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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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No it's not. It's REALLY not.

People are more interested on seeing actual gameplay than something that is nothing but aesthetics.

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No it's not. It's REALLY not.

People are more interested on seeing actual gameplay than something that is nothing but aesthetics.

How is "hey, this gun shoots!" more interesting than "Ike's Great Aether now produces blue flames! Ike isn't called the Hero of Blue Flames for nothing, after all!"? Hell, we know Sakurai thinks Final Smash differences are even important enough to show in directs since he did that with Samus.

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Longest range eh? Interesting

Reminds me of Brawl Minus's Zelda having a "spot" at long range during her side smashes.

...Then again, that's just a "spot" rather than a full on side samsh with huge range.

...hopefully has something that makes it impractical with side smash spamming with the C-stick.

I'm still loving the drama in this thread despite not being able to see it.

Thank you Adblock plus filters.

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It's not the fact that it's just "This gun shoots!" (which is INCREDIBLY downplaying the reveal), but more than it's a side smash rather than a special move. It clearly changes the way the character plays.

Ike's Great Aether being red or blue won't mean much in the end. As I said, it's just aesthetics.

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How is "hey, this gun shoots!" more interesting than "Ike's Great Aether now produces blue flames! Ike isn't called the Hero of Blue Flames for nothing, after all!"? Hell, we know Sakurai thinks Final Smash differences are even important enough to show in directs since he did that with Samus.

How are final smashes less important than what color Ike's flames are?

Either way, the color won't effect the gameplay at all. It might have a blue fire effect, but BIG DEAL. People might actually like Samus (points to me) and might be interested in her Final Smash. You can whine about Ike all you want, but you don't need to call out on other characters just because YOU (of all people) don't get to see what YOU want. Though I do like Ike, I just don't really care if his flames are blue. But I would have to agree it'd be cool to see a new Ike move, if they're making any changes to him.

The mii's aren't that interesting, but you don't see me whining ALMOST every single day about not seeing a Zero Suit pic.

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Hell, we know Sakurai thinks Final Smash differences are even important enough to show in directs since he did that with Samus.

That was more about revealing that Samus and Zero Suit were completely separated than showing a difference in a character's final smash.

I don't complain about your constant Ike fangirling like everyone else does, but that's because I've resorted to mostly skipping your posts. Take that as you will, and also consider that Ike is a veteran and multiple other veterans - most that have been revealed since E3 2013, in fact - have also had very little attention. Where is all the info on Toon Link, Lucario, and Diddy Kong? Newcomers are simply more interesting to hear about.

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You guys would be sick by now If I complained about Toon Link never appearing in pics or pretty much anything.

Or if I posted about Sigurd not being in the game period in all the things.

It's stuff like that that actually causes me to start hating characters solely by association.

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Or if I posted about Sigurd not being in the game period in all the things.

It's stuff like that that actually causes me to start hating characters solely by association.

Yeah. To be fair, I quite disliked Ike before this thread happened.

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Yeah. To be fair, I quite disliked Ike before this thread happened.

I did too, but it's reached a fever pitch for me. But that's a discussion for another day.

ANYWAY, I'm more curious about musical choices, though those are harder to guess in general. What songs will be new arrangements? Which will just be ripped from the old games with little to no difference? I'm eager to see.

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Actually, aesthetics matter a lot for me.

Not much, but I'm talking about Zelda. If they went with the SS design, I probably wouldn't care for her as much. I just like how her hair color and dress color is different. If they'd gone with SS, two of my favorites would be blonde with a pink dress.

I do LOVE Zelda as a character, but I just realized how much looks mattered (to me). The only characters I wouldn't care for a design change would be Zero Suit and Peach.

I did too, but it's reached a fever pitch for me. But that's a discussion for another day.

ANYWAY, I'm more curious about musical choices, though those are harder to guess in general. What songs will be new arrangements? Which will just be ripped from the old games with little to no difference? I'm eager to see.

I'm actually pretty anxious to know too!

I love how the 3DS version will only have 2 songs, instead of Brawl's music collection. I didn't like having to choose certain songs, as I wanted some to play but others to play, and I'd always be moody. And if there's a song I don't like, I'll be FORCED to listen to it, and that's great!

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Or if I posted about Sigurd not being in the game period in all the things.

It's stuff like that that actually causes me to start hating characters solely by association.

Totally this, I'd, like, complain why Sigurd is not in the game but lol that's completely irrelevant.

Also, seems the Mii Gunner is going to be an awesome support unit in team battles spamming its ranged moves and smashes while his other teammate tanks hits.

