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I've only played Awakening and Sacred Stones but damn ever since I first saw Lute I've HATED HER GUTS.


UGH! I just hate how cocky she is. Go away Lute, you haven't ever been of any use to me.

I actually find her to be an excellent character. Her wanting to be perfect is just her trying to affirm herself, but she only gets that from reading books. She doesn't know a single thing about love or being social, and can't come to terms with death, because, ultimately, she's just a naive child.

Far, far better executed than Cordelia's "I'm perfect but sighhhhhh it's such a bother" motif.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I've also noticed that everything related to Tharja and Cordelia relates to sexual attractions and pairings in some ways (apart from that earlier bit about Tharja cursing Noire) to the point where we're now having a volumptously scientific debate about sexy forearms and sexual overreaction

It's actually pretty funny when you realize that Cordelia is even more boring when you take away the "I love Chrom" layer and then she seems a bit of the dull "I try my best" person

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I actually find her to be an excellent character. Her wanting to be perfect is just her trying to affirm herself, but she only gets that from reading books. She doesn't know a single thing about love or being social, and can't come to terms with death, because, ultimately, she's just a naive child.

Far, far better executed than Cordelia's "I'm perfect but sighhhhhh it's such a bother" motif.

Agreed. I like Lute.

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Lute? Personally I don't appreciate people who try to kill their own comrades.

And I found it to be irritating that Vanessa was merely amused by Lute trying to kill Titania.

I did like her "there’s no one better than us" at the end, though.

Edited by BrightBow
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Ike's memory scene in FE10 made him my most disliked character in all of FE. Killing Greil in FE9 was one thing, but FE10 showed that he KNEW Elena was dead. But he was still willing to fight and slay Greil just to test his skills. That was really just ... not something I appreciated at all.

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I'm totally gay for Sugita!Chrom.

I agree, he's better than than whoever does the English!Chrom.

I've also noticed that everything related to Tharja and Cordelia relates to sexual attractions and pairings in some ways (apart from that earlier bit about Tharja cursing Noire) to the point where we're now having a volumptously scientific debate about sexy forearms and sexual overreaction

It's actually pretty funny when you realize that Cordelia is even more boring when you take away the "I love Chrom" layer and then she seems a bit of the dull "I try my best" person

Bolded parts for emphasis.

I read some of the whole arguments or whatever on Cordelia part, but I still don't see how Cordelia was really trying to hit on Chrom. I admit her actions were completely pathetic, but I did not see it as anything like 'sexual overreaction' to a married man. In fact, what if Chrom WASN'T married when a player does the map? Granted it'd probably be tough if you try that map before Chapter 11, but just tossing out there too. And even if Chrom was married to whoever else, I didn't see Cordelia's conversation as being completely bad/lewd than being pathetic. She wasn't trying to seduce him or anything. So what if she spazzed over taking his arm? Dude, if I met an idol in person and HE asked ME to told onto his arm for whatever reason, I might spazz too. oh wait I just contradicted myself. It's still pathetic, but there's nothing bad... It's not like I'm fantasizing and saying it aloud I want his D or something.

The hate on Cordelia seems worse than the hate on Sumia for being a supposed canon choice for Chrom. (Again, nothing is actually canon unless IS gave Chrom no other options for a wife. so it should be tossed out if you truly think Chrom/Sumia is canon. It's pushed, but not truly canon. The only true canon is Male Avatar/Chrom.

Edited by Shirley
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I find it pretty amusing how characters like Tharja and Cordelia are the ones most argued over due to what they're like yet they scored the highest in the fanbases and polls

Then again that happens with just about any other game that implies pairings

people gotta get those hipster points in by choosing the most popular characters to hate on

I mean really, there's always somebody to hate on anything that exists

and oh yeah, Lute is cool and I should get popcorn for the next Olwen/Anacybele argument

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Hmmm...I'm not going to remark about the Cordelia/Sumia hate because, well, I dislike them both for reasons unrelated to Chrom. I haven't played enough DLC to comment about the discussion. But in other news:

I've only played Awakening and Sacred Stones but damn ever since I first saw Lute I've HATED HER GUTS.


