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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Japan wants Ghirahim. Thumbs up. :D

I would've expected Lucina to be requested more often than Chrom in the FE department though.

He's listed there as the most requested Zelda newcomer, but there don't appear to actually be a lot of requests for him (he didn't make the tier list at the bottom), and Japan didn't like Skyward Sword much, either.

Chrom seems to have been similar to us in that a lot of it may have been "expected" rather than "wanted." Obviously, this info is two years old, so that should be taken into account.

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He's listed there as the most requested Zelda newcomer, but there don't appear to actually be a lot of requests for him (he didn't make the tier list at the bottom), and Japan didn't like Skyward Sword much, either.

The fact that he's more requested than Tingle pleases me and that's that. xP

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Japan wants Ghirahim. Thumbs up. :D

I would've expected Lucina to be requested more often than Chrom in the FE department though.

Bear in mind that was posted September 2012 while Awakening was only released in April the same year. It wasn't even six months old at that stage.

Another funny thing to note is that Isaac's name is Robin in Japan, something I did not know. If he gets in it'd be kind of funny since Fire Emblem Robin isn't quite called Robin in Japan meaning Robin would be a completely different character (though both being magic swordsman funnily enough) depending on where you live.

Edited by Jotari
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Metroid is a pretty American kind of game, so I guess fans not being vocal about it makes sense.

Shulk being requested a ton makes me really happy. Hopefully we see him join the fray!

Girahim is interesting, I would say the requests of Zelda characters are identical to here. It shows how much of an impact Girahim made on people when Skyward Sword is one of the least liked in the series from what I hear. In fact I'm surprised I don't hear requests for Midna.

K. Rool and Dixie Kong would be great.

I'd prefer Zoroark over Mewtwo any day. Kanto has enough reps and Zoroark could have a very very interesting moveset.

Waddle Dee could be cool. In my opinion he too much resembles Kirby but if included could actually be fun to use.

Toad's popularity is interesting. I would love to see Captain Toad get a spot.

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If Mario and Zelda get six characters each, I'm betting on Captain Toad and Tetra. Diggers and Pirates FTW!

Sakurai has a habit of being vague. I think he's referring to her status as a clone, rather than literally saying that the tipper is the ONLY difference between them. Even in Melee when clones were at their cloniest, there was still enough of significance to differentiate most clones from one another, and I don't see why that wouldn't be the case now as well.

Until we play the game and draw our own conclusions on Marth and Lucina's movesets, all we have to go for is Sakurai's word. If Sakurai tells us Marth and Lucina have the same properties sans the sword tipper, then that's the official word and what we "know" of the matter.

Edited by Jave
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Bear in mind that was posted September 2012 while Awakening was only released in April the same year. It wasn't even six months old at that stage.

Oh, I hadn't noticed. Oops.

Girahim is interesting, I would say the requests of Zelda characters are identical to here. It shows how much of an impact Girahim made on people when Skyward Sword is one of the least liked in the series from what I hear.

What? Just about every Zelda fan I've met has liked Skyward Sword. I thought it was one of the most popular. o_O

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What? Just about every Zelda fan I've met has liked Skyward Sword. I thought it was one of the most popular. o_O

Skyward Sword is definitely not one of the most popular Zeldas, lol. And that's in any region, to my knowledge.
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Skyward Sword is definitely not one of the most popular Zeldas, lol. And that's in any region, to my knowledge.

I don't think this is funny. And I still have to disagree, but this is very off topic.

Anyway, it doesn't even matter, the fact remains that Ghirahim is a highly requested character for Zelda and that's that. xP

EDIT: Altercircuit: Oh, well that explains it. Nevermind lol. Carry on.

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't think this is funny. And I still have to disagree, but this is very off topic.

I think it's freaking hilarious. It's not really something you can "disagree" with, but yeah, Alertcircuit made a good point. Many fans just don't like it as much as other Zelda games. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I wonder if Zoroark was only so popular because that list came out while Gen V was still the newest gen. Waddle Dee surprises me a lot. I thought everyone thought Kirby having three reps was more than enough, but I guess it's different in Japan. Not too surprised by the lack of Ridley, due to Metroid's lack of Japanese popularity.