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Totally this, I'd, like, complain why Sigurd is not in the game but lol that's completely irrelevant.

Also, seems the Mii Gunner is going to be an awesome support unit in team battles spamming its ranged moves and smashes while his other teammate tanks hits.

Teams is usually played with Friendly Fire on, so its actually gonna be awkward to play as the team of the Mii Gunner. He certainly wont be able to spam ranged moves and smashes, as it will hurt his teammate more than help if he's not careful.

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Teams is usually played with Friendly Fire on, so its actually gonna be awkward to play as the team of the Mii Gunner. He certainly wont be able to spam ranged moves and smashes, as it will hurt his teammate more than help if he's not careful.

Oh, didn't know that. Mii's would be interesting to see in action though.

also dat gif in the other thread with Peach and Shiek playing tennis with Fox is completely hilarious and example of teamwork hahaha

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Oh, didn't know that. Mii's would be interesting to see in action though.

also dat gif in the other thread with Peach and Shiek playing tennis with Fox is completely hilarious and example of teamwork hahaha

Yeah haha.

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Uh, first of all, I was NEVER bashing any other characters. And I don't simply want new info on Ike. Just him randomly showing up in a pic would do just fine, I don't give a damn.

And sorry for "whining." I didn't know opinions bothered people so much here.

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Putting it bluntly, I find it rather pathetic that people complain (vocally, at that) about Pics of the Day. Sakurai and co. have been going through the effort to bring us these sneak previews of the game every single weekday (really, what other developers are known to do that?) just like the Smash Dojo before it, and this is how you repay them? Granted, some complaints do have truth in them and there are things that I myself would prefer to see, but there's no use in complaing about something I can't change. I'm not saying you gotta like every Pic of the Day. What I'm saying is...

Would you rather have no Pics of the Day at all? You should be grateful that they do this for us. I certainly am; I'd be bored from old hype and waiting without these daily tidbits of info. And I don't give a rat's ass if it's aesthetics, something obvious, or something we already knew. I'll take it, each and every one, anything to quench my thirst for the game until it finally releases.

I honestly didn't expect Sakurai to do a successor to the Dojo with these daily pics. That ain't something you see everyday. Take it for what it's worth.

Edited by Baron the Shining Blade
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Uh, first of all, I was NEVER bashing any other characters. And I don't simply want new info on Ike. Just him randomly showing up in a pic would do just fine, I don't give a damn.

And sorry for "whining." I didn't know opinions bothered people so much here.

You could argue that dismissing the info on the Mii gunner's sude smash as useless was bashing but I'm not going to get into that.

And it's not so much that they are bothered by others opinions, it's that you spam yours almost, if not every day. All I see you do is complain that the new pic isn't something you want to see, there's no Ike, why are they showing stuff we already know, etc. When you're not complaining you're gushing over Ike or something else. You sometimes have actual discussions about Smash, but that tends to get buried underneath everything else you say.

I know others have talked to you about this too, not even that long ago. .-.

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Would you rather have no Pics of the Day at all? You should be grateful that they do this for us. I certainly am; I'd be bored from old hype and waiting without these daily tidbits of info.

Yes. You get what you get and you get upset!

I'm a rather greedy person, but no pics of the day would be good too. I don't really mind the pics of the day, as I don't really care about them. If it concerns the REVEAL of a character, then I'd be hyped up!

No pics of the day meaning they would not existing at all, meaning no one would care, no one would complain. If they didn't exist at all, no one would ever complain.

It's like if we called cookies "bakies"! (Since we bake them). Think, in an alternate universe where we'd call cookies "bakies", we'd think "cookies" sound weird because "bakies" is the norm.

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I certainly won't hold you guys to my standards, but I had kept away from this thread due to the fact that I thought I was going to disappear from the internet for 2 years.

Plans fell through, and then I got interest in this thread.

Honestly, I'm completely fine with whatever we have now and I can just listen to the SSB4 E3 theme on repeat.

But certainly, people need to be grateful for what they get with Pic of the Day.

Honestly sometimes, people get on my nerves on this thread and make m want to do this:


But it's freaking not worth it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Gotta say, I like SSB4's theme a lot more than Brawl's. It's pretty great. I was never big on Brawl's.

Don't think they'll ever beat Melee's theme, though.

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Geez, you guys act like I'm the only person that ever complained. xP

But sorry, I didn't know it was THAT big of a deal. But surely you all find some pics of the day to be more interesting than others?

EDIT: I agree, that SSB4 theme is pretty damn sweet. I hope it has a better select screen theme than Brawl did though. Melee's was better and I'm glad Brawl still used that one as well.

Edited by Anacybele
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