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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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64- Pikachu (never played it competitively)

Melee- Sheik (main). Marth, Fox, Ice Climbers, Jigglypuff, Young Link and Peach I know how to use too. (still play it competitively. Ranked 7th in PR)

Brawl- Toon Link, Marth (mains). I also know how to use pretty much all the cast at a competent level except for Sonic and Ganondorf. (play it competitively and am ranked 1st in PR)

PM- Toon Link. (play it competitively since 2.6. Ranked 3rd in PR)

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So insulting characters you dislike with no regard for how others feel has to hinge on being FE related to qualify as being improper?

"how others feel"? Why does anyone care what anyone else thinks about their favorite characters? I don't give a rat's ass if someone thinks Ike is a boring blunt ass or Luigi is a shitty wimp. If they think that, that's their opinion, and all that matters to me is that I love these characters.

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For Smash mains, I never played Smash 64, so I unfortunately have none. It might have been Link or Samus, though.

For Super Smash Bros. Melee, it's Link. I just like Link. I think I used Samus on occasion.

For Brawl, my main is Ike. Back-up is Link, with Samus Aran in third.

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64: didn't play

Melee: Kirby

Brawl: Zero Suit, Marth

Project M: Peach, Zelda, Ike, Zero Suit

SSB4: Peach, Zelda, Zero Suit, Palutena

I'll probably use Ike a lot in SSB4 too, since I used him a ton of times in PM.

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I don't give a rat's ass if someone thinks Ike is a boring blunt ass or Luigi is a shitty wimp.

> Not caring about Luigi or Ike being insulted


> Majority of posts when querying this thread with the words "Ike" or "Tellius"

Meh. Maybe I shouldn't have clicked the stupid button. I'm out.

Someone's going to have my head for doing it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Don't play competitively but I would like to with this game.

SSB64: Kirby, Donkey Kong, Yoshi

SSBM: Peach, Doc, Ganon, Marth, Pichu, Mewtwo

SSBB: Peach, ZSS, Olimar, Wario, Diddy

SSB4: Palutena, Rosalina, Chorus Men

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Where did I bash any Roy or Chrom fans?

And I missed the part that said my post count in this thread automatically meant that I care about people insulting Ike or Luigi.

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On Topic:

I don't really main people (very well anyway. don't know how good or bad I am) or at least I don't remember them. However, I do remember playing a lot of Marth, Peach, Captain Falcon, and Zelda a lot in SSBM. SSBB would be mostly Marth, Ike, Peach, Zelda, Toon Link, and Pokemon Trainer. Not really one for playing too competitively, but I do get sick of people only picking Corneria....

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Phazon Suit Samus!



....wait. That's not Phazon Suit Samus.

That's still her MP2 Dark Suit.

.......Youuuuu lied to me. >.>


(NES Metroid)

They can make Ridley's development 8-bit style if it's too difficult to have him in the 3-D environment. That way, he can kick their asses 8-bit style. :D

Um no.

But actually, I'm really glad you posted this. I was just thinking earlier about how it'd be really cool if Ridley had his purple and green NES palette as a color alt if he did get in .3. Given all of Samus' referential costumes, it's certainly plausible eh~

Edited by BANRYU
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Guys, I know Ana has a tendency to say some stupid stuff (sorry, Ana, but it's true), but at this rate it's coming to be a "It takes two to tango" situation. Part of the reason all this shit continues is because the rest of you keep bagging on her for it, even when it's not so bad (a few pages ago she was talking about wanting Ike with blue flames and that somehow got people in a hissy fit when it was just a few posts).

At this point I'm getting annoyed that Ana vs everyone is half of what I see in here. Just stop responding to her if you don't like what she says. Geez. (And if you have some self-righteous agenda of "I want to help stop her from making the same mistakes" or something like that, take it to PM).

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SSB64: Donkey Kong

Melee: Donkey Kong and Mr Game & Watch

Brawl: Donkey Kong, Mr Game & Watch and Ike

As for playing competitively, it's not something that I have been interested in doing (besides, I like the chaos that playing with items on brings).

