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You're suddenly thrown into the Fire Emblem world

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Seeing as how I'm good with a bow irl (how ironic) I'd be an archer. I'm known by a lot of people for playing campy and "gay" in most fighting game ;/ also, so it fits me.

Edited by Peekayell
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Knowing myself, I'll more than probably be a Mage/Sage but with a rather uncommon set of stats, like great Luck, Resistance and Defence, good magic and HP, average skill and poor speed and strengh... like a magical brick wall! :awesome: Not very fast, don't hit hard, don't critical hit much, but almost impossible to kill, that's really sound like the real me... And I'll probably have lots of possible supports since I'm quite friendly. And I'll search for characters I know, hoping that I ended up in Tellius or in Awakening era. If I'm in Awakening, I'll probably try to support Gangrel, Kellam, Brady, Gregor or Basilio. :wub:

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The only applicable skill I have is fencing, so maybe I should be a myrmidon? (Or even better, Myrmi-Wyvern Knight-don)

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I would want to be a Pegasus Knight but I am a guy so I'd have to settle for being a Cavalier/Paladin.


Why not be a wyvern rider instead? :\
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I'd bring a lot of guns with me and become a merchant. Seriously though, probably a halberdier/soldier because I imagine it would be a lot easier to learn how to fight with a spear/pike than a sword. Plus my armor and shield would look boss. If not that, then a Manakete because if its worth doing, it's worth overdoing.

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Seeing as how I'm good with a bow irl (how ironic) I'd be an archer. I'm known by a lot of people for playing campy and "gay" in most fighting game ;/ also, so it fits me.


I'd be a Dark Dragon, come at me bros

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Does Tactician class count? It fits me really well...otherwise, if there was a Sage+swords class, that'd be good for me. And if all else fails...I guess I'd be a Sage.

EDIT: If Tactician class DOES count, asset Defense for sure (despite my squishiness...I'd train really hard to not be squishy). Flaw Luck, because that's just...well, representative of my life lol.

And I forgot to mention class set. Maaaahh...I'm decent at archery IRL (from the whopping 3 times I've done it at summer camp) and I love horseback riding (the fastest I've gone is a canter though). So maybe I'd have a sniper or bow knight/ranger option.

Edited by mewyeon
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Ooh, I'd prefer to be a Lance Knight, Blade Knight, or Pegasus Knight, but I think my skills are best suited for the Thief class. I'm stealthy, good at being quiet on my feet, and I can slip into small places easily due to my really thin frame, which could be handy for breaking into buildings. I'm also quite a good thief in real life. I've gotten away with sneaking things right under people's noses many times. I could probably become good enough at picking locks too, and I'm faster than most people that are my size or close to it. Otherwise though, I'm actually kind of a slow person. But I'm good with a knife and I'd probably be able to resist magic very well. I couldn't take many physical blows though. xP

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I'd probably be a troubadour and eventually a Valkyrie because a) I want a horse b) I probably don't have very good strength and therefore would be better suited to magics and c) being called a Valkyrie, even if if isn't the traditional Norse kind, is totally cool and badass! :D

But if I could be born into Tellius/FE Universe, I would totally want to be a Bird/Dragon Laguz or some kind of shapeshifter in the FE universe; shapeshifting is damn awesome!

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Well, when I was younger, I thought I'd be a Dark Mage, but I'll have shitty Def and HP, pretty good Res, pretty good Luck Growth, and Good at magic. ZA sort of glass cannon.

Or Mage or Priest, depending of which magic fits me the best.

I'd love to be a Thief > Trickster, but reallistically, I won't have the stats for that.

So, I'll probably be a civilian, and I'll try to become a FE7!Tactician.

Fighting and killing real humans isn't for me...

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Dark Mage, natch. I'm pretty slow, I can take a couple decent hits and I'm a serious bookworm/magic lover, so I'd love playing around with the different types and what not. I'd probably have a bunch of magic-based reclass options, because I'm about as physically strong as a toothpick. ... I'm a sturdy toothpick though. Yay, high pain tolerance!

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Villager, i would like to be myrmidon, but i'm not that fragile speedster and plus, wasn't it the villagers who actually got no concerns for war? i'll live plain life as villager, not gonna end up dying as another nameless mooks,,

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Hi guys I'm a villager with Aptitude to symbolize how lazy I am and that I could actually do something if I bother to train

Suits me too.

Other than that a knight so I'll be nice and safe from those nasty enemies.

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Now that I'm in the Fire Emblem world, I should find a place to live, I'll be sure to stay away from any country that has primarily Wyvern Riders and Dark Mages, because they are most likely to be evil. I'll also never join up with bandits, because I don't look good enough to not be slaughtered.

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