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Gaius x Maribelle is just so good for both of them. I don't really mind Maribelle's supports much, but it's a break from Gaius's constant candy gimmick and it's backstory and it's basically everything I think FEA's supports should have more of.

Granted, I really like backstory.

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I agree with eclipse. The pie thing was kind of amusing, but I don't really believe in that saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Although, FrederickxFemale Avatar puts an awesome and ridiculously cute spin on it. lol

Whenever I hear that saying, I am forced to think of this:

"The fastest way to a man's heart is his stomach. The curve of this knife's blade makes it easy."

- FFTA2, Khukuri flavor text -

As far as Chrom x Sumia vs. Avatar (F) x Frederick... IIRC, Avatar (M)'s supports with Frederick also have to do with bear meat...

...and I don't hear anyone hating on Avatar (M) x Frederick. :awesome:

Seriously though, I don't see Sumia as doing it in order to "get attention," but I still don't like it much, simply because of the gender stereotypes involved. Of course, disliking something because it's a stereotype can be just as bad as not liking something because it doesn't conform to stereotypes.

I also don't like Avatar (F) x Frederick, because that's a waste of an Aegis/Pavise combo. :P:

Tharja x anyone

Even Lon'qu? :<


Nobody should have to put up with that sort of abuse. Not her husband, and certainly not Noire. I don't care how "cute", "touching", or even "heartwarming" the supports are; what Noire describes in her supports is called an abusive relationship (with abuse directed at both Noire and her father), and it is not cool. If it was the father hexing and cursing everyone else in the family, I imagine that far fewer people would support pairing him with anyone.

I'm not sure I see much of a difference between Tharja and a drunken, abusive father who beats his family, except that Tharja isn't inebriated. Granted, the abuse might not be physical, but it's certainly there.

Edited by Euklyd
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Well said, Euklyd. Tharja's romantic supports (well, some of them) are pretty nice and seem okay, but then we recruit Noire and I'm just like "no". I lost a lot of respect for Tharja after reading Noire's father supports. I mean, I understand that Tharja did care for Noire in her own way and did protect her at times, but Noire is REALLY screwed up because of her mother, and that cannot just be hand-waved away.

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Honestly, Tharja's bad parenting is a part of her character. It's not necessarily good on her side, but she does show change in the end and doesn't want Noire to end up like her.

I don't really hate or like her at all. I'm fairly neutral with most characters in Awakening.

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Well said, Euklyd. Tharja's romantic supports (well, some of them) are pretty nice and seem okay, but then we recruit Noire and I'm just like "no". I lost a lot of respect for Tharja after reading Noire's father supports. I mean, I understand that Tharja did care for Noire in her own way and did protect her at times, but Noire is REALLY screwed up because of her mother, and that cannot just be hand-waved away.

IRL, in many (probably most) abusive relationships, the abuser genuinely does care for his (and it is generally a he) family, and may regret his actions, but just can't/won't make himself stop. They can even be caring and loving at times, but it still doesn't excuse anything.

Honestly, Tharja's bad parenting is a part of her character. It's not necessarily good on her side, but she does show change in the end and doesn't want Noire to end up like her.

I don't really hate or like her at all. I'm fairly neutral with most characters in Awakening.

Just because it's part of her character doesn't make it OK - Excellus is a sniveling, honor-less, narcissistic worm, and I hate him for it - but that is his character. To me, she's not even a sympathetic character like, say, Lyon from FE8, or even Arvis from FE4; Tharja at many times says that she acts like she does either for the evuls, or to keep up a reputation. Both cases mean that she is entirely in control, unlike Lyon (possessed) or Arvis (trapped, at least to some extent, by Manfroy and/or Julius). Also, both of those at least started with good intentions.

Granted, their actions were far more destructive and evil than anything Tharja could ever do, but at least they had more to their characters than "let's be evil, with occasional lapses."

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This can only end well.

Vaike x Olivia:


Vaike: Stop apologizing!

Olivia: I'm sorry!


Vaike: Stop apologizing!

Olivia: I'm really sorry!


Vaike: Stop apologizing!

Olivia: Please forgive me!


Vaike: Will you marry me!?

Olivia: Yes!



A complete set of support conversations that make even less sense than Chrom x Olivia's Chapter 12 Flashback confession scene.

My gosh, Vaike. I love your localization, but come on man.

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IRL, in many (probably most) abusive relationships, the abuser genuinely does care for his (and it is generally a he) family, and may regret his actions, but just can't/won't make himself stop. They can even be caring and loving at times, but it still doesn't excuse anything.

Just because it's part of her character doesn't make it OK - Excellus is a sniveling, honor-less, narcissistic worm, and I hate him for it - but that is his character. To me, she's not even a sympathetic character like, say, Lyon from FE8, or even Arvis from FE4; Tharja at many times says that she acts like she does either for the evuls, or to keep up a reputation. Both cases mean that she is entirely in control, unlike Lyon (possessed) or Arvis (trapped, at least to some extent, by Manfroy and/or Julius). Also, both of those at least started with good intentions.

