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Smash Bros. trailer confirmed for E3, what are your hopes?


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No one really posted what they want to see in the trailer itself, .

I did ;/

1. Toon Link to be shown as playable.

2. No airdodging out of hitstun in the trailer.

3. I don't want to see a character falling when running....OH GOD PLEASE TRIPPING GO AWAY.

4. New characters.

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I kinda want the trailer to be like the original SSB trailer. Also what I want what Jedi said, considering a trailer is a thing to get you really hyped for something. (I also hope the speed doesn't go to Melee's speed, or near it, because I like the eased-backness Brawl had. And I want certain proof that Jiggly stays in because I don't want to lose one of my main mains. I doubt they'll get rid of one of the original 12, but still.)

Edited by Konnor97
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Why the hell would anyone want this? I don't want ANYONE getting replaced unless they were legitimately terrible and useless. Losing Roy was awful, he should have stayed and had Ike be ADDED to the roster, not added as a replacement. Let's bring back Roy and also add Chrom, that's a way better idea.

Sorry man, I was just thinking realistically. If we kept every character, there'd be too little space left to program new, hopefully not completely terrible, features or stages or anything.

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Stage Builder and Wifi need to be improved, but the chances of them both being shown off in the trailer is like none.

Especially Wifi.

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Out of curiosity, what hopes you think are "unrealistic?"?

masked Lucina replace Marth

Ice climbers out

Give Ganondorf some actual Ganondorf moves

Add in Belmont

Don't remove any characters

Those three posts come to mind. Veteran characters from Melee that returned in Brawl very likely won't be getting cut in SSB4, Ganondorf's moveset is likely staying since veteran characters never change movesets drastically between games (on a side note, in Brawl, Ganondorf's Side B, Ground Down A, and Ground Side A were all moves he used in Twilight Princess), adding two Konami characters is too much of a stretch (and they'll likely give priority to Snake, thank to Kojima, though I definitely prefer Belmont over Snake personally due to Castlevania being heavily affilated with Nintendo back in the day), and characters will likely be removed whether it's due to the fact that they're guests (Sonic and Snake) or no longer recent (Ike and Lucario).

I don't see why people say characters like Sonic and Snake don't fit in when the game already has a colorful roster. You have an electric mouse, blue haired swordsmen, blue haired mercenary, Italian, Brooklyn, Japanese plumber, green dinosaur, space fox, etc. But a mercenary and blue hedgehog can't fit in? Megaman has a high chance of entering.

Sonic, I'll admit he fits in visually in the Smash Bros. crowd. Snake, not a chance. He's extremely dull and realistically coloured compared to the rest of the Smash cast, he looks way too realistic compared to the fantasy-like Nintendo cast, and his fighting style of using realistic modern day weapons like grenades and missiles is really out of place for a Nintendo game (yes, Star Fox and Metroid use similar weapons, but they made the weapons much more futuristic looking which is still in line with the fantasy-like Nintendo Worlds).

You realize, Sega's games have been best sellers on Nintendo consoles since Sega went third party and the Mario & Sonic Olympics Crossovers happened and the now current 3 Nintendo Exclusive Sonic games contract exist I hope.

Not to mention, Sonic was inspired by Mario.

Yes, I'm well aware of all of that (trust me, I check GoNintendo a ridiculous amount for Nintendo gaming news updates). Still, I feel like bringing Sonic into a game that celebrates Nintendo history is like having a Jewish celebration that celebrates Hitler and the holocaust (I mean this in the least offensive way possible), because of how Sega antagonized Nintendo back then. There's plenty of other companies and video game characters that aren't Nintendo that are heavily allied with it that I feel deserve guest characters more, especially because of the decades of support they've given Nintendo. And even if it was something like Mega Man being in Brawl and bringing Mega Man back for another Smash Bros., guest characters should be a one time deal because it'll detract from the original game premise too much if guest characters become reoccuring. Imagine how weird it'd be if Link, Yoda, and Darth Vader became Soul Calibur regulars and BBA Mega Man became a Street Fighter staple. They stay one time deals for a good reason.

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Marth as speedy character, Ike as heavy character, Chrom as inbetweener. I'd love to see some other characters in assist trophies like some of popular characters from the recent series. And as much I hate Jigglypuff, it seems to be a high tier character, so I don't think it'll be going away. Grima's back as a stage, you know that it must be.

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Marth as speedy character, Ike as heavy character, Chrom as inbetweener. I'd love to see some other characters in assist trophies like some of popular characters from the recent series. And as much I hate Jigglypuff, it seems to be a high tier character, so I don't think it'll be going away. Grima's back as a stage, you know that it must be.

