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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Yeah, what Red Fox said.

Kirby was represented okay in Brawl I think. He may have had a bit of story bias in Subspace, but Kirby is popular enough for it to be considered slight. Kid Icarus is getting a bit too much though.

All three Kirby reps were starters though. I say that's clear bias. :/

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Yeah, what Red Fox said.

All three Kirby reps were starters though. I say that's clear bias. :/

I think it was less of a bias thing and more of a gameplay thing. Dedede, Kirby, and Meta Knight all have pretty different styles of battle and it would make a bit more sense to have those three available at the get-go than say the Star Fox crew, them all playing similarly to the point where there are arguments had to this day over if Wolf is a clone or not. Or even Fire Emblem, both being humanoid sword wielders. I do agree that maybe Meta Knight should have been an unlock, but I don't think it's enough over representation to give a negative point to Sakurai, Kid Icarus has done that.

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Honestly I don't even see the significance of the chant. Sounds like everything else, like Fox said with the rhymes with "Roy" and "Boy".

I mean sure, people on the localization team who have that American History background might think it might be nice to reference it...

Like what happened with you...

"it helps that one doesn't need to know where it really came from for the chant itself to make sense."

Honestly maybe it's just the killjoy in me getting tired of Ike getting brought up every other page.

How about "does Sakurai pay attention to the West as much as he should?"

Besides that... in regards to his own characters, being "starters" doesn't really feel all that special.

IMHO, doesn't "secret" mean more special?

Remember the days when you actually WORKED to go and unlock an unlockable character? That joy of being able to finally play as that character that kicked your ass in single player mode?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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This probably isn't relevant to the current discussion, but it's certainly Smash-related, and it's more gameplay videos just in case nobody saw.

That kill at 1:46... Zero Suit's new Up-B is so much stronger!

I'm lovin' both Ms. Fit and Zero Suit. Looks great.

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yeah, I can sympathize. Everybody's thinking about this a little too much imo. At the end of the day, most of the stuff people have been talking about are insignificant details. Who cares which game some trophie come from? Unless you know a lot about the series, you most likely won't care about it. Edited by Comet
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Oh yeah, about that video up there, Wii Fit Trainer's down smash seriously plants people in the ground? That sounds a bit unfair. It would always leave them wide open for another smash attack...

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Oh yeah, about that video up there, Wii Fit Trainer's down smash seriously plants people in the ground? That sounds a bit unfair. It would always leave them wide open for another smash attack...

it's the three A+A+A combo. However her recovery from that animation takes quite a bit of time and ZSS did get out of it quickly.

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it's the three A+A+A combo. However her recovery from that animation takes quite a bit of time and ZSS did get out of it quickly.

Oh, I was looking at it wrong. lol oops. xP

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it's the three A+A+A combo. However her recovery from that animation takes quite a bit of time and ZSS did get out of it quickly.

From what I've heard on smashboards and heard about the grab throw lag... It's less focus on "pursue after hitstun" than combo into other things like stage hazards or other players.

...That's just first impressions from the E3 build though.

We'll know more when I get the game a month earlier than y'all we get our hands on the game.

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This probably isn't relevant to the current discussion, but it's certainly Smash-related, and it's more gameplay videos just in case nobody saw.

That kill at 1:46... Zero Suit's new Up-B is so much stronger!

Glad to see actual competition on the WFT's side asides from the evasive and opportunist WFT at the Invitational.

Seeing a couple of hours of the 7h video of Ninty at Comic Con, Bowser still gets plenty of kills lol, there were better views of Rosalina on one on one (against Bowser and DK) which relieved me a bit because I totally plan on maining her. Other things such as Zelda's moves being generally nerfed, I mean wat, apparently her dash A is more effective as well as Din's Fire WHEN HITS ENEMIES IN ITS CORE because its are of effect was kinda reduced. Her smashes got worse from what I saw but her Farore's Wind is now faster. Also, hey Abomasnow is a Pokeball whee :awesome:although crappy lol

Edited by Quintessence
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Depends on your definition of the time between September 13 and October 4.

Oh, I thought the Japanese release date was September 20 something for some reason...

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Pg 376

Pff, my main guys Ike and Luigi need more help than ZSS ever did. Ike is very nearly low tier and Luigi got pushed below him after once being almost high tier. ZSS does NOT need any buffs and people already said she's really good in SSB Wii U/3DS as it is.

The people who were in low tier need the most help. And that would be characters like the Triforce trio, the Mario bros, Bowser (though it appears that he did get such help), etc. It's kind of weird how all of Nintendo's flagship characters suck... Well, except for Pikachu, I suppose.

Even though some of us only play the games for fun not having a care in the world for tiers. :D

For those that missed the grand final...


No Items

Bowser Only


Didn't get to catch the tourney as I'm busy packing to move at the moment but Imma go ahead and assume that that GIF more or less sums it up behehehehe. Good for Bowser, good for Larry.


PS: Speaking of Newgrounds *whispers* TiersR4Queers

Um, no. I watched it on YouTube. It wasn't an error. Also, I don't like it when people mess with my posts like that, just saying.