I'm certainly pleasantly surprised that Shulk is so wanted. I still don't think he's getting in, because I'm from Ohio where optimism doesn't exist, but it is nice to see how sizable his fanbase is. Hopefully Dixie Kong and K. Rool both get in, too.

Edit: And on the Skyward Sword topic, it's the only Zelda game I've ever started but didn't end up finishing. I don't think it was a bad game, but it would have been vastly improved if there was an option to play it with normal controls, for one. Ocarina of Time remains the most popular Zelda, probably followed by A Link to the Past. Though I'd personally give the title of "best" to Wind Waker.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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I always thought Twilight Princess was the least popular of the 3D Zeldas. I heard people complain that it was too easy, too linear, didn't have enough exploration, didn't have you use all those items you got in dungeons enough, Ganondorf felt too tacked on, etc.

But whatevs. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Waddle Dee surprises me a lot. I thought everyone thought Kirby having three reps was more than enough, but I guess it's different in Japan.

Actually, I know a lot of people want another Kirby character *cough bandana dee*.

I know I do.

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Lucina's also a bit smaller than marth, and has a different spot dodge animation, so she's not an absolute disaster...

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I always thought Twilight Princess was the least popular of the 3D Zeldas. I heard people complain that it was too easy, too linear, didn't have enough exploration, didn't have you use all those items you got in dungeons enough, Ganondorf felt too tacked on, etc.

But whatevs. xP

Really? Oh wow.

It was my favorite Zelda, right next to Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. Well, that's too bad. It's the first Zelda game I've played anyways, so I probably didn't have high expectations for it.

And plus, Zelda with brown hair is tons better than ANY other Zelda. (Well, maybe not Hyrule Warriors Zelda).

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My favorite 3D Zelda's are Majoras Mask, Twilight Princess and Wind Waker with OOT coming in a close fourth

Skyward Sword while enjoyable. Is my least favorite game in the series outside the infamous CDI games. I felt some stuff like the stamina meter, Fi and its one note stock villain held it back. Despite this its combat was really defined and good

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I always thought Twilight Princess was the least popular of the 3D Zeldas. I heard people complain that it was too easy, too linear, didn't have enough exploration, didn't have you use all those items you got in dungeons enough, Ganondorf felt too tacked on, etc.

But whatevs. xP

All of the bolded plus Fi are pretty much the reasons why so many people hated Skyward Sword.

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What do you want from characters in SSB? A one-off character from one of Nintendo's lesser-known franchises whose game was never even released internationally and who fans of the series he's from largely don't even like?

Well, for one, I'd like characters that people actually want to play as, be it for some attachment to that character or because of moveset potential or whatever. A few exceptions here and there is fine for your WFTs, G&Ws, etc, assuming the exceptions in question bring something really unique to the table.

Aren't all Lords not named Marth or Ike one-offs? I don't see why that counts against him, nor why not being international matters. Hell, most of the things you're criticising Roy for here apply to Lucas as well (one shot character in a minor Nintendo franchise whose game was never released internationally).

Sure, popularity in the Smashdom is something, but a character with only that should not get in.

Things Roy has going for him besides just popularity:

1) Helped bring Fire Emblem to the west by his appearance in Melee alongside Marth

2) Has a unique moveset/visual gimmick in the Binding Blade that sets him apart and could be expanded upon in a future moveset

3) Has an existing moveset that could be given some minor tweaks to make him more viable and stand out from Marth more

4) Represents the first GBA/Handheld Fire Emblem, the first Fire Emblem with a tutorial and help guides (those things where you press R on something to get more info), the first fE game with support conversations, and the first game made without involvement from Shouzou Kaga, and a few other things that i could get in to but won't

Every character is going to have a supporter somewhere. The few FE fans who actually want Roy back are just that, few. But while there may not be a specific character every FE fans wants to see, what they definitely do want to see is someone who does not use a sword; sorry, Roy, still not making the cut (this is also part of the reason for the "not Chrom" advocates).

