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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Well, I still believe Lucas will stay. There's also the fact that that one rumor I heard so long ago is still holding true, that Snake, ROB, and Pokémon Trainer would be the only cuts. It's looking pretty much as legit as the Gematsu leak at the moment.

The leak you're thinking of is also the Gematsu leak, and it states Snake, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and one of Ness/Lucas will be cut. Not ROB.

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Actually, Jave, while I don't remember for SURE if ROB was part of that rumor, I do definitely know that neither Lucas nor Ness were part of it. I remember that much. I wouldn't forget a rumor like this because if it was true, it meant that Ike would be back. :P

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Actually, Jave, while I don't remember for SURE if ROB was part of that rumor, I do definitely know that neither Lucas nor Ness were part of it. I remember that much. I wouldn't forget a rumor like this because if it was true, it meant that Ike would be back. :P

Okay, but the point is that the Gematsu leak also claims that Snake, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and one of Ness/Lucas is indeed getting cut. I'm personally hoping it's not the case, but that's what they're claiming.

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And so far, every single newcomer Gematsu leaked has been shown...the probability of it being fake is like nonexistent at this point.

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I see. Well if Lucas or Ness are cut, it makes no difference to me. I suppose. I never played their games and I'm not really interested in doing so. xP

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There's a 100% chance that the Gematsu leak could be fake, and just made a couple of predictions that happened to be correct. The chance that it is fake, or correct, is indeterminate.

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There's a 100% chance that the Gematsu leak could be fake, and just made a couple of predictions that happened to be correct. The chance that it is fake, or correct, is indeterminate.

I meant that the chance that it is just a random with wild guesses is close to 0.

No one guesses 7 newcomers correct just like that, in a row.

Edited by PKL
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And so far, every single newcomer Gematsu leaked has been shown...the probability of it being fake is like nonexistent at this point.

Putting it like that is ridiculous. The only significant guess from Gematsu was Wii Fit Trainer. Everything else was obvious, too general, or can be summed up as a fairly lucky guess (like Megaman). Wait for Chorus Men before singing the praises of Gematsu.

I can understand people starting to believe the leak, but you all really need to stop parading it around like it's 100% confirmed.

And ROB is not going to be cut. It surprises me that people expect that at all. If ROB gets cut, I'll be extremely surprised.

No one guesses 7 newcomers correct just like that, in a row.

People win the lottery. Someone can get lucky with some Smash newcomer guesses. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Okay, but the point is that the Gematsu leak also claims that Snake, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and one of Ness/Lucas is indeed getting cut. I'm personally hoping it's not the case, but that's what they're claiming.

Dang. Don't cut Lucas : [

(I'm still waiting. Since Zero Suit's reveal, only got 1 more of my mains to be revealed. DON'T THAT GEMATSU LEAK BE TRUE).

But if Ness or Lucas were to be cut, I personally think it would be Lucas, because Ness is a veteran from 64, and I think it'd be insane to remove one of the Original 12.

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A good guesser will always just be a good guesser, as much as I'm still a little worried that he's right, I don't believe he's the definitive end-all list of newcomers, or that all of his characters will necessarily be in game. I won't deny it, guessing Wii fit trainer, Little Mac, and the villager were impressive, but everyone else is sort of obvious, once you look past the little bit of spectacular in his list, the rest is just copy-paste bleh on most everyone's lists. Palutena? I don't know who didn't expect her. A gen six pokemon? Not only is it vague, it seems like a safe enough bet. Pacman? In a kid's game developed by Namco? Never. I vaguely recall hearing he said something about the Miis, which is a pretty good guess; I think most of us figured we wouldn't get them because they hadn't made it into Brawl. What I feel breaks this for me is that he couldn't guess Rosalina, a character with a decent chance of being chosen. I think because he didn't predict Rosalina, everything else that he's been right about was just lucky guessing. It's impressive for what he's gotten right so far, but to me, getting certain things wrong sort of jeopardizes the validity of it all.

This is bias and opinions on the side here, but I also don't think Shulk is going to make the cut. Because Xenoblade only had a limited release, there is no way that including him will boost sales of the game like Roy was meant to for Fire Emblem in the Melee days. He might introduce people to the new game, whose title escapes me at the moment, but that feels like a long shot to me. It just feels like it's too late and he holds no extreme significance to Nintendo the same way Game and Watch and ROB do.

