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I love how this game supports ChromxSumia

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And also how they shove it down your throat, basically. I don't mind the pairing, I just find it funny.

We get the opening scene, the Ch.3 cutscene called "Lovebirds" and that's I remember.

Then again, Lucy does resemble Sumia the most I guess. And The Avatar is canonically a guy, so...

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I thought it was just Marth who marries Sheeda reguardless.

Oh yeah, then there's Hector who can marry either pegasus sisters.

Edited by Juliet
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Only Marth that actually have that IIRC, although I won't blame him for falling for Sheeda

Lets see, story wise

- 1 - 3 is ruled out

- Deidre is a Shaman

- Lana is a Priest

- Lilina is a Mage

- Ninian is an Ice Dragon

- Ephraim..... Tana alhough I supported Tana X Cormag.

- Ike did not even have any moments with Elincia in the original version of the game

- Sumia

Its more Pegasus Knight liking a Prince instead of the other way around

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I hate it.

I absolutely hate it.

I avoid the opening trailer and those extra clips like a plague. Every time I have to soft-reset for whatever reason or just loading the game, I press A rapidly... lol.

I don't think you can say Avatar is canonically a male though? Or is it because of the Drama CD?

Edit: I like the last line on JNSD's post.

Edited by Cordelia
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I only dislike that it makes many people dislike the pairing and/or Sumia. Maybe it's just me interpreting it wrong, but most of the time that's what I see the main reasons of the hate comes from...

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Boy, people LOVE to complain about how forced Chrom x Sumia is... when it really isn't.

Because you can choose to ignore it?

Though what IS forced (to be shown) is... Cordelia's unrequited love.

I don't dislike Sumia because of the pairing -- I like her regardless. I dislike the pairing because... just because...I have my own pairing I like/want for Chrom. To break the game.

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To say they shove it down your throat is laying it on quite a bit thick, really...


I hate it.

I absolutely hate it.

I avoid the opening trailer and those extra clips like a plague. Every time I have to soft-reset for whatever reason or just loading the game, I press A rapidly... lol.

That kind of hate for something so small seems a bit, for lack of a better word, childish.

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Boy, people LOVE to complain about how forced Chrom x Sumia is... when it really isn't.

To me Sumia seems like a placeholder for Chrom. If everyone else is paired up and you can't find a spouse for Chrom, Sumia's your girl. That and Sumia has but so little options to marry.

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I wouldn't mind it if their support had more chemistry than pies.

Kinda neutral about it really. The part where she saves his ass is nice, though, and I would ship them but their support is just lackluster.

giving Lucina a strength mod below positive one don't help considering strength is my favourite stat

But yeah I do wish Sumia has more options. Makes everyone else's supports limited by extension too because she has to pick first to ensure she gets one at all.

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Boy, people LOVE to complain about how forced Chrom x Sumia is... when it really isn't.

Where am I complaining? And when did I say it was forced, of all things? I just said I found funny- You know, curious. I never complained about it and said I dislike the pairing, or anything hate-inducing.

Generic Village Girl is totally the canon choice.

No fuck you.

Sucks to be me, having had him marry her in my playthroughs by accident. Lucy sucks for me. ):

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Where am I complaining? And when did I say it was forced, of all things? I just said I found funny- You know, curious. I never complained about it and said I dislike the pairing, or anything hate-inducing.

You DID say it was "shoved down your throat", which, newsflash - it's not.

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Boy, people LOVE to complain about how forced Chrom x Sumia is... when it really isn't.


Soul, they arent talking about you. And people have whinged about this at really high volumes.

Im like Lumi, im pretty neutral. I think Sumia was meant to be the default but i dont see a lot of forcing the pairing down my throat as i play the game. Hell, that pairing IS my default for Chrom if i ended up (or planned) on pairing off his other options. (Cuz Random Maiden is D:)

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Because you can choose to ignore it?

Though what IS forced (to be shown) is... Cordelia's unrequited love.

I don't dislike Sumia because of the pairing -- I like her regardless. I dislike the pairing because... just because...I have my own pairing I like/want for Chrom. To break the game.

That last line. XD

I mean, if you don't like the pairing, you don't HAVE to choose it. Now, if Chrom and Sumia hooked up regardless of the player's input, I'd be a bit more inclined to dislike it. But that's just because I'm never one for "canon" pairings, I'm a crack shipper. I've found plenty of great pairings that aren't canon and I'm happy with that, so I probably would have never shipped Chrom and Sumia together anyway. Since I actually get some say here, I simply don't pair them together. And I don't care about the opening screen, because in my playthroughs it's just... not true. It's like, "Hmm... is Lucina dreaming about alternate timelines again?"

Yeah... Cordelia is slowly starting to wear out her welcome with that. That's why I throw Gregor at her - Gregor make Cordelia happy for long time.

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The support convos are awful.

Otherwise, I like it. Provides an introduction and fallback for players who don't really get the system, and the non-support convo influences are quite nice. The ch11 cutscene especially is adorable.

Cordelia's obsessions are much more persistent and in your face.

Edited by LunaSaint
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Thus far I see 3 good arguments for Chrom x Sumia being canon (opening movie, Lovebirds cinematic, Sumia's supporting) and only people saying "no it's not" for Chrom x Sumia not being canon.

Just saying '3'

(EDIT: Oh whoops I guess that's one for anti-CxS canonity)

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That kind of hate for something so small seems a bit, for lack of a better word, childish.

I'm saying I hate seeing it in the opening video lol, not the pairing. And you could read the entire post? Yes, I repeated that I hated the trailer, but I later added that I avoid the trailer video at all costs. I also don't feel like watching the trailer every time I reset. So bothersome. So you can see my 'hate' as childish or whatever, doesn't really matter.

Generic Village Girl is totally the canon choice.

Totally the truth of everything. Definitely the only canon pairing in FE13.

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Nice. Im also fond of that pairing.

I know. Only one I've gotten so far where the guy doesn't go, "Look, everyone knows you love Chrom, but I hoped there was a place in your heart for me."

Seeing Vaike say his variation of that killed me because of their rivalry and what-not. At least this time, he won.

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