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(On topic: if Inigo scores higher than Severa or Cynthia, whatever. It'd be really stupid, IMO, but it's not like anyone's gonna commit suicide over it. Life goes on. And besides, I don't even think Inigo will score higher than them, since he got quite a few scores less than 2.)

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It would be the end of SF as we know it.

brb making an image of Sully the pug

Look, there's definitely no lack of evidence to your claim, but you simply can't rate units however you want, lest you become an unwashed heathen. I'm pretty sure that if anyone were to score higher than MU, the world would implode on itself. Do you want that to happen? Do you want our goddamned world to implode on itself?

On a more serious note, people need to stop complaining about certain scores not being to their liking and simply throwing away everything they don't agree with. It's an RTU for christ's sake. Let people score units the way they think is right.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Look, there's definitely no lack of evidence to your claim, but you simply can't rate units however you want, lest you become an unwashed heathen. I'm pretty sure that if anyone were to score higher than MU, the world would implode on itself. Do you want that to happen? Do you want our goddamned world to implode on itself?

On a more serious note, people need to stop complaining about certain scores not being to their liking and simply throwing away everything they don't agree with. It's an RTU for christ's sake. Let people score units the way they think is right.

*gives Donnel a 10/10*

*war erupts all over the world*

(I cried looking at the Pug!Sully pic. Holy shit, it's hilarious. 10/10.)

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I think any score, no matter how "wonky", should have an explanation behind it. If someone can justify giving a unit a 10/10, and keep their logic consistent, who am I to say that person is wrong? However, a score of "worst unit in the game 10/10" isn't something I'd allow; it gives no insight into the person's thought process, and is contradictory.

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Also, if you're going to throw out someone's score on the account of whatever, at least give them the opportunity to redo their reasoning instead of going "lol nope already did the tally without ya". Oh, and actually tell them that it wasn't counted instead of not saying who's it was.

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The only problem I see with postgame being considered more at this point in the game is that a lot of the other ratings were done without postgame in mind as far as I know. Like, someone who is on the bottom of the list like Brady does almost nothing in an efficient playthrough, but he can get skills like Galeforce, Luna and Lifetaker which make him good in postgame, definitely more than a score of ~1 warrants. Meanwhile, Inigo's day happens and he gets 10s from a ton of people when he does nothing, possibly less than Brady, in an efficient playthrough. It's just inconsistent more than anything else.

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Inigo is proof that the rules should probably be rethought. He's terrible during the maingame but one of your best units during postgame so his score is entirely dependent on how much a person weighs both factors.

Also he's arguably better than Severa and Cynthia due to Aggressor.

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Inigo is proof that the rules should probably be rethought. He's terrible during the maingame but one of your best units during postgame so his score is entirely dependent on how much a person weighs both factors.

Also he's arguably better than Severa and Cynthia due to Aggressor.


Edited by shadykid
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The reason why I find the 9s and 10s for Inigo ridiculous is because they seem like they're being rated only due to post game. If we're rating a unit, I think that, IMO, we should factor every part of the game they're in and rate them based upon that. If postgame didn't exist in this RTU, my scores of the children would plummet by about 3, but I consider main-game to be a big factor aswell when it comes to them, because their performance there should count as much as their performance for postgame, if not more, because it balances the heavy topics of availibility and ability to start them off with great stats.

I'd say the most justifiable 9-10/10 rating in the RTU for Inigo is probably Reggie's, because he's actually made a lot of points and explanation as to why. What I WILL say is that it's really just a matter of opinion.

Edited by The Fush
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Look, there's definitely no lack of evidence to your claim, but you simply can't rate units however you want, lest you become an unwashed heathen. I'm pretty sure that if anyone were to score higher than MU, the world would implode on itself. Do you want that to happen? Do you want our goddamned world to implode on itself?

*cough cough* Morgan > MU *cough cough*

Though, PKL, I'm confused: was my vote for Inigo counted or not?

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This is meant to be a reply to Vapo's "inigo's maingame is good he deserves at least a 5.5 for it" comment in the RTU threads,but imo it's too long of a rant to drop there:

inigo is basically unsalvagable during the maingame but you say he can have a 5.5 for it?

That would put him above:

Nowi (also a growth unit,but comes early enough to be useful and has dibs on Gregor for maingame)

Lissa (Rescue and healing)

Henry (possible Nosferatank or Dark Knight that's borderline on doubling,but he still does more in his existence than Inigo does ever)

Miriel (Chip and possible Rescue)

Kjelle & Yarne (Much better mothers than Olivia - including them not really worrying about having to get married since they all have viable supports (and both have okay class sets)

Kellam (defense pair up bot)

Maribelle (mounted Rescue)

Say'ri (Speed pair up bot,Tiki's best support)

Gregor (gives speed to Nowi)

Ricken (see: miriel,also has a forced chapter where he's not a negative)

Noire (Easier to get than Inigo and i guess she can Nostank? Not really good but better than being a swordlocked footie you need to waste ~40 turns to get good stats out of.)

Nah (Nowi lite)



Basilio & Flavia (Have a forced chapter and good enough combat stats to do -something-)


Brady (instant Rescue,even if he sucks elsewhere,is better than what Inigo does ever)

I'm really not seeing how you could say his maingame use is better than any of them but like Donnel.

No one wants to pair with Olivia due to Dancer bonuses being shitty and Dancing gives less support points than Pairing Up,and playing even remotely efficiently you're not dancing the same person twice in a chapter.

please explain how mr bad bases swordlocked foot unit is better than any of these units in main game without taking >100 turns to grind

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No one wants to pair with Olivia due to Dancer bonuses being shitty and Dancing gives less support points than Pairing Up,and playing even remotely efficiently you're not dancing the same person twice in a chapter.

(Slowly raises hand)

I paired Inigo with Olivia.

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That's a joke post,right?

You cannot pair up Olivia with Inigo in the context i was mentioning (Olivia getting married)

To get married in an efficient timeframe (ie not skirmish all day) you generally need to pair up.

No one wants Olivia's pair up bonuses (they're really small) and she has to move around the map a lot to Dance,thus restricting her partner.

There's a simple breakdown of it.

Also: when you posted your Inigo's stats,remember that not everyone plays under the same conditions as you,or has the exact same strings of random numbers to determine his stats. This is where the phrase "personal experience means nothing" comes from.

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That's a joke post,right?

You cannot pair up Olivia with Inigo in the context i was mentioning (Olivia getting married)

To get married in an efficient timeframe (ie not skirmish all day) you generally need to pair up.

No one wants Olivia's pair up bonuses (they're really small) and she has to move around the map a lot to Dance,thus restricting her partner.

There's a simple breakdown of it.

Also: when you posted your Inigo's stats,remember that not everyone plays under the same conditions as you,or has the exact same strings of random numbers to determine his stats. This is where the phrase "personal experience means nothing" comes from.

Thou hast been trolled!


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