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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I'm worried now that Ganondorf will still be a Captain Falcon clone( not that it was a bad thing).

it was still baffling. I mean he uses projectiles, uses swords and he's also a brawler. Not only that, Sakurai teased us with ganondorf holding the sword twice.


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I hope Ganondorf keeps his old moveset. I really like it. Make some aspects of it better, change one or two of the few attacks he still has that are clone based and give him some good alternate special moves and we're good.

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-------------------------------------ATTENTION PLEASE!!--------------------------------------------------

Alright i watched off some reaction videos and stuff and so i made a reaction chart.


Edited by I̶c̶a
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I'm worried now that Ganondorf will still be a Captain Falcon clone( not that it was a bad thing).

Yeah, I think that, if Toon Link didn't already, Lucina proves Sakurai doesn't care about clones as much as people like to believe. People hoping for decloned Ganon/Lucas/whoever should temper their expectations.
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-Chrom got what he deserved, Im totally happy with it.

Still loving the character hate.

Oh my gosh 2d characters, they're so bad.

They didn't make it in smash, they're a failure and a disgrace.

"Mewtwo got what he deserved in Brawl, I'm totally happy with it."

See how you just sound like a jerk?

For one thing, I've seen the Chrom jokes and "look at this loser, yeah!"

...but you can tell they're genuinely joking.

I find it funny you're legitimately serious.

...I actually wonder your age, honestly from the way you act in this thread.


Chrom you silly hypocrite~

I feel sad about this... not because Chrom isn't in smash...

But because I get the jokes... though it doesn't do it for me.

Awakening's "memorable phrases" to fans... is different for me since I played the Japanese version.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Yeah, I think that, if Toon Link didn't already, Lucina proves Sakurai doesn't care about clones as much as people like to believe. People hoping for decloned Ganon/Lucas/whoever should temper their expectations.

Bowser got a revamp to fight closer to how he's portrayed in the modern Mario games though, so Ganondorf could receive new movements for the same reason, although at this point it doesn't seem like that'd mean an entirely new moveset.

Edited by NeonZ
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Is it wrong that I actually wanted Chrom in this game? Roy was my first choice but still...

When it comes straight down to characters, I would've preferred Roy over Robin 100%, but Robin has a unique playstyle so I'm really totally cool with it.

Also to Golden Sun fans, how would you feel if Isaac stayed an assist but instead Matthew was playable?

Edited by Alertcircuit
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Is it wrong that I actually wanted Chrom in this game? Roy was my first choice but still...

Nothing wrong with that.

The way Chrom was deconfirmed has to have been the worst so far. The only one that could possibly be worse is a possible Ridley deconfirmation.

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Ooh, August 12, got it! That's less than a month from now too, yayz. ^^

As for who else I want, a Zelda newcomer that isn't Impa. If Sheik didn't exist, I'd be fine with Impa though. Otherwise, they're both Sheikah ninjas that would have similar abilities. My picks for Zelda are Vaati or Ghirahim. I love those guys. ^^

Also Dixie Kong for the DK franchise. She's so cute!

And that's really it, I think. lol

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I think the only reason Lucina even made it in is because they could easily justify just reusing Marth's animations for her, so she wasn't taking up the resources from a character made from zero. Back in the old Melee site, it was said that the six clones could be implemented quicker than a full character built from zero.

He kind of attempted to do that in Brawl, giving the clones their own animations for many attacks and making their proprieties even more different, but people still complained about them being clones anyway, so we're seemingly back to Melee type clones since the extra resources to clones seemed to be ignored.

Oh yeah absolutely, as a decision for design and saving time it makes complete sense. And as far as her uniqueness goes, well, we can't make any judgment calls on her just yet; for all we know her properties could make her completely different from Marth and whatnot. We just gotta wait and see, I guess.

Also screw the people who were picky about Brawl clones not being decloned enough. That attitude is probably what made Sakurai go back to Melee-style clones in the first place.

Good they put to rest the silly (she is an alternate costume of Marth) deal.

Good god, seriously.

If every character you "anti-predict" gets a spot in the game, then would you please give an in-depth explanation that Isaac won't be in as you did with Robin? :D

Well... Not really? I actually thought Isaac would get in .3. Pac-man, Miis, and Robin were the big names I thought wouldn't happen, lol. Most of the other characters people expect to see seem plausible to me... (so really I'm probably just backwards OTL)


12th August, just like what they did with Brawl, CoroCoro is going to reveal almost all the roster and stages from the game. When they did is in Brawl, there were some characters hidden and that werent revealed, so it wont be 100%, but this is probably the day when all those veterans like Falco-Ganon-Wario will be exposed to the public, maybe other suprises as well. "Get Hyped"

Oh and finally people can stop believing Gematsu´s leak, FINALLY

FINALLY. As though it ever had any credibility to begin with, keh.

So um. Guess the 12th marks when I'll be going dark from the internet, lol. I'll follow the shit out of all the officially-released information, but as far as unlockable stuff goes, I want the joy of experiencing that firsthand so screw spoilers.

it was still baffling. I mean he uses projectiles, uses swords and he's also a brawler. Not only that, Sakurai teased us with ganondorf holding the sword twice.


Forget the sword, I'd actually like to see him use some magic. One of his iconic spells, like the tennisball lightning-bolt spell or something, would be nice.

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FINALLY. As though it ever had any credibility to begin with, keh.

Yeah, I mean it's not like he predicted two unlikely newcomers or that he wasn't wrong about any of his predictions until this Monday or anything.

