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Tier list playthrough


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Since this is a tier list playthrough, you may as well follow the rule of doing Paralogues 1-4 and 17 as soon as they're available; relative to a playthrough where they're done out of order, I can't see this delaying Galeforce-get by more than one stage or so since Peg Knight Avatar gains EXP so quickly.

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He passes Peg line down to a Fem!child that can instant promo to DF for GF. THOUGH that'd take time to get them to 10/15...

He's probably not worth the time and effort considering your run's purpose

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That makes me think; do I need to get Galeforce with the Avatar before recruiting Lucina?

If you're following the tier list's rule of doing Paralogues ASAP, you won't pull it off without a massive turncount investment since the Second Seal for Avatar comes so late.

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Avatar could be a Peg by the desert, but it's probably not enough.

It'd be interesting to see you try though - the lack of javelins will be killer for you raising her up to Galeforce pre Lucina.

Also, she'd miss out on Veteran.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Avatar could be a Peg by the desert, but it's probably not enough.

It'd be interesting to see you try though - the lack of javelins will be killer for you raising her up to Galeforce pre Lucina.

Also, she'd miss out on Veteran.

Well, if avatar is Lucina's mother, he could probably turn Lucina to Tactician (for the skill)... but I dunno how that'd work in his play and the Second Seals available for him by then.

Edited by Cordelia
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Galeforce Lucina isn't an efficient choice IMO. In my ongoing Lunatic LTC, after nabbing the Ch 8 Second Seal for Avatar to reclass to Peg Knight, I completed P2-4 and C9-12, all in the minimum number of turns I could while feeding Avatar a disproportionate number of kills; but even then, getting Avatar to Lv 15 Dark Flier by the end of C13 (Lucina's join time) would have required that I farm enemies for five extra turns beyond the one-turn clear.

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It seems really hard to get the Avatar to level 15 by 13.

But remember this isn't an LTC run but a vague undefined efficiency run so people like SDS can't whine about how I play too well.

If I can get Galeforce then Veteran won't matter too much anyway.

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Veteran would matter for Stats, unless you think her inheritance will be that godmazing

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Good luck! I'm sick of the tier list too, since "oh donnels terrible because he wastes turns" & "this isn't an ltc" > "donnel doesn't waste turns and lolhard" > "idc donnel still sucks"

Edited by Bryan
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Mind you, there's discussion about NOT recruiting Donnel. I'm not sure if he'll be able to, given his pace. I normally have to stall a couple of turns so he gets the requisite level. I'm curious to see if it will be the same here.

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Mind you, there's discussion about NOT recruiting Donnel. I'm not sure if he'll be able to, given his pace. I normally have to stall a couple of turns so he gets the requisite level. I'm curious to see if it will be the same here.

It can take three turns. I'm not seeing the stalling considering "brisk pace" was defined at 6-8...

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I'm pretty sure Donnel can't be recruited in a reasonable timeframe.

He's just not worth the effort since training him is a pain in the ass. It's like training Amelia without Valni in FE8 HM, but debatably easier because Pair Ups exist, Aptitude helps him out a lot, and he can reclass to get even better. Amelia doesn't have that luxury, since her bases suck and her growths are very mediocre.

But this isn't about Amelia. :P Anyway, Donnel can get that level just fine, but he's not worth it, which is why many don't give him the level.

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