

and people don't have the attention span to watch purposeful videos

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What if we do both? Upload to Ray and the FEE3 official channel as well? Then you link to the official channel on the videos of Ray's and vice versa on the official vids. Maybe if it gets enough subs then after a couple years of slowly building its own audience it can stand on its own?

Also, maybe have an "FEE3 Minis" section which people can add to year round, but limit it specifically to trailers and "professional" level LP's. (As in "I'm let's playing this for the specific purpose of showing off the features of the hack/fangame" and not "I'm let's playing this to make a funny video because lolz that's what I do".) This way the channel has a way of continually having content be added to it. It also wouldn't hurt to have an official Fire Emblem Fangames channel with professional or high quality LP's with lots of effort being hosted on it.

I'm fine with Ray hosting it for this year, but setting up the base for FEE3 to stand on its own legs sounds like a good maneuver to me for the longterm situation.

I feel like this is going to be counter-productive. Allowing the LPers to host their own videos, that's one thing. Having the entire event uploaded twice? That just seems silly. What reason does anybody have for going to this new channel with no audience while Ray's channel is hosting? If we're going to build a YouTube channel, it'd need to have a draw. The most obvious way to do that is to make the content exclusive, so we'd have to make a choice between a dedicated channel or a host. If we try to do both at once, I'm certain that the dedicated channel would flop. We'd gain nothing from the effort, we'd be in the exact same position next year.

Now, another approach (working around the above predicament) would be to have a consistent "hub" site/forum, similar to the NCFC's deal. This would be a more workable approach, and something I'd be open to. Coding an entire website would require a ton of effort, I'd be looking for something a bit less intensive. Though the YouTube side might vary from year to year, we'd still create some stability for the event (perhaps even upload past years to an archive for preservation).

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