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Most/least attractive female/male Lord

What are the most and the least attractives Lords  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. Most attractive male lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leaf
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Default FE12 Male Avatar
    • Chrom
    • Default FE13 Male Avatar
    • I'll skip this one
  2. 2. Least attractive male Lord

    • I'll skip this one
    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leaf
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Default FE12 Male Avatar
    • Chrom
    • Default FE13 Male Avatar
  3. 3. Most attractive female Lord

    • Celica
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Micaiah
    • Default FE12 Female Avatar
    • Lucina
    • Default FE13 Female Avatar
    • I'll skip this one
  4. 4. Least attractive female Lord

    • I'll skip this one
    • Celica
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Micaiah
    • Default FE12 Female Avatar
    • Lucina
    • Default FE13 Female Avatar

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I skipped everything. My vote is a great contribution.

(in actuality I could maybe place a vote for everyone but I tend to not lean in either direction for the lords in particular. Also this is funnier)

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I have seen his art from older games, but I still don't see it.(except for his original no pants design, maybe)

As for his FE13 design,

They probably didn't want people to figure out the plot twist before the game was released.

"Hmm, Marth's DLC art is different from Masked Marth's art. What if Masked Marth is someone else!"

Well, I see it in all his appearances, including Smash Bros. but admittedly less so in the DS games.

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Lucina is ugly.

I...wut...i just dont even.

Anyway, voted for Hector as hunkiest Lord because he is. Hes so hunky.



Least hunky or not very attractive? Roy. I mean, come on! He looks 12! ewww

Hottest lady Lord?

I love me some Eirika! Shes so lovely! Lucina is second in the running, beating out Lyn by a long shot with Micaiah at the bottom. But since Micaiah isnt that bad looking, and i really havent played the one with Celica, i kinda passed on voting there.

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So Roy, do people really think he's unattractive or is he just THAT hated.

Edit: I guess Virion just knew I was gonna post that XD He looks a bit older in SSBM, no? I want others to like Roy

Edited by Owain Dark
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I feel like saying I'm not the least bit fond of Lucina's portrait. At that angle, well, it just doesn't look very good IMO. Nothing against her otherwise.

But I don't have enough other opinions to actually go vote.

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I was taken by how Knight in Shiny Armor, Sigurd was, he's the most attractive male lord to me. Alm looks hideous in his official FE2 art. I'm going to go with Eirika for best looking female lord. She just have an aura around her that spells elegance and... lady-like. Also the poster-girl for the Bride class... As for ugliest female lord? There isn't one.

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Most attractive

Male: RD Ike

Female: Eirika. I would immediately buy her DLC if I could marry DLC characters.

Least attractive:

Male: Alm.

Female: Lyn.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I spent far too long on the most attractive male one, because I was helplessly torn between Marth, Chrom and Ephriam. I'm a rare breed in that I actually like pretty guys... although there's some exceptions. I eventually voted Marth, because he's the first Fire Emblem character I ever met and he snagged my attention almost instantly.

Least attractive? I'd have to say Sigurd.

Most attractive female goes to Lucina, natch, because the ways she emulates Naoto Shirogane. Naoto had me a bit confused for a moment, and I was actually disappointed when I found out Naoto's true gender... Even though I excepted the plot twist this time around. Sure, I'm 95% straight, but I have no problem admitting that Lucy is freaking pretty.

Least attractive female would probably have to be Eirika for me.

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Most male: Ike.

Least male: Hector. Just hearing his name makes me feel sick.

Most female: Micaiah. I really like her hair.

Least: None. I mean, I *might* be able to pick one, but I think they're all very nice looking.

Almost made me change my mind. Almost.

Most attractive male: Ephraim

Most attractive female: Micaiah

For least attractive I voted for Alm and Celica because I despise the artwork back in the old games.

This is the reason I voted against the FE2 Lords.

Least attractive female? Lucina, imo. Her hair doesn't work for me, she's so flat chested and has hardly any curves. Not to mention she's based off Marth. Chrom, why couldn't you get a prettier daughter? :(

Well, uh...not many female FE Lords have considerably decent-sized breast, and the curve thing- Yeah, I can see that, but I really just find Lucina beautiful and adorable. And that kind of helps, lol.



So yeah:

Most (Male): Chrom. That guy is so attractive. I'd probably go crazy for him if I were a girl.

Most (Female): Lucy. I find her beautiful and cute, not "hot". Not that I really find many FE female Lords hot barring Lyndis, and barely. Her hair looks really cute from behind for some reason. All layered and AWWW LUCY x)

Least (Male): Alm.

Least (Female): Lyndis. She's not particularly pretty or hot, to be honest...at least Celica in the new FE13 art was pretty cute.

Honorable mention to Micaiah for being really beautiful. And Ike too, for being almost as handsome as Chrom.

Honestly, I am quite surprised Lucy got so many votes.

Edited by Juliet
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The most attractive male lord for me... It's a tie between Ephraim and Marth. Chrom is also a dream-boaty honorable mention. And I find DLC!Alm's art very attractive.

