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Do you want to see an Avatar in all future Fire Emblem games?


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I guess it depends... I dunno really... they did introduce an 'avatar' sort of thing in previous games, like FE7 but you just can't control him. As for playable, tactician isn't such a bad starting class. They can change to any class they want anyway, at least according to their gender.

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I guess it depends... I dunno really... they did introduce an 'avatar' sort of thing in previous games, like FE7 but you just can't control him. As for playable, tactician isn't such a bad starting class. They can change to any class they want anyway, at least according to their gender.

No gender locked classes please. I want to be a female berseker or a male troubador. not in a game with yourself in it or with reclassing.

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While I did enjoy the previous stories that didn't have an avatar character, I enjoyed this games use of it so much that I would love it if they did continue using it and expand upon the feature. Picking your own class sounds fun, but the tactician angle makes more sense for the story, and if they keep having reclassing be a thing it doesn't really matter in the long run when you can eventually reclass.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Not particularly. I wouldn't mind but at the same time, they shouldn't include it in every game just because it was well received this time.

Considering how FE13 is an anniversary title... and how FE12 was pretty much a beta test of MU... I'd agree with this.

It was a fanservice title... so I'd say it's one of the things that makes it special.

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Depends. For new games I'd be fine with the trend continuing, but for remakes (if they get made) I'd think it could work for FE4, and would actually improve FE6's plot, however I don't think it would work for say... FE5. For classes I like to be able to choose their starting class.

Edited by Zelos
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I hope they don't because i'm not really fond of this feature. To be more precise, i quite like the tactician-being-the-player thing but i would prefer a FE7 style tactician, with less plot importance and who isn't a unit.

Edited by Aether911
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One thing that worries me is the actually how well the Avatar was implemented into the story in Awakening. If they want to continue it they're probably going to need to implement the Avatar into the story of future games in an important way which ends up meaning they have to build a story around using the Avatar every time rather than being free to do something else. Which is why if the Avatar does show up again I'd be kind of fine if it was just an observer of it all from a story perspective.

Edited by Jotari
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Since many people like it I guess it will be in next game.

I liked it. And if they do bring it for the FE4 remake then I'll love it because it will fit with FE4's main theme: people going to war.

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I don't mind having an avatar, but I wouldn't mind a game missing them either.

I do hope they work on balancing the avatar in the next game. In fe12 he already was a great unit and awakening only made him more broken. I get that your personal character is supposed to be good, but a little bit more like normal characters wouldn't hurt.

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Depends on if it suits the game. I'm neutral towards it. It's cool if we get one and cool if we don't.

This more or less. I like how Avatar in Awakening has a role in the story. So i dont really want another Mark type guy who isnt having a real pivotal role in the story. (that is if they make a game with an Avatar in it) But if they do that, when giving the player choices of outcomes in the story, make those choices matter!

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Absolutely not. If FE13's Avatar was a non-customizable, set character with a definite gender, appearance, class sets, and everything else that the other characters have, I would have been perfectly happy. I mean, if the game gives me an avatar option I'll use it but I much rather prefer that FE characters be all set, definite characters. I don't want the focus of my gameplay to be the Avatar, which I am most certainly going to be favoring either consciously or unconsciously.

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I appreciate customizable characters on their own, to be sure. A game isn't technically a "Role-Playing Game" to me without one.

But that said, they're not actually very easy to do well, they admittedly do kind of steal the show regularly, and if I could either have an inoffensive (or worse) customizeable character or a fun normal protagonist, I'd take the latter. It's not very easy to construct one that feels unique from the one everybody else has, while still maintaining a coherent personality.

In particular, Nintendo could stand to really think about how it can avoid treating a customizable character as just a self-insert, and how to make the player feel like they have both a stake in and influence over the decisions they make (which are hopefully extant) ingame.

And some dialogue choices would be required nice, if they actually go all-in on it.

e: That is, a well-made customizable can have a definite personality, it's just one decided by the player. A character that ends up the almost same with regards to the story every playthrough might as well not even be customizable.

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If here were treated more as a "normal" character rather than an extremely normal and perfect Mary Sue character, I wouldn't mind.

I mean, they did this kind of stuff with FE13, and while I didn't particularly dislike it, I think it was a bit overdone for "you" to be such an important character in the story.

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The thing is, I feel that FE13's Avatar could have just ... well, NOT been a customizable character and the story would've flowed fine. Instead of giving you the MU screen in the beginning, the Avatar could have just been another set character with the same support and class limits that are imposed on the other characters. And it wouldn't have changed a thing in the story.

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This more or less. I like how Avatar in Awakening has a role in the story. So i dont really want another Mark type guy who isnt having a real pivotal role in the story. (that is if they make a game with an Avatar in it) But if they do that, when giving the player choices of outcomes in the story, make those choices matter!

The thing is: if it wasn't a customizable character than it would be much harder for one to see the character as him or herself within the game. Playing a character that you're able to give your own name and characteristics can make you engaged to feel like you are actually part of the adventure, rather than watching it.

And if you want your avatar to not be yourself, then you can to design a character's name, looks, and stats and play the game to experience a story without a character representing yourself.

If anything, I wish they had better customizing options.

I do see room for improvement, but I want more options primarily to give the legacy characters more options to be closer to their supposed character.

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The thing is: if it wasn't a customizable character than it would be much harder for one to see the character as him or herself within the game. Playing a character that you're able to give your own name and characteristics can make you engaged to feel like you are actually part of the adventure, rather than watching it.

Here's the thing, though: are people unable to enjoy a game if they cannot see a character as him or her? If the Avatar was not customizable and just another character, would it take away your enjoyment of the game because they're not "you"?

My Avatars are never "me", and this might be the "fanfiction writer" in me, but when you give people an excuse to actually "be" in that story, like Avatar in FE13, people are going to run wild. They're going to make themselves the "all-important" person and all the actual characters get pushed to the wayside. And honestly, who really gives a damn about any MU other than their own? Whereas all the other characters are "set" and people can care and not care about them equally?

Personally, I think games like FE shouldn't have a customizable character. I liked the way FF:CC did customizable characters, because of how the gameplay was structured there.

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If they continue using the tactician, I hope they go the Scott Bakula (Quantum Leap) route. Play off how Lyn thought the MU was her tactician Mark. It's the same guy jumping between universes, always found unconscious with no memory of his past jumps.

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Here's the thing, though: are people unable to enjoy a game if they cannot see a character as him or her? If the Avatar was not customizable and just another character, would it take away your enjoyment of the game because they're not "you"?

I like the stories either way. If they write a good plot then they write a good plot regardless of if a character represents yourself. I'm just saying the option is a good one to have.

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