Also, Bowser can automatically KO three people at the same time with one Smash attack? That is definitely overpowered. :/

I rest my case.
Wasn't Giga Bowser after all of these year for nothing.

*gulp* when bowser is on the battlefield all his opponents are doomed.

Giga Bowser.
King Koopa tops it again. :D

"Dear Pesky Plumbers,

The Koopalings and I have taken over the Smash Bros. tier list. Sakurai is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa Hotels. I dare you to find him if you can."

Ha ha haaaaa.
He's in another castle.

This was the video Comet was referring to.

Warning Random loud noise

Yeah right. He can't even do a barrel roll. Peppy has a better chance than both him and Krystal.

Honestly, I want to see is some sort of Earthbound representation. We haven't seen ANYTHING except Mr. Saturn as an item once again.

I won't resort to begging for Ness yet, as hope still lives for Lucas. But if September (or late August) arrives, I'll pretty much take anything Earthbound related. Glad Falco / Wolf is hinted in some way. I personally hope Falco is revealed soon.

It's bothering me too. -.-
Why no love for canon?

Takamaru confirmed???

Today's the 25th anniversary of Mother. Here's hoping for English release of Mother 3, and a Smash reveal of a certain psychic character.

< Certain Psychic

Alakazam confirmed.


Ana, I'd scream of joy if Girahim were playable in Smash *_* I love Skyward Sword and I want more villains, especially if they aren't slow, heavy characters.

We haven't had enough sin.
We need more of that to be a completely hyped game. Which they always try to do in SSB.

It's strange. I am a HUGE Mother fan, yet I wouldn't mind just Ness. I love all three games in the series and all the wacky characters. For series like Mario and Fire Emblem, I really like having lots of characters. Pikmin, Mother, and Punch Out are games I love equally as much, yet I really wouldn't mind only Olimar, only Little Mac, and only Ness.

Who wouldn't?!
It's related to rl for goodness sake.

So apparently the 3DS version is all done.


This makes sense considering the game comes out in 7 weeks in Japan and games usually take 4-6 weeks to mass produce them.

Well...so much for hoping for changes.

Ha, with all this talk of Takamaru... looks like he's a confirmed assist trophy.


Rofl owned.

No offense to his fans, but I do find the timing of this pretty funny.

When did that happen?

edit: nvm. Smashbros.com updated. How perfect for him to be revealed during the debate about him.

Please don't make Isaac an Assist again Sakurai!

Um...who is he? :/

Takamaru is from Nazo no Murasame Jō and is a Nintendo IP, hence why it exists in Nintendo Land. For the most part it is Japan exclusive, so not really known overseas.

Ah...I see.
Makes sense on why that he is an asset.

Wario ain't fuckin goin nowhere, ya dumbos


He'd better stay.
His Wario's Ware games make him worthy to stay.

Im unfortunately one of those chrom fan girls that had just about lost it after hearing chrom wasn't playable but at least we get robin

Chrom being playable wouldn't be any different if he were in as people would complain about him being too similar to Ike. Why that Lucina got in...nobody knows. Other than Sakurai being more of a feminist (Feminine Fatles) this time. Having her in makes her a copy of Marth, but with boobs.

But you can see Takamaru or Chrom kick ass since they're an assist trophy and Final Smash respectively. I still don't understand. I wanted Keldeo playable, but you don't see me crying because he's just a Pokeball mon. I'm just glad he's in at all!

I'd love for Genesect to be playable. Which will be likely as he wasn't seen in the E3 April trailer direct like Meloetta and Keldeo were.

Still isn't the same. *sobs*

honestly I don't know who this takamaru person is but I was just a bit upset about Chrom.

I wanted for Toad to be playable. But...seeing
this is just -.-.
Please let this happen in SSB5, Sakurai. Please.

I saw posts saying that the pic of the day description "stung" and stuff. I interpreted that as being upset. My bad.

But whatever. Personally, when I saw Keldeo in the April Direct, I squealed with joy. I thought "KELDEO! :D He's not playable, but yay he's in the game! :D"

Exactly my reaction of seeing Meloetta and Keldeo making it in as a Pokeball, too.
Keldeo does Sacred Sword as was already seen in the demo.
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Wow, that sure is taking it far.

Well, as I mentioned before, there's always the next game. He could be the Little Mac of the next Smash, he could be not. I won't deny it, Takamaru was probably the one I wanted to see in as playable the most of all the ones I wanted to see in, but I wouldn't get that upset because he didn't. It's just one game of a series that is bound to get more games in the future, so it's not like hope dies with this game. Ah well...

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Super Smash Bros.: The best way to hype up to disappointment.

Pretty much. I recall when all the hype when Brawl was still coming out and the final game came out and I felt a little empty. It was still fun which I'm sure this one will be too but I'm bracing myself just in case.

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I still don't understand who is upset about Takamaru. I'm sure there's someone somewhere out there but I don't see anyone on this forum posting words of sorrow or rage and nobody else on any of the other Smash communities I'm involved with seem particularly moved by this reveal.