Plus Jigglypuff is one of the original 12. You can't really remove any of them

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Ike is most likely staying since he's the default FE character right now and he was added for different reasons than Roy was in Melee (not to mention Ike stars in more titles than any other lord barring Marth and he has a large fanbase). I hope he gets upgraded to his RD model (but with PoR costumes and Awakening DLC costume available as well as Vanguard Ike's outfit), but also that Chrom is added alongside him and Marth. Marth is definitely not going anywhere, he's been in the last two games and is pretty much the FE mascot.

I also would like to see Toon Link be more representative of the Four Sword saga instead of TWW, but that's probably not going to happen, especially with a stupid remake of the latter around the corner. >_>

I'd love to play as Daisy too (NOT a costume for Peach, a separate character), but that probably won't happen either. She's not important or popular enough, sadly.

I want Ghirahim to be in though and I think he has a chance of even replacing Ganondorf. Ganondorf wasn't in the last two Zelda titles and Ghirahim is popular and a major villain in Skyward Sword, the most recent title.

Oh, Ike also needs Ragnell's ranged attack! I heard it was deemed too powerful last time, but it can be dumbed down like Aether was!

Edited by Anacybele
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Ridley is like, the 3rd most famous Nintendo villain and is one of the most requested characters. If you think he's too big, he can easily be scaled to the size of Charizard. The original Ridley was just sightly higher than Samus anyway.

It's more of a matter of what Sakurai thinks, and not what everyone else thinks. Sakurai made it pretty clear that he felt Ridley is unfeasible as a playable character in Iwata Asks, and what he says, goes, regarding the roster. I personally think shrinking him down is feasible, especially since Bowser was shrunk down and Olimar was heavily enlarged compared to his 6 cm (~2.36 inches) self.

Keep dreaming. Toon Link has a good chance of staying because of Wind Waker HD and I hate those views of "clones". Most "clones" play completely different to the other character. Link and Toon Link are different characters and should both stay ;/.

Btw, what was posted so far that is unrealistic? Aside from Ridley, I saw no one else post something unlikely.

I don't think you understand my complaint. I have no problem with characters that play similarly and have the same general moves, like Mario and Luigi, Fox and Falco, and the like, since they're different personas. My problem with Link and Toon Link is that they're both Link, yet they're considered two different characters in the game and take up two different slots, rather than being an alternate costume or form. Would you justify "Cranky Kong Donkey Kong" (the one in Donkey Kong the arcade version, Donkey Kong Jr., and Donkey Kong 3) and "Current Day Donkey Kong" (the one that wears the DK tie and the one in all the Donkey Kong Country games and Mario spinoffs) taking up two different slots even though they're the same persona yet different characters?

I have absolutely no problem with Toon Link being an alternate costume or form (except for his appearance and voice which I find appalling and annoying, but that's just me), and given that they're planning in-depth character customization for the next Smash Bros. (specifically the 3DS version), I wouldn't be suprised if character costumes were more in-depth and Toon Link was changed to being a costume rather than a separate character. What I do have a problem with is characters taking up two slots since it's a biased thing to do to a roster and it's unfair to all other playable characters since they get one slot while another/others get two. And it's not just me hating Link. I wasn't fond of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 having both Kuai Lang Sub-Zero and Bi-Han Sub-Zero, since they were the same persona despite being different people, and Sub-Zero is one of my favourite Mortal Kombat characters.

Isn't this being made by the guys who do Soul Calibur or am I just making crap up?

You're right. Namco Bandai is co-developing SSB4. That's also the same people who made Tekken as well, so they've got plenty of fighting game experience.

Speaking of Tekken, that reminds me of this post I made a while ago regarding Toad's chances being upped for SSB4:

It's recently been shown that Captain Falcon, Shiek, Princess Peach, and Toad costumes will be available for the Wii U version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Tekken is made by Namco Bandai, the same people that are co-developing SSB4. They also showed a while back that Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Fox, Zero Suit Samus, Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf costumes would be available. Given that all the characters they have costumes for (besides Toad) have been playable in Smash Bros. and Namco Bandai are developing both Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS, this may significantly up Toad's chances of being in the next Smash Bros.

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Ike is most likely staying since he's the default FE character right now and he was added for different reasons than Roy was in Melee (not to mention Ike stars in more titles than any other lord barring Marth and he has a large fanbase). I hope he gets upgraded to his RD model (but with PoR costumes and Awakening DLC costume available as well as Vanguard Ike's outfit), but also that Chrom is added alongside him and Marth. Marth is definitely not going anywhere, he's been in the last two games and is pretty much the FE mascot.

I also would like to see Toon Link be more representative of the Four Sword saga instead of TWW, but that's probably not going to happen, especially with a stupid remake of the latter around the corner. >_>

I'd love to play as Daisy too (NOT a costume for Peach, a separate character), but that probably won't happen either. She's not important or popular enough, sadly.