UGH! I just hate how cocky she is. Go away Lute, you haven't ever been of any use to me.

Agreed. I used Lute in a couple of my first run throughs and then I realized...she's not worth it.

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I agree, he's better than than whoever does the English!Chrom.

Bolded parts for emphasis.

I read some of the whole arguments or whatever on Cordelia part, but I still don't see how Cordelia was really trying to hit on Chrom. I admit her actions were completely pathetic, but I did not see it as anything like 'sexual overreaction' to a married man. In fact, what if Chrom WASN'T married when a player does the map? Granted it'd probably be tough if you try that map before Chapter 11, but just tossing out there too. And even if Chrom was married to whoever else, I didn't see Cordelia's conversation as being completely bad/lewd than being pathetic. She wasn't trying to seduce him or anything. So what if she spazzed over taking his arm? Dude, if I met an idol in person and HE asked ME to told onto his arm for whatever reason, I might spazz too. oh wait I just contradicted myself. It's still pathetic, but there's nothing bad... It's not like I'm fantasizing and saying it aloud I want his D or something.

The hate on Cordelia seems worse than the hate on Sumia for being a supposed canon choice for Chrom. (Again, nothing is actually canon unless IS gave Chrom no other options for a wife. so it should be tossed out if you truly think Chrom/Sumia is canon. It's pushed, but not truly canon. The only true canon is Male Avatar/Chrom.

I worded that badly

When I was saying "Tharja and Cordelia", I was relating the whole sexual discussion to THIS thread, not the actual characters themselves

I'm not really picking any sides here >>

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FE10 Ike is pretty bad too. He's about as deep as a teaspoon. He has absolutely no flaws at all and is just considered God by pretty much everyone.

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I think Ike's case isn't as egregious because he had to work his way to that status in FE9.

and he does have flaws: resistance and lack of a flying mount... gods help us all if he ever had access to peg knight class

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I meant flaws storywise. He's respected by everyone and their mother, and he becomes the strongest swordsman in history at the end of the game.

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I meant flaws storywise. He's respected by everyone and their mother, and he becomes the strongest swordsman in history at the end of the game.

I get what you mean, I was just being silly. xP

If FE10 Ike existed alone in a vacuum then I'd be more inclined to slam his character, but then I remember all that he went through in FE9. I see where you're going with this though; it's not a valid excuse for him being so dull because not everyone who has played FE10 played FE9 before it. I feel a lot of the characters that existed in FE9 got a raw deal in FE10. The lack of support conversations dug all of their personalities (or lack thereof in manysome cases) a deeper grave.

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I really dislike Lehran for his intentions on FE10. His logic simply makes no sense for me and his reasons just weren't well executed in game (really, turning against Sanaki and sending her to death?). The way he sways to the other side to fight Ashera seemed too quick and sudden as well.

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Of course it does. It only means that Fe10 is a lacking game in regard to character development, not that Ike is a lacking character.

Why is Ike not a lacking character in FE10, due to a lack of development in the game?

I really dislike Lehran for his intentions on FE10. His logic simply makes no sense for me and his reasons just weren't well executed in game (really, turning against Sanaki and sending her to death?). The way he sways to the other side to fight Ashera seemed too quick and sudden as well.

Of course it does.

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Why is Ike not a lacking character in FE10, due to a lack of development in the game?

Did you even read my post?

This is akin to complaining that Iron Man/Captain America/Thor are cardboard characters purely because they don't have much character development in the Avengers.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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They're bad characters within the context of the Avengers, in the same way that Ike is in FE10 (ignoring all other factors). You have to be pretty ignorant to deny this truth.

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Eh, I don't like Michalis. He gets treated far too well by the writers for what he did.

Let's see... He killed his parents, took over their country and had his baby sister held hostage to force his other sister's hand. He had the most frightened soldiers sent to the front lines to die first including his unwilling fiance's brother. As far as I'm aware there is no remotely sympathetic motive behind any of this. He's just a tyrannical, power-hungry jackass for no reason, and no, giving Marth Starlight in FE12 (was he in 3, too?) doesn't come close to making up for any of it.