I don't mean to sound like I'm hating on people because they believe, that wasn't my intention, it's fine if people trust his predictions or supposed "leaks". I just don't.

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Hey guys, those who've played Sonic 3 & Knuckles, remember this asshole?


He's baaaack. (Though sadly not THE Eggrobo who was a douchenozzle to Knuckles)

Its cool to see even Sonic getting foes in Smash 4 Smash Run

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You know, if Sonic can get enemies in Smash Run, why can't FE? I mean there's Risen, Sacred Stones monsters, Daein/Begnion troops... xP

But I also agree that Lucas would be the cut if a Mother rep had to go. As stated, Ness is an N64 vet.

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The leak you're thinking of is also the Gematsu leak, and it states Snake, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and one of Ness/Lucas will be cut. Not ROB.

Pardon me, but I don't recall the Gematsu leak mentioning any cut other than Lucas.

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A little late, but my mains are/were/will be:

64: Mario, Kirby, Ness, and Fox

Melee: Mario, Marth, Young Link, Pichu, Zelda, and Dr. Mario

Brawl: Mario, Marth, Toon Link, Zelda, Lucas, Pit, Fox, Falco, and Kirby.

Smash 4: Mario, Marth and Toon Link for sure. Considering Pit, Rosetta, Palutena, and Sonic.

I'll be sad if Lucas doesn't make the cut. I'm hoping Purin gets cut, though, I hate Purin, he doesn't deserve a place in Smash anymore.

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A good guesser will always just be a good guesser, as much as I'm still a little worried that he's right, I don't believe he's the definitive end-all list of newcomers, or that all of his characters will necessarily be in game. I won't deny it, guessing Wii fit trainer, Little Mac, and the villager were impressive, but everyone else is sort of obvious, once you look past the little bit of spectacular in his list, the rest is just copy-paste bleh on most everyone's lists. Palutena? I don't know who didn't expect her. A gen six pokemon? Not only is it vague, it seems like a safe enough bet. Pacman? In a kid's game developed by Namco? Never. I vaguely recall hearing he said something about the Miis, which is a pretty good guess; I think most of us figured we wouldn't get them because they hadn't made it into Brawl. What I feel breaks this for me is that he couldn't guess Rosalina, a character with a decent chance of being chosen. I think because he didn't predict Rosalina, everything else that he's been right about was just lucky guessing. It's impressive for what he's gotten right so far, but to me, getting certain things wrong sort of jeopardizes the validity of it all.

This is bias and opinions on the side here, but I also don't think Shulk is going to make the cut. Because Xenoblade only had a limited release, there is no way that including him will boost sales of the game like Roy was meant to for Fire Emblem in the Melee days. He might introduce people to the new game, whose title escapes me at the moment, but that feels like a long shot to me. It just feels like it's too late and he holds no extreme significance to Nintendo the same way Game and Watch and ROB do.

I don't mean to sound like I'm hating on people because they believe, that wasn't my intention, it's fine if people trust his predictions or supposed "leaks". I just don't.

I don't think you fully grasp the statistical improbability of the Gematsu leaker "randomly" guessing newcomers.

Wii Fit Trainer I don't believe was on a single character list, prediction list, etc. If she was, please link it to me. One doesn't just "accidentally" guess Wii Fit Trainer.

Then there's the fact that he went six for six guessing newcomers for the first leak. Imagine flipping six coins, and correctly calling the outcome of all of them. Now imagine one of those coins is replaced by a 1000 sided die to represent Wii Fit Trainer. The chances of predicting the number on that die PLUS the outcome of five consecutive coin flips is astronomically low. Well, specifically, there's a 0.003125% chance of it happening....

Trying to argue that the leak was pure luck just completely ignores basic probability. Especially when there's a much more logical explanation (that being, that there is in fact a person who leaked details of the game).

Edited by Don Draper
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They could also have been "educated" guesses, but guesses nonetheless. There's still a million ways that whatever has led to whoever the supposed Gematsu leaker being right about those characters could be something other than "person deep enough in the game's development staff to know the roster for sure divulges it to the press." It's a big universe- less likely things have happened than a hundredth of a percent chance thing have certainly happened.

Besides, this would be the who-cares-th leak to be fake. And it's not like Nintendo's acknowledging it, so for pity's sake, there's only so much to be said before we won't be left with anything other than clamming up and waiting for the thing to actually get released.

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