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Do they remove people's clothes when they die?

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Um, I'm not 100% sure on this topic (as I'm interested into being a mortician, but I am not one), but it should be like that. Actually I'm pretty sure most cultures do it, the body has to be washed and prepared for the funeral, they need to avoid the decay odor, too.

I don't know the exact details, but yes.

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It's generally considered an insult in most modern cultures to clothe the dead, since that signifies that cadavers are equally deserving in stature as living people, so bodies are usually buried without clothes. I think that some extremist groups clothe them when they're buried, though. No idea why they would do that.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Depends on what we're doing with the bodies

ain't much sense in leaving clothes on a body due for cremation

any folks what have their bodies presented in a funeral service or procession tend to not only keep their clothes, but be dressed rather nicely

generally yes they go down with clothes

this is all in a western (ergo US) context of course, I dunno how other cultures handle this

why would that bother you though, soul? I'd be more bothered by having my dear old earthly vessel rotting and being eaten away by the worms, probably stuck in a grave lot with someone I never knew

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When you die in a hospital gown they remove the gown and put you in a morgue. But when you die at home no one has to strip you of your clothes if that isn't what you want.

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When a person dies in the UK we generally have an autopsy done on the body. Can't do that with clothes on. Our funerals are not open casket, either. So yeah, no point in clothing.

Some people may choose to be buried with some sort of item (e.g. ring) if they know they're on their way out. I think that's the only exception.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with removing clothes off a dead body. I mean they're dead... and pretty much for the same reasons as everyone else listed already.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with removing clothes off a dead body. I mean they're dead... and pretty much for the same reasons as everyone else listed already.

This is the rationale I use when taking the possessions of some random dude I killed~

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This is the rationale I use when taking the possessions of some random dude I killed~

That works too. I mean they ARE dead... even if it was BECAUSE of you.

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I find it disrespectful to the person's body reguardless if they are dead. I am an athiest, and even I think so. Then again, I can't say much against it if they have to do an autopsy.

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It's generally considered an insult in most modern cultures to clothe the dead, since that signifies that cadavers are equally deserving in stature as living people, so bodies are usually buried without clothes. I think that some extremist groups clothe them when they're buried, though. No idea why they would do that.

That sounds like one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard x3 People are so weeeiiiirrrrd

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I find it disrespectful to the person's body reguardless if they are dead. I am an athiest, and even I think so. Then again, I can't say much against it if they have to do an autopsy.

You can argue about this point,but you should think about the relatives who want to bid farewell (funeral with open casket).

To have a clean, reasonable appearence in death seems respectful to me, it's a last service to the deceased. A last service for the final journey.

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That sounds like one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard x3 People are so weeeiiiirrrrd

I wouldn't expect a *scoff* volcano person to understand our super mega sophisticated culture.

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I wouldn't expect a *scoff* volcano person to understand our super mega sophisticated culture.

Pshhhh you're just jealous that your culture could get wiped away in an instant by our raw force~

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