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Women are strange sometimes.

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I used to think guys were a lot simpler and easier to understand, until I met a guy who revealed that his joking demeanor was just so that he wouldn't get hurt if someone actually rejected him. And he could just pass it off as a joke anyway. I was amazed he actually thought that far, but that's probably just me being naive...

On the flip side, I know some of my girlfriends that complain about not having any guy friends and how they can't talk to guys. And I'm like 'well what about this guy you know, and that guy and that guy' and they're like 'well...they seem kind of gender neutral to me. I can't see them as a guy'. And I just think 'OH HOW IT WOULD GRIEVE THEM TO HEAR YOU SAY THAT'.

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it can't be helped that we can't read each other minds, we can't know all of everyone's secret. ,but since that was the case, perhaps there are unexpected truths behind this situation Pal, (just don't get your hopes up >,<) or else, why would she say her secret to you? telling secret usually proves you are much closer sometimes...

like Doga said, strong friendship usually much better than Couples since they usually doubt each other..

Long story short, just accept the situation and your friend no matter how confusing and bizzare they are, things will get clearer soon.

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Do you have any particular neuroscience tidbits in mind as to why that is?

It's likely basic evolutionary behavior at work. A person selects a mate they find most attractive because they will assumedly possess good genes.

Romantic relationships can possibly exist without an attention to the physical side, I suppose. But I agree with others here in that I don't think a romantic relationship of depth will work long in its absence.

Also I try to post lindybeige whenever the slightest bit relevant so:

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Well personally I prefer these qualities in a women,






who cares about what job they have

and race/ethic. really? does that matter?

Edited by Aizenberg
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who cares about what job they have

and race/ethic. really? does that matter?

Keep in mind that those four things aren't guidelines that EVERY person follows strictly.

Some people would rather have a relationship with someone who is financially stable so they can avoid situations where (for example) that person begins to leech off of them and become lazy because "lol my bf/gf is paying for my stuff so why work". At least, this is the reason why I think a person would favor someone with a decent job.

As for race, some people just like the aesthetics that people from certain racial backgrounds have. That's all there is to it, really.

Edited by Esme
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If I went for every girl I'd developed a thing for I'd have either:

  1. a list of rejections longer than my rhetorically large penis, or
  2. AIDS.
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who cares about what job they have

and race/ethic. really? does that matter?

Job - Shows some sense of personal responsibility. It doesn't seem important until you live with someone who doesn't work that much.

Race - Not all families accept other races. I don't think I'd want my boyfriend to choose between his family or me!

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who cares about what job they have

and race/ethic. really? does that matter?

Wow, that's completely.... how old are you? At least when you're older, you SHOULD care about what job your significant other has... ESPECIALLY if s/he doesn't have one. It's like, would you want one who's working at McD's or someone who has a more respectable job? And the race/ethnicity is a personal preference, at least that's how I see it when people list that as their criteria.

jesus christ this topic




and this post is the winner! :D

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who cares about what job they have

and race/ethic. really? does that matter?

Well personally I would have a woman who has a decent job and can take care of her self. Race/Ethic is also a personal choice. Edited by Majestic Paladin
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jesus christ this topic




Except for the fact that what you just posted is incorrect. Me and her were friends in the beginning and I was ok with that. The way she acted around me made me think she wanted to be more than friends. And we she told me she had a boyfriend it took me off guard. I'm was ok with that and moved on, understand now?

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I only accept people people able to breath and maintain structure in the cold depths of space as relationship prospects

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