Granted, their actions were far more destructive and evil than anything Tharja could ever do, but at least they had more to their characters than "let's be evil, with occasional lapses."

Not to mention that Tharja really falls down when you consider that Henry, probably the most genuinely psychotic "good" character, is canonly an excellent father who refuses to curse his children (as mentioned in one of his Gerome supports).

I've posted about this before, but I'll join Faye in saying that the one pairing I genuinely cannot stand is Henry/Olivia, Japanese version. Not only is the hook of the support based on an incredibly flimsy and contrived premise (that Henry, master of hexes, is unable to tell that Olivia is faking being cursed) the takeaway of the support seems to be that it's perfectly okay for Olivia to lie to and manipulate Henry because it's for his own good. :facepalm:

If Henry and Olivia's genders were reversed, I'd bet that people would be screaming about how creepy and awful the pairing is, but instead everyone in both sides of the fandom (Japanese and English) just squees about how "cute" and "heartwarming" it is. It's really, really not. I've seen exactly one fan of the pairing so far who understands that if you take a good look at the pairing, there are big issues with it (Lying! Manipulation! Yeah, that's the foundation for a solid, loving relationship!) and that it's not a font of happiness and fluff.

My dislike for Japanese Henry/Olivia aside, I can ship English Henry/Olivia because Olivia doesn't fake being cursed and also actually apologizes to Henry for behaving like a high-handed know-it-all. Of course, the vast majority of the Henry/Olivia shippers hate the English version, because it "ruins" Henry's feeeeeelings for Olivia, without noticing that Olivia is frankly, kind of a jerk in the Japanese support.

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I've posted about this before, but I'll join Faye in saying that the one pairing I genuinely cannot stand is Henry/Olivia, Japanese version. Not only is the hook of the support based on an incredibly flimsy and contrived premise (that Henry, master of hexes, is unable to tell that Olivia is faking being cursed) the takeaway of the support seems to be that it's perfectly okay for Olivia to lie to and manipulate Henry because it's for his own good. :facepalm:

The part about Olivia faking being cursed was probably a translation error: http://kakuseis.dreamwidth.org/6024.html?thread=4744#cmt4744

I dislike most pairings that involve Cordelia and Tharja, especially when their S support acknowledges that they're still in love with Chrom/MU.

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We should probably just get Rey to verify that bit, or get Rey to get people even more qualified than him to clear this up.

Rey = Universal Translator.

I don't care for Henry and Olivia either, I think I wrote a pretty decently sized rant/reply to someone else's list. Frankly, I need to write my own - but I don't want to start judging pairings without having a decent knowledge on them.

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Just saying, but most of Cordelia's supports have Chrom mentioned by the men(not her), and even she gets rid of Chrom after marriage(like in Lon'qu or Stahl, for example), while Tharja still explicitly says MU as her first priority(see: Tharja/Libra).

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Did the game ever give us a reason WHY Tharja is obsessed with Avatar? The attraction seemed to appear out of nowhere.

I think this is the closest to a reason we're going to get... although I haven't come across this in my game.

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A question yet to be answered: Why MU is in her dream by the way?

... No clue. Unless she's close to Validar and he mentioned the Avatar in someway, but I doubt that.

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I wish there was some in-game hint for her dumb obsession. OTL I never count out-of-game backstory explanations, there's no good reason why it didn't appear in the game. Sigh...that video there really just made me dislike Tharja entirely.

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Did the game ever give us a reason WHY Tharja is obsessed with Avatar? The attraction seemed to appear out of nowhere.

He/She is Grima she's a Plegian Dark Mage and likely was grimleal (that wasn't found of dieing) so yeah

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He/She is Grima she's a Plegian Dark Mage and likely was grimleal (that wasn't found of dieing) so yeah

How on Earth does she know that?

And the Grimleal had no problem giving up their life for Grima, as evidenced by the boss in chapter 8 and the beginning of chapter 22.

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How on Earth does she know that?

And the Grimleal had no problem giving up their life for Grima, as evidenced by the boss in chapter 8 and the beginning of chapter 22.

I mean it's just she may have some pull to him/her she can put her finger on it like she says

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Rey = Universal Translator.

I don't care for Henry and Olivia either, I think I wrote a pretty decently sized rant/reply to someone else's list. Frankly, I need to write my own - but I don't want to start judging pairings without having a decent knowledge on them.

Yeah, I'll wait and see if Rey can shed some light on the matter, because every translation I'd seen (there were two or three different ones) before Kacia brought that up had translated it as Olivia faking the curse.

I'm still not fond of that support because of Olivia's insistance that she knows Henry better than he knows himself, but if it turns out that Olivia was actually cursed in the original support, I'll have to withdraw most of my objection to it. :D:

Mind linking your reply if it's not too much trouble? Henry/Olivia is pretty much the juggernaut ship for Henry on both sides of the ocean (it's petty, but it's another reason that I'm not fond of the pairing) and it's nice to find other people who don't ship it either.

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