Look in the Mii rooms and Tumblr. :D

I see less people getting upset and more people just being mildly dissapointed.

Kinda surprising that in the early days of SSB4 speculation, Takamaru was considered a shoo-in by a lot of people.(or at least highly likely)

That not enough knows.

Of course, it won't stop me for hoping to see Black Shadow, a second F-Zero rep or a Blood Falcon alt with different voice, even if it's very unlikely... :KnollRoll:

...Or Deathborn.

Yeah, I still got RD Ike and newcomers I like too. ROBIN!! :D (and Rosalina too)

I was like the only person that said Robin would get in over Chrom because Robin was more unique and would bring more to the table. And that's exactly what happened. Sakurai even said the same! He said Chrom wasn't unique enough! I was like "whoa, I can't believe how accurate I was on this!"

I hardly expected Lucina though. I was totally wrong on her. I thought she would be an assist trophy or Marth alternate costume. Though it seems the second one almost happened.

He's a pervert.
Having her in makes her a female Marth.
Having Chrom in would be the same as Lucina. A clone of Ike.

I'm actually wondering why Chrom wasn't picked, he is the main Lord of the newest Fe game no less.

Let's just face it...
Sakurai is under her spell. Like all of the Japanaholics.

I'm surprised so many people expected Chrom over Robin. Imo, Robin was the more obvious choice because of the tome usage and stuff. And I was even more surprised that anyone expected both Chrom AND Lucina to get in and replace Marth or Ike or both.

He would've been a boring choice since he wouldn't bring anything new to the game. Sakurai explained this himself. He felt Robin had more uniqueness. And I agree with him fully.

That was a good reason why no complaints about him/her being in. Because up till now...we haven't had anything new to bring to the table as having only swords was getting old.

If you look over this page you will notice someone has already referenced Sakurai's own words as to why Chrom wasn't put in.

Here you go.

Making Lucina a clone of Marth is more justifiable than making Chrom a clone of either one of them, if you ask me. And this is coming from someone that likes Lucina even less than Chrom. So believe me, I would've rather had Chrom over her if another Awakening rep got in along with Robin.

I dunno about that lol
Japan loves Lucina more for her getting in.
They never cared for western opinions even though that they like Chrom alot more which I will make a mii of him anyhow.

well the main thing is chrom actually got into the game.

Even though he was intended to be in as Sakurai already confirmed it. ...Or else why would his coding be too detailed? They've used his unfinished coding for Robin's Final Smash, or else they wouldn't have bothered.

Who was Chrom bashing?

Anyway, even if Chrom did get different moves from Marth and Ike, he'd still just be as Sakurai said. Another plain sword user. With blue hair.


I legitimately don't see why a character ending up as an Assist Trophy or a Final Smash makes people so angry. Little Mac and Palutena started out like that and now they're playable.

Palutena was Pit's Final Smash and that Little Mac was only an asset trophy.
Which he is now playable. Double yay! :D

A lot of people, lol. Not here, but look at Miiverse and Smashboards.

Ike being downgraded to assist trophy would be a much different scenario than Takamaru being upgraded (as it essentially is) to assist trophy.

While I understand wanting him playable, Takamaru fans should really be happy about this more than anything. Assist trophy is the next best thing and it puts him in better position to be playable in Smash 5. Look at Little Mac.

Like, Lyn is my favorite FE lord and if there's anyone in FE who stood any chance that I'd like to see playable it's her, but since I knew that the chances of that were basically nil (and she'd be another sword user, which poses obvious problems), I'm happy that she at least came back as an assist trophy.



If more people knew him, he juuust might be playable next time.

And you know this how? :P Are you part of the dev team?

I'm aware of the Eisenhower thing, btw. I learned all about him back in high school. I'm just saying that Ike's cheer could've had a double meaning, that's all.

So, I notice a lot of people on Facebook are begging for Ness. But only one person mentioned Lucas. That might be because Ness's game got localized though, while Lucas's didn't. I liked seeing a bunch of people shout WE LIKE IKE though. XD

Exactly on why that Ness is in every game so far.


I still don't understand what the rage is all about.

Is it because people can't stomach not being right about their predictions?

This may be rude, but...
Let them wallow in despair. They have no power or control of whoever gets in. Just like I wanted Ness and Chrom. But...look how lazily detailed that he is compared to Chrom. lol

Wow, that sure is taking it far.

Well, as I mentioned before, there's always the next game. He could be the Little Mac of the next Smash, he could be not. I won't deny it, Takamaru was probably the one I wanted to see in as playable the most of all the ones I wanted to see in, but I wouldn't get that upset because he didn't. It's just one game of a series that is bound to get more games in the future, so it's not like hope dies with this game. Ah well...

At least we have found some upset fans.

I wish his response was this to all the people taking it too far:


But...I fully respect Sakurai's decision on making Taru an asset. He isn't well known enough to be playable. Having Lucina in was just a spin off of how much Japan loves her.

Edited by Bimbo
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