The least attractive male lord for me is Hector and FE10!Ike. I'm not a fan of big muscular men. D:

The most attractive female lord for me is Micaiah and Lucina. The former is very cute, and the latter is very pretty.

The least attractive female lord for me is the default My Unit for FE12. She's not ugly per se, she's just...rather boring. D: I'm glad you can change her appearance.

Least attractive? Marth, no contest. Least attractive of all, imo. I don't find girly-looking men to be cute at all. Just creepy looking.

Least attractive female? Lucina, imo. Her hair doesn't work for me, she's so flat chested and has hardly any curves. Not to mention she's based off Marth. Chrom, why couldn't you get a prettier daughter? :(

Marth's certainly rather pretty, but there's nothing "girly" about him (except for dat toga, and that was years ago). D: Seriously, where is "girly" coming from? Just look at Shadow-Dragon!Marth, they tried too hard to make him manly in that game.

And dude. Lucina IS beautiful you mean meanie pants. :<

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Well, uh...not many female FE Lords have considerably decent-sized breast, and the curve thing- Yeah, I can see that, but I really just find Lucina beautiful and adorable. And that kind of helps, lol.

Well, at least they have breasts. I'm not saying a woman has to have huge round breasts or anything (in fact, I find those to be even uglier), I just prefer them to have breasts at all. Flat chests look weird on women, imo.

And dude. Lucina IS beautiful you mean meanie pants. :<

Not to me. And I don't care what anyone says, I don't think Marth looks manly enough in any of his appearances, especially Awakening.

Seriously people, don't start getting on my case again about my opinions. I'm getting sick of this.

Edited by Anacybele
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I find it funny how the supposed "girly" guy has one of the higher strength growths of the lord characters.

You saying a woman can't have high strength? I gave my female Avatar in Awakening high strength, thank you very much.

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Least attractive female? Lucina, imo...she's so flat chested and has hardly any curves.

That's what fan art is for.

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Most attractive male: Eliwood. He's the reason why I picked up FE in the first place (yes, really, I thought he was cute).

Least attractive male: Something about Sigurd's personality makes me do an about-face.

Most attractive female: Micaiah, at least, knows how to look stylish while fighting. She pulls off her third-tier costume well, too.

Least attractive female: Eirika. . .seriously, yellow armor?

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Most male: Ike.

Least male: Hector. Just hearing his name makes me feel sick.

Most female: Micaiah. I really like her hair.

Least: None. I mean, I *might* be able to pick one, but I think they're all very nice looking.

Uh, dude, even trying to put aside our difference in opinion, "makes you sick?" Are you okay

Maybe FE muscles don't even look big to me because I read a lot of Marvel and sometimes their muscles get drawn to ridiculous proportions whereas FE muscledudes may have big muscles but they're not even unachievable proportions if you worked at it hard enough and is pretty tall I guess?

vs stuff like 90s superhero comics aka Robert Liefeld drawing muscles (90s Thor whyyyyy) where there shouldn't be muscles and stuff FE muscles are all pretty tame to me

Then again I just think muscle by itself (in places where muscle should be) is visually appealing and see it independent of who it's on I just really like muscles

Liefield more like field of lies

(in this case the fields are their sinewy bodies)

Skipped both least attractive votes because the ones whose designs I don't prefer just kind of blend together for me, put Seliph and Lucina as most because I'm a sucker for androgyny

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I suppose I'm just kind of upset that I'm like the only person here that thinks Ike's muscles look fine in RD

It's called bias.

I'm not usually for the popular mentality, but the change between FE9 to FE10 Ike makes me call him "Sir Buff McManroids".

Chrom, why couldn't you get a prettier daughter? :(

and that Lucina is ugly.

Lucina IS beautiful you mean meanie pants. :<


I'm starting to wonder if Ana's actually a troll. I know people have different tastes, but come on.

My gosh. What if she's crash?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm starting to wonder if Ana's actually a troll. I know people have different tastes, but come on.

My gosh. What if she's crash?

Will you all please leave me alone? I'm allowed to think she's ugly if I fucking want to.

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Kinda contradicting yourself when you're saying you're upset that you're the only one with an opinion that she's ugly... and then saying "I can think what I want" with the aura of "I STAND ALONE." |D

Moving on.

Most attractive Female Lord: Female MU... so I can ship Male MU with her. Lucina. That yukata CG was just d'awwww.

Least attractive Female Lord: Lyn. Not a fan of the legs. Her voice in English in Brawl also was like EHHH.

Most attractive Male Lord: Hate to admit this, but Eliwood. He does look pretty dashing especially when next to a certain half-dragon dancer.

Freaking Chrom was a close second. FREAKING SUGITA.

Least Attractive Male: Celice/Seliph. Because Fia and her fujoshi fantasies with Julius just ruined him for me.

Edit: Also, OP, you said "Celice" in the most attractive Male Lord and "Seliph" in the least attractive male lord votes.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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