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Explain People's Class Sets


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I heard that the class sets in this game were chosen based on personality

Henry : Barbarian and Thief are both classes associated with the bandits of Plegia.

More importantly these two classes are associated with serial killers (the lunatic ax murderer and the knife wielding maniac)

Chrom : Cavalier and Archer - Horse riding and Archery are skills that royalty are expected to learn.

Virion : Every Valmese character has Wyvern Rider as a reclass option. Dunno about mage though.

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Cherche apparently was planning to join the clergy before meeting Minerva, hence her odd set.

Cordelia gets Bowbreaker, Axebreaker, Tomebreaker through reclass because she's perfect.

Ricken has Chrom's classes because he wants to be like his idol.

Nowi has Wyvern Rider because the Wyvern she is riding is actually her new dragon friend Bantu

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Sumia has Cleric because she is more of a nurturing and healing type (She should've been this in my opinion) and Knight....wasn't originally sure why, but I think she has it because she has expressed the desire to be an unbreakable shield on occasion (pfft, like thats gonna happen, she's so fragile...)

Tiki has Wyvern Knight and Mage because she has an affinity to Wyverns (sub-dragons) and Magic (like Gotoh the Sage).

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Knight....wasn't originally sure why, but I think she has it because she has expressed the desire to be an unbreakable shield on occasion (pfft, likes that gonna happen, she's so fragile...)

Knights are pretty much dismounted lance users, which is why Kjelle is one. Knight fits Sumia because they trip and belly flop their way through enemies when using Luna.

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Olivia: OliviaMapSprite.gif

Myrmidon: Her dancing requires grace and agility in her movements.

Pegasus Knight: Galeforce Pretty much the same reason as above. Not to mention the dance that is mentioned in her supports with Donny/Donnel in Japanese is of the heron princess Leanne. The beautiful white wings that will make her soar above the clouds.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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That reminds me, Sully aside (she gets Wyvern Rider instead, probably because she's a tomboy), most females from Ylisse have Pegasus Knight as a class option, which makes sense since pegasi seem to be based in Ylisse (and Lissa has the same class set as Emm because she wanted to be like her, whereas Maribelle wants to be like Lissa as well; doesn't really explain why she has Mage as a class option).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Aso, for Henry, his outfit and personnality are those of a Trickster...

Gangrel has the same Class Sets as well.

there are class associated with Chaos.

Libra's Dark Mage option are here to show his troubled past. Not sure for Mage.

Donnel's Class set are the two option a simple Villager can choose to fight. (At least Mercenary. Fighter is because he's not bad enough to become Brigand)

Priam's option are related to great fighters.

That reminds me, Sully aside (she gets Wyvern Rider instead, probably because she's a tomboy), most females from Ylisse have Pegasus Knight as a class option (and Lissa has the same class set as Emm because she wanted to be like her, whereas Maribelle wants to be like Lissa as well; doesn't really explain why she has Mage as a class option).

Pegasus Knight and Troubadour are also both associated with the idea of Grace and Purity. Maribelle is mage instead of Cleric because she wants to protect Lissa.

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Gangrel's Trickster class is because he managed to work his way from a lowly slumdog up to king. His overall class set feature Thief and Barbarian who, along with promotions, is not only a part of the usual Plegian army, but also the most common bandit classes (which reference Gangrel's former poor background, along with what he becomes once overthrown). The Dark Mage class and Sorcerer promotion are because Plegia are strongly associated with them (and by proxy, with the Grimleal, who Gangrel was a member off in name only). The Dark Knight class is probably the odd class out here, though it does look, for the lack of a better word, like something that nobility or royalty would train as. The outfit also looks like something a villainous or battle-crazy person would wear, whether a noble or a knight or a high-ranking elite soldier. Overall, Gangrel's class sets make sense given his position, his nature, and his background.

Henry shares his class set with Gangrel, but why he has them is probably different. His Dark Mage class and Sorcerer promotion are easy to figure out, as he's spoken off as a Plegian Dark Mage (and they seem well known enough among the nations, and given Plegia's status as a theocracy dedicated to Grima, having people train in dark magic wouldn't be that strange there), and he's stated in supports to be a natural with dark magic (He doesn't seem like the type that would worship Grima as fanatically as the Grimleal, or worship anyone in general, so I don't think Dark Mage's connections with the Grimleal would be right to bring up here). As I've said before, Dark Knight looks like what a villainous noble or royalty would have, though Henry's ability to class into this is probably because he'd suit the look as a villainous high-ranking elite soldier with a love for fighting. The Barbarian and Thief class sets are likely because of Henry's sociopathic nature (which makes him kind of eligible for all those classes), his eagerness to fight (the Barbarian tree), and his wit (the Thief tree).

