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Pair Up in Past FEs

Ema Skye

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I think at this point, we're all pretty much aware how much pair up is ridiculous in FE13. But what happens if we take this mechanic and apply it to other games?

I think it would revolutionize how we play FE4. With offensive units that lack good movement (Lewyn, Ayra, Holyn), they can hop on a someone's pony and have a grand ol' time jumping across the maps and keeping up.

It'd also make Savior in FE9 and FE10 useless (though it'd probably be given the same effect as Defender to make it kinda useful).

So, discuss!

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I'd probably just pair up Claude with Sigurd so that his only flaw no longer exists. I'm not sure how the mechanic works, but it seems like an interesting enough idea. They'd have to rebalance things of course, but they already needed to do that anyways.

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As much as I love Awakening, I HATE pair-up. I don't want to see it return in future FEs and I don't want to see it implemented in any possible remakes.

I dunno, it just feels like it takes the strategy out of the game. I much prefer rescue/take/dropping.
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I doubt that even Pair Up could save Micaiah from getting one-rounded by everything, so.. meh.

You would be pretty wrong

I wouldn't want it, though. It's cool and in FE13, but not balanced well at all.

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Anyway, at the topic of pair up. I think implementing it into future games is a no. It's FE13's unique gimmick, and it should stay that way. I think the exact same thing about MU, except replace FE13 with FE12&13. I think pair up would break FE4 in half, haha. Levin with more movement would be absolutely nuts. It would definitely help out Est characters in the older games, since FE13 seems to be lacking one.

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Anyway, at the topic of pair up. I think implementing it into future games is a no. It's FE13's unique gimmick, and it should stay that way. I think the exact same thing about MU, except replace FE13 with FE12&13. I think pair up would break FE4 in half, haha. Levin with more movement would be absolutely nuts. It would definitely help out Est characters in the older games, since FE13 seems to be lacking one.

FE4 with more balanced stats especially on Crusader weapons like in Awakening would probably make it a bit better.

I think it'd be very cool, especially if there was a cool feature with husbands and wives, but Awakening only has S supports.

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not really a fan or pair up... makes everything too easy... +2 to a stat can be a big deal and pair up does a lot more than that...

edit maybe it could work if it was a skill(where one unit in a pair would have to have the skill for it to be possible) sort of like smite in the Telius games in comparison with shove...

....I miss shove...

Edited by Dragrath
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It would definitely fix the flaw in FE7 and FE8 that supports take SO long to build.

And it would let me pair up Ike and Elincia all the time in the Tellius games when it's possible, even if they don't get an ending. ^^

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If it was in FE5 capturing would be a lot easier haha

Except capturing requires you to not have a unit in your pocket via rescue, which means that ostensibly it wouldn't work if you were paired up! Better fight, but no cappy! Balance!

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Except capturing requires you to not have a unit in your pocket via rescue, which means that ostensibly it wouldn't work if you were paired up! Better fight, but no cappy! Balance!

no, you just pair up with an enemy instead!

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