If you want a non-Sword Wielder, blame IS for being fans of the "heroes prefer swords" trope. The number of FE Lords who don't use swords at all can be counted on one hand.

Oh, and lest ye forget, we do finally have an FE mage in smash in the form of Robin.

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My fave is also Majora's Mask, imo the best and most epic Zelda game. Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker are also close. I really didn't liked Twilight nor Skyward, I dunno, it's like I lost empathy with these games.

Btw, is the Metal Box still an item here? I was thinking on Metal Mario and Pink Gold Peach alternate costumes

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My fave is also Majora's Mask, imo the best and most epic Zelda game. Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker are also close. I really didn't liked Twilight nor Skyward, I dunno, it's like I lost empathy with these games.

Btw, is the Metal Box still an item here? I was thinking on Metal Mario and Pink Gold Peach alternate costumes

Yes, the metal box is still an item. Seen the picture of the Golden Captain Falcon? The silver one is the one with the metal item.

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Aren't all Lords not named Marth or Ike one-offs? I don't see why that counts against him, nor why not being international matters. Hell, most of the things you're criticising Roy for here apply to Lucas as well (one shot character in a minor Nintendo franchise whose game was never released internationally).

Why do you think I consider Lucas a prime candidate for the cutting board?

I also don't know what the Mother fanbase thinks of non-Brawl Lucas so I can't comment on the matter much.

Things Roy has going for him besides just popularity:

1) Helped bring Fire Emblem to the west by his appearance in Melee alongside Marth

While this is technically true, it's another Smash-specific reason.

2) Has a unique moveset/visual gimmick in the Binding Blade that sets him apart and could be expanded upon in a future moveset

3) Has an existing moveset that could be given some minor tweaks to make him more viable and stand out from Marth more

4) Represents the first GBA/Handheld Fire Emblem, the first Fire Emblem with a tutorial and help guides (those things where you press R on something to get more info), the first fE game with support conversations, and the first game made without involvement from Shouzou Kaga, and a few other things that i could get in to but won't

None of this is relevant.

If you want a non-Sword Wielder, blame IS for being fans of the "heroes prefer swords" trope. The number of FE Lords who don't use swords at all can be counted on one hand.

All I said was that we want a non-sword user. Doesn't have to be a lord (Robin is not a lord).

Oh, and lest ye forget, we do finally have an FE mage in smash in the form of Robin.

This isn't a "Who's getting in?" discussion we're having here. I'm very happy with the FE representation this time around. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
I spoilered instead of quoted wtf am I doing
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My fave Zelda is Link's Awakening, though that's mostly nostalgia. Not really a Zelda fan anymore these days, though.

Why do you think I consider Lucas a prime candidate for the cutting board?

I also don't know what the Mother fanbase thinks of non-Brawl Lucas so I can't comment on the matter much.

Ah, I see.

Well, Mother 3 seems to be generally well-regarded among Mother fans (in the West, at least), so he's got that going for him.

While this is technically true, it's another Smash-specific reason.

Yet you listed "3 time Smash veteran" as something Captain Falcon had going for him besides Smash popularity. Isn't that a Smash specific reason for his inclusion?

None of this is relevant.

Why not?

All I said was that we want a non-sword user. Doesn't have to be a lord (Robin is not a lord).

I would argue that he is, but I'd be surprised if we got any non-Lord/main character Fire Emblem character in Smash.

This isn't a "Who's getting in?" discussion we're having here. I'm very happy with the FE representation this time around.

It's not? Then explain to me what it is.

Edited by shinpichu
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All I said was that we want a non-sword user. Doesn't have to be a lord (Robin is not a lord).

If Robin isn't a lord, then can I say Micaiah isn't one either? She has less relevance in RD than Robin does in Awakening, yet both give game overs when they're beat, have unique class lines (not counting Morgan or Katarina in Awakening), and both are forced units.

I consider Robin to be a lord and more of a main character of Awakening than Lucina.

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