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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Lets go children we must destroy the world together.


Oh yes!! I loves it!

Please don't put words like these in Zeldas mouth.

Agree so hard with this statement.


It's probably coincidence. But still, that's pretty awesome

Not a fan of Ganondorf's appearance this game; his face model is very... clay-like

ahahaha. They need to face the other way for it to be an actual reference, so i think its just coincidence.

Still though...cannot unsee...

I...don't see the connection aside from four people going across a street...

*erupts into an uncontrollable laughing fit*



So yeah about that Crazy/Master thing there. I wonder if Crazy Orders or whatever is the 8 Player Smash. Oooooo

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Yeah, but that hurricane did make some history. It was the largest storm ever to hit the US coast. It was MASSIVE. And as you said, it opened up a big can of meme worms. They're all on the internet. I wouldn't be surprised if someone on the localization team saw one. lol

I highly, highly doubt they'd name anything in this game after an actual hurricane. It's much more likely a reference to the Tempest Blade, or just an appropriate name for the attack.

Once again, IT WAS JUST A JOKE.

A bad joke.
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I'm willing to bet the "Ganondorf and the kids" pic is indeed an intentional Beatles reference. It shows the Onett stage and Earthbound itself is chock full of Beatles references.

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Luigi always did have more brains than his brawny brother. ;D

But I also still swear that he's being used as a punching bag in Sakurai-posted Smash footage/screenshots lately more often than not...

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I see. Thank you.

Edit: Is Shin's mom DLC? I can't seem to unlock her.

Shin's mom is Wii U exclusive.

Mii creation.

Or set a match and just leave it on, overnight, with the lid open, unpaused.

Endless match.
4 CPU's bashing each other, sleep and the Peach wig is yours. :D
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It's probably coincidence. But still, that's pretty awesome

Not a fan of Ganondorf's appearance this game; his face model is very... clay-like

If this implies Ganondorf is John and Ness is Paul I'm totally fine with that because that's hilarious.

Btw the Master and Crazy modes look super cool. Wonder what the blurred part is?

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If this implies Ganondorf is John and Ness is Paul I'm totally fine with that because that's hilarious.

Btw the Master and Crazy modes look super cool. Wonder what the blurred part is?

ngl the first time that image was linked to me I assumed it was some fan making a crude joke

I just couldn't figure out what it could possibly be

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So I've completed the first board of challenges, yay! And I'm almost done with the second, the only things left are things that will just take time (get this-many KO's, play this-much hours of Smash, etc.). Now this third board...some of this just seems impossible. I mean...what? I know other people have probably done it all by now, so I guess I'm just really bad, but dang...

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Random thought but it would of been pretty funny if the fighters become buttnaked in the Magicant stage like in the actual Magicant in Mother 2.

Edited by kingddd
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Anyone know of a good way to get new Smash Run powers? I've got 9-10 left but I just don't get new ones anymore, even on really good runs where I pick up 6+ of them. I want to do all the challenges without using hammers, but it's really frustrating to constantly go through Smash Run and never get anything (the custom specials I get are always repeats, as well). Like, I literally just did it three times in a row with Zelda, the first two being really good runs scoring over 100k, and got nothing new in any of them.

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So, I've done like, three ten-hour matches where I should have had the game pass fifty hours by this point collectively. One PC, and three CPUs. Does it no longer work, or does Play Time not count for Smash time?

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There are some questions to ask...

I've just unwrapped the English game today and have finished panel one. But I cannot do panel 3. Jave said that you could do both after panel 1, but that is incorrect, you can't. I've had a hit, but it got erased when I've defeated the token in Street Smash. So...keep this in mind if your trying to fulfill this quota (5 Streetpass Smash hits). You also cannot use hammers that you've got on one panel to another. I've unlocked 10-15 panels already in Panel 2 and still didn't receive a hammer. (It looks like you can't get more than 3 in one panel) ...And if you can't get 5 streetpass smash hits, you screwed...eternally stuck in panel 2.

-Without fulfilling the Streetpass quotas, your screwed.

-Isn't this a little too harsh especially for little children to do? Not being able to get certain stuff until your at another panel since you only can do one at a time.

-Why can't you do Panel 3 after 1?

Edited by PuffPuff
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Panel three won't be unlocked immediately after finishing panel one, but you will get it before completing panel two. I don't know the exact conditions to unlock it. I can assure you, I have both panel two and three available on my game and finished neither of them.

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Anyone know of a good way to get new Smash Run powers? I've got 9-10 left but I just don't get new ones anymore, even on really good runs where I pick up 6+ of them. I want to do all the challenges without using hammers, but it's really frustrating to constantly go through Smash Run and never get anything (the custom specials I get are always repeats, as well). Like, I literally just did it three times in a row with Zelda, the first two being really good runs scoring over 100k, and got nothing new in any of them.

Nope, unfortunately the best thing you can do is just Smash Run over and over again.

I managed to get them all while I was getting custom moves at the same time (it helps that I'd already done the "get first in Smash Run wth every character" challenge, too.)

And I'm sorry to say that that's not even the worst challenge to complete.

I'm sitting at 103/105 with the 50 hour one (not hard, just tedious) and the collect all custom moves, outfits and headgear one.

I have all the moves and outfits, but headgear is a huge pain. They're ridiculously rare and even when you do get one or two, they are most likely duplicates. It doesn't help that there doesn't seem to be a complete list of headgear anywhere.

So, I've done like, three ten-hour matches where I should have had the game pass fifty hours by this point collectively. One PC, and three CPUs. Does it no longer work, or does Play Time not count for Smash time?

Yes, Play Time is not what's counted.

Confusing, I know.

Edited by Dotty
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There are some questions to ask...

I've just unwrapped the English game today and have finished panel one. But I cannot do panel 3. Jave said that you could do both after panel 1, but that is incorrect, you can't. I've had a hit, but it got erased when I've defeated the token in Street Smash. So...keep this in mind if your trying to fulfill this quota (5 Streetpass Smash hits). You also cannot use hammers that you've got on one panel to another. I've unlocked 10-15 panels already in Panel 2 and still didn't receive a hammer. (It looks like you can't get more than 3 in one panel) ...And if you can't get 5 streetpass smash hits, you screwed...eternally stuck in panel 2.

I have the EU version, and you can pick up 3 hammers in each panel and use them in the panel you unlocked them.

I completed about 15-20 tiles on panel 2 (can't remember how many exactly), then panel 3 automatically opened even though I still had panel 2 incomplete.

If you haven't noticed yet, panels covered with a lighter shade of blue are the ones that contain hammers for you to use. On the top screen you should see a silhouette of a hammer, too.

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Yes, Play Time is not what's counted.

Confusing, I know.


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