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I wonder if they'll keep "everything that sends you downward a meteor smash" so you can meteor cancel things just like in Brawl, unlike the spikes in melee.

While it is useful and is a huge factor in competitive play for that game... I think they meant it so that every downward attack was Meteor Cancel-able.

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There is also the new mechanic with the meteor smashes we saw in the invitational. If you hit the ground from a meteor you bounce upwards

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Can anyone who played the demo tell me whether or not the game has momentum physics for running and then jumping? I mostly liked Brawl's mechanics, inferior to Melee's though they are, but the fact that jumping after a dash has zero momentum irked me big time in that game.

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Guys, I know Ana has a tendency to say some stupid stuff (sorry, Ana, but it's true), but at this rate it's coming to be a "It takes two to tango" situation. Part of the reason all this shit continues is because the rest of you keep bagging on her for it, even when it's not so bad (a few pages ago she was talking about wanting Ike with blue flames and that somehow got people in a hissy fit when it was just a few posts).

At this point I'm getting annoyed that Ana vs everyone is half of what I see in here. Just stop responding to her if you don't like what she says. Geez. (And if you have some self-righteous agenda of "I want to help stop her from making the same mistakes" or something like that, take it to PM).

Well, you're right. Every now and then, I do say something stupid, even if I don't realize it. Sorry...

Anyway, for SSB4, I plan to use these people as well as Ike, Luigi, Marth, and Toon Link (the latter two having been my secondaries in Brawl): Rosalina, Charizard, Falco (I have no doubt that he's staying), Miis.

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Can anyone who played the demo tell me whether or not the game has momentum physics for running and then jumping? I mostly liked Brawl's mechanics, inferior to Melee's though they are, but the fact that jumping after a dash has zero momentum irked me big time in that game.

Whoa yes, like when Captain Falcon dashed fwd, jumped and got like a mile away, lawl. I'd like to know too, though :p
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Ok I will settle a new topic.

Which smash bros games have you played? Who was your main/mains characters (3 max)? Did you ever play in a competitive scene or just with friends?

64: Never played

Melee: Pichu will be my main once I unlock him

Brawl: Lucario, Marth, Falco. I never played anybody good save for a few wifi matches, but I did get to a competitive level with them.

Project M: Pikachu, Marth. Haven't gone to any tournies, planning on doing some soon.

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Can anyone who played the demo tell me whether or not the game has momentum physics for running and then jumping? I mostly liked Brawl's mechanics, inferior to Melee's though they are, but the fact that jumping after a dash has zero momentum irked me big time in that game.

Give me the sacred combo, or give me death.

...essentially, I want to know this too.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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In Project M I play Dedede, Peach, and a little bit of G&W and Zelda. I've also been trying to learn some stuff with Falco, but I barely use him in actual matches.

Don't play competitively but I would like to with this game.

I can't say why... but I've got a really good feeling about Smash 4. I've never been in a competitive scene either, so I can't really put my finger on it. It might be something in the atmosphere. After all, this is the Platinum Age of Smash Bros.

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Can anyone who played the demo tell me whether or not the game has momentum physics for running and then jumping? I mostly liked Brawl's mechanics, inferior to Melee's though they are, but the fact that jumping after a dash has zero momentum irked me big time in that game.

Ground combat feels faster especially the rolling, running and side dodging is much faster combat wise. Air combat feels like Brawl and it's a bit floaty. That's what I feel in the 4 mins of playing.

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Though it's worth something, that's not exactly what he's asking. Like, if Sonic broke into a run and jumped during it, would he be going the same speed as he was while he was running? If he were in melee he would've, but in brawl he didn't, he had a separate top air speed and top ground speed. And if you jumped in the middle of a run while in melee, then didn't touch the control stick, the character would still move forward, but in brawl if you jumped while in a run and didn't press anything, you'd just jump straight up. Seen what would happen in those situations in smash4?

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