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When I first played Fire Emblem Awakening, I thought that games could not top this. The music, ability to recruit Finn and Frederick appealed to me. Well, forget that, Awakening is a terrible game, because there's something even better.

Its FE7. Don't laugh at this game. FE7 is a better game than Awakening. Anyways, FE7 is the best game in all of GBA. Lol, that's a lie. FE7 is the best game in all of Nintendo franchise. Dammit, I can't stop lying. FE7 is the best game, ever.

Seriously, no game can top its gameplay as it flows in the breeze. The way it forces players to think, chopping failed players who attempted Ranked and LTC to the air.... That's FE7. FE7 could probably be considered the best game in the series- sorry, I'm doubting the awesome quality of FE7. FE7 is the best game in the series, and it is. Just now. In the time it took you to read "FE7 is the best game in the series," it really is.

See, FE7 is like Godlike. If you think about FE7 rng screwing you, it will. And it did it again, just now. Now, granted FE5 is pretty close to being equal to FE7's sovereign quality, but everybody know FE5 has a terrible Staff ballance. This automatically means that FE7 is better than FE5 several times. Remember how I said FE7 is really freaking good? Well, FE5 has just been rated forbidden by the International police association, because a player is on the floor, her vag burst wide open by FE7 all permeating quality. And she liked it, because FE7 really is that good.

FE7 is simply the most supreme power in the universe. There have been imitators, of course- namely Chuck Norris, and Glass. Glass is from FE7. He's got posters in his room with FE7 all over them. He actually had a fantasy about FE7 before he realized there was no way he was even close to being as smexy as FE7, and therefore, unacceptable. Chuck Norris also played FE7. Chuck Norris may have a fist under his beard, but what does FE7 have under its beard? It has another FE7, waiting to be played. Of course, when this happens, we'll all be playing it in an uncountable amount of times, for example 12 playthrough so just pray to FE7 that it doesn't unleash another of itself. But enough about those that is inferior, let's talk more about FE7. I like talking about FE7.

Don't you? If you don't, you might as well say your prayers after you pick a god. Whoops, too late. FE7 has the best gameplay in the entire series. That's no surprise. It has LM, LHM, EM, EHM, HM, HHM, Ranked, and HHM Ranked. HHM Ranked ignores the fact that Marcus is overpowered(theres no defense from HHM Ranked).

Some have speculated how good FE7 is in numerical scale. How good do you think it is? 2/10, 4/10(Poor - game is unremarkable and flawed), 10/10? Well, you're wrong. Why calculate the quality of something? Numbers scoring are stupid and encourages terrible readers to look at the score without reading the actual review.

Some people said FE7 is a dragon. WRONG. It is an FE7, plain and simple. There is more than one of it(because its a freaking VIDEO GAMES) and to pronounce its true name, you would need to rip out your tongue. So, it gave itself a new name, so we lowly humans could sing praises of the "Blazing Sword", as it was named in Japan. FE7 is quite simply, the best, game ever. No question.

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"The fact you were, why I'm could not be married Ninian conclusion you?" ...wait, that doesn't seem right

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"The fact you were, why I'm could not be married Ninian conclusion you?" ...wait, that doesn't seem right

"If your conclusion's true, then why couldn't (I be) married to Ninian?"

[spoiler=because I like wasting time more TEACHING]

お前 = you (asshole, jerk, etc.)

の = particle for ownership, like Spanish's "de"

結論 = conclusion

は = particle indicating subject of the sentence

事実 = true, fact

だったら、= if

なぜ = then

ニニアン = Ninian

と = with

結婚 = marriage

できなかったんだよ?= could not do

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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