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the assassins still double 29 speed (25 speed + 4 from Flavia) Basilio.

Flavia can put Basilio in her pocket, have 32 speed, and not be doubled by anything.

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If I was using Virion, I'd count his usefulness in terms of reclassing too.

But you should also count the cost of the Second Seal going to Virion, too.

Edited by Chiki
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But he also isn't doubling some enemy types. If you want to someone to take down a hero, that's Flavia's job for example. He also doesnt double zerkers iirc. Since they have 26 spd or so, which Flavia doubles and he doesn't. Also, Olwen, Flavia does ORKO Generals...

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When I said 'fuck turncounts', it wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

When I said Cynthia flies, she can easily see action more than a lot others. And she can make use of the terrain that hinders others, like all the trees in Chapter 24.

But eh, whatever. I'm too tired to think straight. We'll save this for Cynthia's day.

EDIT: Haha, Dragon Boner. Exactly.

Edited by Zeem
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Okay, lets not forget that Cynthia, unlike most of the childs

1. Start with Lance Rank

2. Has absurd bases

That is quite a good point for ZeEm once her turn comes >_>

I was simply pointing out that Cynthia isn't that good in LTC.

Also Axes > Lances.

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But we're not rating by LTC.

I never said we were. I said Olwen was.

You don't need to care about turncounts to see that children are crap. They just have crappy bases, come too late and are not worth training at all.

I like them but they are rather impractical overall.

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Well, considering you just skip over their paralogues to save turns...

EDIT: Olwen's logic doesn't affect me, though. I'm free to disagree, which is why I defended Cynthia.

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Even if we don't consider the turns Cynthia costs, she's just useless to have around during the game. She's fantastic postgame but I don't know if that's included in the RTU.

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Even though if you did things right, Cynthia's bases wouldn't be bad in the slightest?

I mean come on. How would she be useless? She's definitely NOT on the same level as fucking Donnel.

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Even though if you did things right, Cynthia's bases wouldn't be bad in the slightest?

I mean come on. How would she be useless? She's definitely NOT on the same level as fucking Donnel.

I'd give Donnel a -1 if I could.

The childrens' actual base stats = [(mother's current stats - mother's class base stats) + (father's current stats - father's class base stats) + child's absolute base stats] / 3 + child's class base stats

Let's keep this simple because it's too much of a bother to deal with class bases and average stats. If we took 20 for both mother's current stats - mother's class base stats and father's current stats - father's class base stats, which is pretty likely at that point of the game (assuming their average stats for every stat will be around 25) then Cynthia will only have, for example, 20 strength. It's just unnecessary and pointless.

Edited by Chiki
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