Compare Hardin, who was a kind and just leader (well... until the thing) and good friend to both Marth and Nyna. He and his Wolfguard fought tooth and nail along with Marth and his soldiers to free Archanea, and later, the entire continent, from the malevolent domination of Gharnef and Medeus. He loved Nyna sincerely and was truly heartbroken when he learned she didn't feel the same. When he was at his most vulnerable, Gharnef took advantage of his anguish and planted the seeds of malice in his heart with the Darksphere; only then did Hardin become a tyrant, and it wasn't even truly of his own free will.

Now let's compare what ultimately happens to them, shall we?

Michalis not only miraculously survives his initial defeat at the hands of Marth's army, but survives another near-death situation only to join Marth's group and (presumably) go on to lead a full life after the events of the game.

Hardin gets his heart shattered when he learns the love of his life doesn't truly reciprocate his feelings, and is corrupted by the very sorceror he once stood against, ultimately being killed by... potentially any one of five of his closest friends.

Do you see the inequity here?

I mean, life is unfair and all that, and I'm all for giving sympathy to those who genuinely have changed their ways, but the fact that it's almost painfully obvious that in this instance it's because Michalis is pretty while Hardin... isn't (don't get me wrong, he's far from ugly and it's my opinion that Hardin is even rather handsome in some ways, but he's still hardly what I'd call "pretty") is what generates all this animousity in me towards Michalis.

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They're bad characters within the context of the Avengers, in the same way that Ike is in FE10 (ignoring all other factors). You have to be pretty ignorant to deny this truth.

Why are you making up some abitrary bullshit division between Fe9 and Fe10 Ike? They're both the same character. You have to be pretty ignorant to pretend they're not.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Eh, I don't like Michalis. He gets treated far too well by the writers for what he did.

Let's see... He killed his parents, took over their country and had his baby sister held hostage to force his other sister's hand. He had the most frightened soldiers sent to the front lines to die first including his unwilling fiance's brother. As far as I'm aware there is no remotely sympathetic motive behind any of this. He's just a tyrannical, power-hungry jackass for no reason, and no, giving Marth Starlight in FE12 (was he in 3, too?) doesn't come close to making up for any of it.

Compare Hardin, who was a kind and just leader (well... until the thing) and good friend to both Marth and Nyna. He and his Wolfguard fought tooth and nail along with Marth and his soldiers to free Archanea, and later, the entire continent, from the malevolent domination of Gharnef and Medeus. He loved Nyna sincerely and was truly heartbroken when he learned she didn't feel the same. When he was at his most vulnerable, Gharnef took advantage of his anguish and planted the seeds of malice in his heart with the Darksphere; only then did Hardin become a tyrant, and it wasn't even truly of his own free will.

Now let's compare what ultimately happens to them, shall we?

Michalis not only miraculously survives his initial defeat at the hands of Marth's army, but survives another near-death situation only to join Marth's group and (presumably) go on to lead a full life after the events of the game.

Hardin gets his heart shattered when he learns the love of his life doesn't truly reciprocate his feelings, and is corrupted by the very sorceror he once stood against, ultimately being killed by... potentially any one of five of his closest friends.

Do you see the inequity here?

I mean, life is unfair and all that, and I'm all for giving sympathy to those who genuinely have changed their ways, but the fact that it's almost painfully obvious that in this instance it's because Michalis is pretty while Hardin... isn't (don't get me wrong, he's far from ugly and it's my opinion that Hardin is even rather handsome in some ways, but he's still hardly what I'd call "pretty") is what generates all this animousity in me towards Michalis.

Well said Im a Hardin fan so this is pretty annoying, although Hardin should stay dead

Anyway yes he does do it in FE3

Also IIRC Michalis is actually sparred by Minerva in the first war, so its not exactly miraculously survived.

Correct me if im wrong though

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