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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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That just looks like Sakurai-ese for something along these lines:

Sakurai: "Hai. I like you and i like you buying my product. Please buy my product. However, will you fucking stop bitching in my ear? Id really appreciate it so i can make my product quicker and get it to you faster. Thanks."


just super saiyan.

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Really? I found it to be really easy when I did it with Donkey Kong, hand-slapping my way to victory...

I could never do the DK method for this, because it doesn't help for air attacks, or that much from behind attacks. And eventually the damage adds up. It was a lot easier for me with Lucina because pretty much all of her tilts, smashes, and aerials can send the Miis flying, plus she's fast..

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Pretty sure Robin took Chrom's spot, not Lucina.

If Chrom wasn't Robin's Final Smash, we probably would've gotten Chrom as the clone instead.

Except Chrom was never even planned. Robin was the choice from the beginning. Sakurai himself even said that he only considered Chrom and decided that he would've basically been a really boring choice. Which I agree to. Sakurai did exactly as I predicted, pretty much, aside from Lucina becoming her own character. Marth, Ike, and Robin were my prediction for FE reps.

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I could never do the DK method for this, because it doesn't help for air attacks, or that much from behind attacks. And eventually the damage adds up. It was a lot easier for me with Lucina because pretty much all of her tilts, smashes, and aerials can send the Miis flying, plus she's fast..

Falcon is a lot more agile. His Up air and Raptor Boost are pretty manly.

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Having Dark Pit and Lucina makes it worth it.

I still dont like the idea of Dark Pit, but ive moved on from being saddle sore. Sakurai's statement sounds like hes the one calling the shots and hes gonna put in who he wants to put in. I do hope we get dlc characters.

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Falcon is a lot more agile. His Up air and Raptor Boost are pretty manly.

Yeah, but I haven't got back in the Falcon Groove just yet. Just getting a good hang on some of the newbies.

Edited by Konnor97
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This is way off the current topic, but I unlocked the Duck Hunt duo today...AND THEY ARE GREAT! Seriously my favorite newcomers so far. My goodness.

As for the clones. The more I think about Lucina and Dark Pit, the happier I am they were made playable, because I like both of them in their respective games. I don't even care that they're clones anymore.

As for the challenges, seeing what they all are, I think I can accomplish a good majority of them, there are only a few I think I'll need to use the hammers on.

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Except Chrom was never even planned. Robin was the choice from the beginning. Sakurai himself even said that he only considered Chrom and decided that he would've basically been a really boring choice. Which I agree to. Sakurai did exactly as I predicted, pretty much, aside from Lucina becoming her own character. Marth, Ike, and Robin were my prediction for FE reps.


Robin's Final Smash. Too detailed for a regular. It showed that he actually did care. :/

Lucina only got in by favoritism for a popular series in Japan now also here thanks to Awakening as well as for different Smash records.

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I mean Chrom was never planned to be playable. Also, Chrom's model would look pretty out of place if it was less detailed than Robin's and part of the Final Smash.

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Either way...

Lucina is the luckiest Smash character to ever get in.

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Duck Hunt is the best. I love the Wild Gunman down-b. Just cuz.

I agree. Just everything about this character is great. It's hilarious because last year before e3, I told some friends "it'd be cool if the dog from Duck Hunt was playable, I dunno how it could work but I'd love it." Of course everyone, including myself, thought it would never happen.

Then it actually happened :lol:

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I'm just saying, I think Alph should've been given his own character slot over Dark Pit. That's not wanting a meat dish instead of a dessert, it's wanting chocolate ice cream as your dessert over butter pecan. I hate butter pecan ice cream.

As for actual full characters, hopefully Nintendo gets Sakurai to make a game called "Mewtwo & Isaac's Quest: Featuring Ridley. Also Dixie & K. Rool Are There" (title needs some work) in between now and SSB5. Or we can just cross our fingers and hope for DLC.

I agree. Just everything about this character is great. It's hilarious because last year before e3, I told some friends "it'd be cool if the dog from Duck Hunt was playable, I dunno how it could work but I'd love it." Of course everyone, including myself, thought it would never happen.

Then it actually happened :lol:

I've thought the Duck Hunt Dog would be a great character since Melee. Can't wait for November 21st so I can try him for myself.

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I agree. Just everything about this character is great. It's hilarious because last year before e3, I told some friends "it'd be cool if the dog from Duck Hunt was playable, I dunno how it could work but I'd love it." Of course everyone, including myself, thought it would never happen.

Then it actually happened :lol:

Dude. This feel. I know it. It still boggles my mind that i can wake up and turn on my 3DS and there is Duck Hunt and Shulk. It still doesnt feel real, and its just the best feeling ever. Its like the biggest gaming gift i never knew i wanted this much or this bad. Hell, even my mum knows Duck Hunt and was like "thats...thats in that game? Yer kidding!"

Shulk was one i wanted in the game real bad but it was such a long shot, i just was like "yeah it would be amazing if Shulk was a thing in Smash. Oh well, i can dream." THE DREAM CAME TRUE~ The life lesson Smash has taught me? Never give up on the dream!