Libra's reason for the Priest tree (and War Monk) are easy enough, given his high faith, and how he says that faith saved him. Dark Mage is likely there because of what is talked about regarding his past, and how he has such darkness in him. Mage is probably there as a "purer" offensive option, than Dark Mage. The offensive magic units from Ylisse seem to be mages anyways.

Walhart is easy: His Conqueror class reference how he conquered an entire continent. The class is also both an armored unit and a horse-mounted unit, two types of units that are very common in Valm. In this way, the Conqueror class also reference his empire, and his army, and stands as it's representative. Knight and promotions are armoured units (and Great Knight is also a mounted unit), which are very commonly found in Valm as stated earlier. Wyvern Rider and promotions are units that are commonly found in either Plegia or Valm, so it's not strange that Walhart can be this.

Aversa is interesting: I have no idea why she is of the Dark Flier class, or has the Pegasus Knight tree, though the Dark Flier class itself has one of the more fanservicey outfits in the game. Given Aversa's sultry nature, this fits, and it also makes her contrast to the Peg. Knights of Ylisse, who would probably be Falcon Knights. Alternatively, the Peg. Knight tree could reference Aversa's nature as a brainwashed soldier of Validar, how she used to be innocent, and how this innocence is now tainted. Dark Flier could represent this tainted innocence, while being able to go Falcon Knight could be seen as a willingness to change (or alternatively as a giant "Fuck you!" to Validar). Dark Mage and promotions are easier: Dark Mage and Sorcerer reference her status as a Grimleal worshipper under Validar, and Aversa's status as kind of an elite soldier on the villain side make sense regarding Dark Knight. Wyvern Rider and promotions are most likely a reference to her status as a Plegian soldier: Wyvern Riders and promotions are common in both Plegia and Valm.

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Frederick: Reclass - I shall always be a Knight at heart

Class sets: Cavs, Knight, WR


Sumia: Cleric become obvious once you see her supports and how she acted. Knight because..... it trips. PK because of her affinity with animals and her ending with Freddy is dreams come true even if I don't ship them

Stahl and Sully: They are trained together by Frederick, which is why Sully gets the Wyvern Riding while Stahl gets the Archery(they mirrored each other basically)

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My thoughts:

Freddy has Wyvern Rider and Knight so he can have the power to protect/shield Chrom and his siblings.

Stahl has Myrmidon and Archer because (from what I've seen/know of) they are classes the generally average fans like and dislike. (I'm not saying that all fans like and dislike them, nor that if you dislike Myrmidons and/or like Archers, you aren't average, or with the generic crowd or whatever.)

Gregor has Myrmidon because in his home country, one of the main fighting soldiers/what his country is known for could be Myrmidons or something, and Barbarian because that's what most people first see him as.

Tharja has Knight to defend the Avatar, and Archer to help them from afar.

Edited by Konnor97
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I think Libra has magical class sets because of his possibly natural affinity to magic, which can be extended to the reason why his parents abandoned him; he possessed some great magical prowess that they feared him. also, Dark Mage was there because there is no Light Mage or male Troubadours

Not every Dark Mage was related to darkness, you know. I read once that Dark Magic is related to knowledge(which is why Miriel has it), and Cordelia just says "Screw the rules".

Also, I think Kjelle's original class was Knight because of her convos with Sully(about her being terrible on horse), which is silly because Cavalier is one of her class lines.

Cordelia once said that she became a Pegasus Knight because she's a 'lousy runner'. Still don't know what she means by that though.

As for Virion, I think he picked Mage because he doesn't like close combat...maybe also to show him that he's actually good at things(well, technically he has almost every weapon access besides Cordelia)?

Edited by Noire
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When maximized, Defense and Offense ties for the worst stats, although Defense wins >_>

Why do I care about maximized? Also what stats are doing better?

Str spd and def are the best stats in FE...

PKL said it perfectly. It just so happens that pair up and tonics make strength/magic overkill.

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Literally 2 of the worst stats in the game


okay i'm going to pretend that luck is an invisible stat in your game


Cordelia: She is cursed with her unrequited love for Chrom (Dark Mage)

Gregor: He's introduced as scary villain to everyone (Barbarian)

Donnel: He wants to be a hero to save his village (so he gets two classes that promote to Hero oookay)

Kellam: hai guys im too sneaky for you (thief)

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