I want Ghirahim to be in though and I think he has a chance of even replacing Ganondorf. Ganondorf wasn't in the last two Zelda titles and Ghirahim is popular and a major villain in Skyward Sword, the most recent title.

Oh, Ike also needs Ragnell's ranged attack! I heard it was deemed too powerful last time, but it can be dumbed down like Aether was!

Assuming Ike does stay, yeah, the ranged Ragnell attack makes much more sense than a fire sword (I think Ike was built off from Roy's data.) I doubt Ghirahim will replace Ganon, he has a chance of getting in, but replacing Ganon wouldn't make sense, especially if they intend to use him in a future game.

Sonic, I'll admit he fits in visually in the Smash Bros. crowd. Snake, not a chance. He's extremely dull and realistically coloured compared to the rest of the Smash cast, he looks way too realistic compared to the fantasy-like Nintendo cast, and his fighting style of using realistic modern day weapons like grenades and missiles is really out of place for a Nintendo game (yes, Star Fox and Metroid use similar weapons, but they made the weapons much more futuristic looking which is still in line with the fantasy-like Nintendo Worlds).

Yoshi was in Metal Gear Solid 3D, fit in nicely. I think if they used the younger, MGS1 version of Snake, he'd look better in the game. He doesn't look as gritty or old like the Snake in Brawl, and although he's dark coloured, the colours are mostly solid. Plus MGS1 was remade on a Nintendo console, unlike the MGS2/3 model they used. (Until MGS3D) But I don't see Snake as likely coming through since MGSV isn't coming to the Wii U. (Then again, neither was MGS4)

Now I'm wondering who else may get cut.

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Do you guys/gals think anything will be different with Namco Bandai being involved?

Not sure on that. Mostly thinking it will involve a 3rd party character coming from Namco. From like Tales or something but I don't know mechanics wise.

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Assuming Ike does stay, yeah, the ranged Ragnell attack makes much more sense than a fire sword (I think Ike was built off from Roy's data.) I doubt Ghirahim will replace Ganon, he has a chance of getting in, but replacing Ganon wouldn't make sense, especially if they intend to use him in a future game.

Ike SHOULD be staying. There's absolutely no reason for him to be cut. Roy having been cut from Brawl is bullshit reasoning.

As for Ghirahim, whatever, I just want him playable! He's way more awesome than Ganondorf.

Edited by Anacybele
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Do you guys/gals think anything will be different with Namco Bandai being involved?

Namco has a history of creating balanced fighters, so fingers crossed they make Smash 4 balanced.

>glares at Meta Knight, Ice Climbers, Zelda and Ganondorf

Pac-Man would be a pretty neat addition, especially considering how recognizable he is for the older gamers.

Edited by Dinfinitysignfina
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I get the feeling Namco was brought on board precisely because of their experience making fighting games, running two successful fighting game franchises already. While Smash Bros has done well, and Sakurai is one of the few directors who is actually out to make a feature-rich game for the fans, Brawl had some missteps (tripping, excessively floaty physics) that generally made it less popular as a competitive game. The partnership of Sora Ltd and Namco Bandai will hopefully result in an accessible party fighter that isn't held back by some outrageous random gimmick (okay yes I hate random tripping that badly).

Actually this thread makes me a little scared that Jigglypuff will be the first veteran character to be cut, due to the character's increasing irrelevancy. Jigglypuff is one of my favourite Pokemon but it was included back when the TV show had Jigglypuff as a frequently recurring character. After being heavily nerfed in Brawl nearly to the point of becoming a joke character instead of pink puffball destroyer of worlds like she was in Melee, I feel like her position on the roster might be in a shaky place.

I'm also sceptical of Snake returning, and for some reason I feel like something will change with the Pokemon Trainer. But Sonic returning doesn't seem as far-fetched, considering the numerous crossovers with Mario, and Sega's new Nintendo-exclusive Sonic game.

Also, if Crash didn't show up in Playstation All-Stars despite being Naughty Dog's Playstation baby, I *highly* doubt the current rights holders will include Crash in a Nintendo brawler. Crash might be multiplatform these days but he will always be a Sony mascot in my heart.

Edited by Samias
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Well if her role in Brawl was an indication, Jiggs sure seemed like she was on the chopping block.

Though when Brawl came out, I recall Sakurai mentioning that not every Melee character would return (and look at the backlash it got in the process coughcoughMewtwocoughcoughRoy), but we haven't been told that (or really anything), so I think you can rest easy for now.

On a different note, and I doubt we'll get anything on this subject for a while, but I'd like it if we got an idea as to what role Namco was playing in the game creation.

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For now, I guess that I just want to see Marth.

Seeing how not only he and the Falchion got completely redesigned but he is also at the risk of being replaced by another lord with the exact same body build, I would like to see clarification about his fate as fast as possible.

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