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Dude. This feel. I know it. It still boggles my mind that i can wake up and turn on my 3DS and there is Duck Hunt and Shulk. It still doesnt feel real, and its just the best feeling ever. Its like the biggest gaming gift i never knew i wanted this much or this bad. Hell, even my mum knows Duck Hunt and was like "thats...thats in that game? Yer kidding!"

Shulk was one i wanted in the game real bad but it was such a long shot, i just was like "yeah it would be amazing if Shulk was a thing in Smash. Oh well, i can dream." THE DREAM CAME TRUE~ The life lesson Smash has taught me? Never give up on the dream!

I wanted Shulk, but I never thought he was that long of a shot. Yeah a longer shot than a bunch of the others, but I never thought he was like Duck Hunt Dog-long. Seeing DHD, Shulk, Little Mac, Palutena...so many characters I wanted got in. The only other newcomer I could possibly ask for is Lyn, but I'm happy with the newcomers we got. Especially DHD.

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Robin's Final Smash. Too detailed for a regular. It showed that he actually did care. :/

Lucina only got in by favoritism for a popular series in Japan now also here thanks to Awakening as well as for different Smash records.

I suppose that we really should be angry about that Landmaster not being playable then. I mean, look at that fabulous detail! Surely it was planned to be playable since the beginning, but then we got Wolf instead. >:c


Lucina was literally just an alt that got promoted to playable due to the having extra time. Not because she was popular. Sakurai just wanted to make the Marth clone a Marth clone.

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Before December, Rosalina in Smash Bros. was something I dreamed about but never considered it a possibility.

When the direct happened, I couldn't handle all of the emotion running through me.

I still look at her little box on the screen and I can't help but smile. The dream happened.

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I honestly adore this cast. I'm not even kind of bothered by the 3 clones we have, 'cause they're really just extras that were made in what little spare time they had. I actually really like Lucina too, and Sumia!Lucina rocks my socks~

There is only one thing I am legitimately salty about though. That being Isaac not only not making it to playable status like Mac, but also losing his Assist Trophy and dropping out of the game altogether. Golden Sun is such a great series, and even with that failure of a sequel I was hoping that Sakurai would give the series a little love ;-;

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I remember people saying Rosalina was a tough character to use, but I felt like I latched on quite well and she became the first newcomer I felt pretty good with, even though I was using Robin more. It could be because those people were mostly playing 4 player free-for-alls, though, and Rosalina definitely seems better in 1-on-1.

Also, I fought someone who was actually good on For Glory today. We fought 14 matches, and I won 6 of them, so he came out on top in the end, but it was usually pretty close.

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From this, there's only really one thing to be said: If anything, if we're to complain about clones, let it not be over the fact that x character made it into the roster as a clone, or even the fact that there are clones. Intstead, the only downside I see is how they were done this time around, as oppossed to previous titles (Melee), who did have clones, but were much more differentiated from their predecessor.

  • Young Link was a more nimble Link
  • Pichu was a smaller (weaker?) Pikachu, but with its own effect
  • Roy had a different sweetspot than Marth (which prolly could have just not been there to begin with, imo), along with fire properties

That thought alone, is the only small thing that can be put against Lucina, when you could have just brought back Roy, for the same reason as Dr. Mario, but that'd just biased nitpicking, amirite?

Not really going to get into Dark Pit, cause I'm tired of that subject already

At the end of the day, let's just be glad that there was no character cloned from someone completely unrelated to them to begin with. Luckily, that's only ever been the case once, and was somewhat fixed, but that's just my 2 cents of the matter. I still like the cast regardless


Did I join in on the discussion too late?

Edited by The King
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Is it me, or are computer allies really odd? Like, I did Classic on 4.0 intensity for most characters, and any ally I had normally fought decently, but when I went to higher intensity's, they basically did nothing. I just fought a giant Dr. Mario on 9.0 with an allied Luigi and he literally didn't attack even once for his entire stock, which lasted about a minute. I saw some of this once before when I tried 9.0 as well.

It's like the higher intensities give you an ally just to serve as a distraction for the enemies and nothing else.

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Is it me, or are computer allies really odd? Like, I did Classic on 4.0 intensity for most characters, and any ally I had normally fought decently, but when I went to higher intensity's, they basically did nothing. I just fought a giant Dr. Mario on 9.0 with an allied Luigi and he literally didn't attack even once for his entire stock, which lasted about a minute. I saw some of this once before when I tried 9.0 as well.

It's like the higher intensities give you an ally just to serve as a distraction for the enemies and nothing else.

It's not just you, that is normal. I think every single game in the series made the allies dumber on higher difficulties.

Not sure if it was Brawl or Melee but there was at least one title were I would always avoid using the highest difficulty because I couldn't reliable beat duos.

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Overall though I think the ally assist in this game are more useful than in previous once. So far as I could see they just sat there and did nothing on easier difficulties too before now.

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