The hindsight bias is strong with this one.

Edit: don't misconstrue this as me defending the current validity of the leak. I think it's safe to say it's dead at this point. I just don't like people claiming there was no reason to ever believe it when there was prior to Monday.

Edited by shinpichu
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Lucina is basically Melee Marth, so I have no qualms with her clone status. I mean, she seems to be very similar to how Marth used to be.

So um. Guess the 12th marks when I'll be going dark from the internet, lol. I'll follow the shit out of all the officially-released information, but as far as unlockable stuff goes, I want the joy of experiencing that firsthand so screw spoilers.

I don't see how you could possibly "go dark" when there's no "one mode unlocks every character." In Brawl, I was too young to appreciate not knowing who's in because I didn't know much.

But now there's now Subspace, and I'm not the kind of person who likes to stumble around blindly/play 1000 matches to unlock characters.

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I like Chrom and would have used him in smash. Some of the bile people are spraying is extremely unnecessary.

I'm just happy he gets to be part of an epic FS. Funny enough also many of you remember my old thoughts on Robin and how much I said I'd hate him/her?

Irony in the matter is that he/she is my favorite newcomer thus far lol.

When it comes straight down to characters, I would've preferred Roy over Robin 100%, but Robin has a unique playstyle so I'm really totally cool with it.

Also to Golden Sun fans, how would you feel if Isaac stayed an assist but instead Matthew was playable?

I'd dislike this because Felix is the true hero of Golden Sun. Matthew is OK but.. yeah Isaac or Felix. No one else

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Robin is my favorite newcomer too, as she/he was one of the FE reps I really wanted! I wanted her/him and Ephraim. I still think Ephraim would've been better than Lucina too, as while he isn't a girl, he's got a lance, man.

So now I have two newcomers I care about, yaaay. Robin and Rosalina. :D

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Also to Golden Sun fans, how would you feel if Isaac stayed an assist but instead Matthew was playable?

Does it make much of a difference? They look extremely similar, they both have no personality and they've got an identical fighting style.

I'd actually prefer Matthew cause he looks a little cooler, but I don't care as long as I get either one of them. xD

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I'd prefer Isaac because, in the same vein as Marth, he's the original protagonist and nothing can change that fact while Matthew probably won't be the protagonist should another Golden Sun be made. Of course we could Falco it up and get Felix just because he's cool.

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Does it make much of a difference? They look extremely similar, they both have no personality and they've got an identical fighting style.

I'd actually prefer Matthew cause he looks a little cooler, but I don't care as long as I get either one of them. xD

Issac got some personality, in The Lost Age. Bit of a fiery implusive attitude, in Dark Dawn he was wise if a bit Eager to send his son on adventure. Edited by JediSwordSaint
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I'm a little sad that Lucina isn't her own character, but at least she has some difference and hopefully a different Final Smash.

Speaking of clones, I wonder when Falco will be revealed, he was my favourite of the Starfox crew.

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I think I know how Golden Sun fans feel, as I would like Andy and Starfy, but Starfy's an assist and Andy is unlikely. Anyone from Advance Wars is unlikely.

At least Isaac or gary oak Matthew have a chance.

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Issac got some personality, in The Lost Age. Bit of a fiery implusive attitude, in Dark Dawn he was wise if a bit Eager to send his son on adventure.

I must admit that you're right. Though it doesn't make much difference in my eyes.

Golden Sun has it's strenghts, but fleshed-out characters aren't one.

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Well, at least some of my concerns about Lucina were alleviated. She isn't an alternate costume of Marth and she is "simpler" to use. Time will tell if that means I will be able to main her effectively, but I will try at least.

As for other characters I want, there's Shulk (yeah, I should probably stop bringing this guy up before it gets annoying... aw, who am I kidding, everyone is probably already annoyed at me for mentioning Shulk so much), Isaac, Ridley (not really the biggest fan of him before I noticed all the people who wanted him, but he's really the only other Metroid rep who makes sense), Dixie Kong, K. Rool, Mewtwo, and the biggest longshot of all (which is saying something, since a lot of those characters are really unlikely), Geno.

Though, in Geno's case, any acknowledgement that he exists will be fine. Third party trophies from companies without a character in the game were confirmed yesterday with Rayman (unless some Ubisoft character gets in, which I don't really see happening now that Rayman is deconfirmed), so maybe Nintendo could talk to Square Enix about putting a Geno trophy in the game (still pretty unlikely to happen, since Squeenix has no reason to want to advertise Geno like Ubisoft does for Rayman).

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Not having a tipper is huge. I hope it means that Marth will be rewarded more with each tipper and requires more skill, but is better in the end with great spacing, while Lucina is more beginner-friendly but is worse in the end. If Lucina ends up doing as much as Marth's tippers with her whole sword and they have the same range, speed, etc. she's obviously going to be better.

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If Lucina ends up doing as much as Marth's tippers with her whole sword and they have the same range, speed, etc. she's obviously going to be better.

Why do you think they would do that for Lucina? That seems way too unreasonable.

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Not having a tipper is huge. I hope it means that Marth will be rewarded more with each tipper and requires more skill, but is better in the end with great spacing, while Lucina is more beginner-friendly but is worse in the end. If Lucina ends up doing as much as Marth's tippers with her whole sword and they have the same range, speed, etc. she's obviously going to be better.

if Lucina's faster (which I think she'll be), that would probably make up for the lack of a tipper. and she's a bit smaller, so if her attacks get the same range as Marth's, she could be really good at zoning.
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