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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Was zeldas ocarina of time design used in melee, the one with blonde hair ?

Yes, then they used the Twilight Princess look in Brawl and 4

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Yeah thought so because twilight princess was made 4 years after melee so that couldn't of been her design ;)

I'm honestly surprised they didn't go with the Skyward Sword designs in 4. Then again TP has my favorite Link and Zelda designs in the series so I don't mind.

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I would have loved to play as Night Dress Zelda. My guess as to why they didn't is that they were reluctant to redesign Ganondorf (and possible Sheik) to prevent them looking out of place.

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SS Zelda would look odd in a fighting game.

You know who else looked odd in a fighting game yet was in a fighting game?

Phoenix Wright


Edited by Jedi
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SS Zelda would look odd in a fighting game.

This made me think of Super Saiyan Zelda

Which made me think of Super Saiyan Peach

Which made me think of this


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.....Point taken. Anyone here beat all the challenges on either the wii u or 3ds version?

No and I personally think the harder ones aren't worth it. The prizes you get usually devolve into a single trophy that isn't really much or an equipment you'll probably never use ever. In terms of the challenges, the Wii U version is definitely a lot more difficult.

Like beat All Stars on hard without ever using recover items, beating classic 9.0 without losing a single stock, completely every challenge on Hard and get the condition rewards. A lot of these really require custom equipment if you want to get through them like get 8 Fevers in Trophy Rush as Dr. Mario challenge. The best way to approach this is get the beam sword equipment and increase Dr. Mario's speed.

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Well, here's the current tier list for the Wii U version according to Eventhubs. Bear in mind this is very subject to change due to the game's recency, but it does seem to give a general idea of which characters are the best and which are just plain bad. Funny how everything begins and ends with DK.

As for the FE characters, well... see for yourselves, their placement may surprise you. Or not.

Yoshi over Lucario, come on. Lucario's attacks are pretty slow, despite their power. Yoshi is way more balanced and im not being all Big Gay Pink Yoshi bias either.

Poor Dedede way there at the bottom. Awww~

Rise Of The Diddy is really, really interesting. Ive tried him out a bit since the buzz began, but i guess im missing something he's really good at...? Cuz im not really feeling it. /shulk

Seeing Little Mac drop makes me fiendishly happy.

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.....Point taken. Anyone here beat all the challenges on either the wii u or 3ds version?

I have in 3DS but I'm making no conscious effort to clear the Wii U one yet. I've had the game a week now and I haven't even unlocked the full cast yet.

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I completed all the challenges on the 3DS through using the golden hammer, so I don't know how much that counts.

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No and I personally think the harder ones aren't worth it. The prizes you get usually devolve into a single trophy that isn't really much or an equipment you'll probably never use ever. In terms of the challenges, the Wii U version is definitely a lot more difficult.

Like beat All Stars on hard without ever using recover items, beating classic 9.0 without losing a single stock, completely every challenge on Hard and get the condition rewards. A lot of these really require custom equipment if you want to get through them like get 8 Fevers in Trophy Rush as Dr. Mario challenge. The best way to approach this is get the beam sword equipment and increase Dr. Mario's speed.

Clearing All-Star on hard without recovering and beating all events on hard are not challenges, though. It's normal mode for the All-Star one, and the most you have to do with event matches is clear all the reward conditions, which requires some in hard mode, but more like half of them than all.

I've done both of these, by the way, and didn't use any custom equipment or moves. Robin for the All-Star one (Nosferatu is helpful) and...anyone who would work for the event matches. I also did 8 fevers in Trophy Rush with Dr. Mario in one try without any customs.

The 9.0 Classic ones are what I'm having real difficulty with because Classic mode in this game isn't even classic, it's just a clusterfuck of the game tossing a bunch of enemies and items at you and it's way too easy for something to wrong. I almost did the 12 minute/9.0 with Marth (was en route to the final core) but got screwed over because the acid pits just bounce you around and can easily take you from 50% to death.

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Clearing All-Star on hard without recovering and beating all events on hard are not challenges, though. It's normal mode for the All-Star one, and the most you have to do with event matches is clear all the reward conditions, which requires some in hard mode, but more like half of them than all.

Woops keep messing up some of the requirements. I always forget the proper ones but I feel most of them still aren't motivating me enough to continue most of them.

Any tips for the Dr. Mario one? I've been attempting it for like 15 times and I still couldn't pull it off. Like I tried not breaking the star boxes, letting the coin rush end first before destroying the rest of the them etc. Can't seem to get it.

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Yoshi over Lucario, come on. Lucario's attacks are pretty slow, despite their power. Yoshi is way more balanced and im not being all Big Gay Pink Yoshi bias either.

Poor Dedede way there at the bottom. Awww~

Rise Of The Diddy is really, really interesting. Ive tried him out a bit since the buzz began, but i guess im missing something he's really good at...? Cuz im not really feeling it. /shulk

Seeing Little Mac drop makes me fiendishly happy.

Diddy's pretty much always been good even in Brawl. Why the fuck Sakurai buffed him, IDK. And why he was overlooked in the most recent patch, I don't know either. He's no Metaknight, but a pro Diddy can shut down a lot of match-ups.

Diddy's main nerf: Can't pull a second nana.

Diddy main buff: D-throw combos into everything and uair kills even better now.

Screw challenges, that's not fun for me at all. I guess its one of those things that appeal to the collectionist gamers (which I definitely am not).

Edited by Knife
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Woops keep messing up some of the requirements. I always forget the proper ones but I feel most of them still aren't motivating me enough to continue most of them.

Any tips for the Dr. Mario one? I've been attempting it for like 15 times and I still couldn't pull it off. Like I tried not breaking the star boxes, letting the coin rush end first before destroying the rest of the them etc. Can't seem to get it.

Eh, I just kind of did it and it worked out (granted I got the last fever in the last couple seconds). I guess it helps that I played a ton of trophy rush on the 3DS version. Aside from the special box trick you already mentioned, my advice would be:

-Break explosive barrels when possible.

-Knock bombs off if you can, but if there are blocks in the way, just stick to the edge and you should avoid the blast as long as it's in the middle.

-When you're coming to the very end of a fever, you can leave some of the remaining coin blocks to help fill the next bar since they chain much better than normal blocks.

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I do not want Dixie Kong as a character. Instead, King K. Rool could be a new villain to join the battle, or, even better...Funky Kong. His Funky Beats attack could be a down special akin to Donkey Kong's Hand Slap, but with him clapping his hands to send out shockwaves. His Funk Smash would release a music note and have him punch through it, like a mid-charged Giant Punch with about 1.5-2x the range in all directions. His Flip of Funk would have him leap over, flipping in midair, and slam his fists down to the ground, blasting away foes with a Meteor Smash. His His Funky Barrel Blast would thrust him up with rocketbarrels from Jungle Climber a good ways, and he is not left helpless. His Final Smash, Funky Flight, is best described as a giant version of Meta Knight's Shuttle Loop, but with a huge passenger plane, going around the stage multiple times, before letting it crash aimed into the ground, a la End of Day. It is easily one of the best Final Smashes in the game.

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