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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Tomorrow Sakurai should show off everyone in Zero Suits. I even designed a bunch of them for him!






Zero suit Wario gives me a funny feeling in my pants. Help?

Edit: CT075, don't you mean M for Metroid?

Edited by Ace Gamer
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I wear a pin with Zero Suit Jiggs, personally. I'm gonna wear it to PAX!

Speaking of PAX, I hope Nintendo is there with the SSB demo so I can get another shot at playing the game. The demo stations are not as busy since it's a 4-day con, at least compared to some things like the Oculus Rift demos. Last year I was able to just walk up and play most of Nintendo's games without even waiting on Sunday. It'll be fun if I can get my friends to play against too instead of strangers, so I won't be completely outclassed as I wrestle with the controls.

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One day I am gonna finish my Zero Suit Donkey Kong who I have had on my computer forever if I didn't get sidetracked by Shadowrun and FFXIV. And then Peach + Toad was next on my list, but I do want to do everyone on the cast. I actually get a ton of requests for Captain Falcon but the work is already done for me. He is unbridled sex machine in this game, seriously.

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Sam's Zero Suit game is too strong help

I have trouble understanding people who claim that a game like Skullgirls is sexist when it includes freaky characters like Painwheel and Double. Maybe this is just the perspective of a dumb male, but I feel like the game's diversity in its character designs is less on the sexist side of things.

As it relates to Samus, I have trouble deciding whether her increasingly more sexy outfits are made for sex appeal, or to show what a strong independant woman she is... Maybe it's both? Still, I think it suits Samus' character to be confident enough to wear something like that more than any of the other female characters, so maybe that's why I'm okay with it, I guess?

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Tomorrow Sakurai should show off everyone in Zero Suits. I even designed a bunch of them for him!






I actually really like Zero Suit Link... xD lookin' good there!

And Zero Suit Jigglypuff is so so cute! If only it were real.

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why are dr mario, dark pit (?) and lucina separated from the rest of their series? You could make the argument "they're hidden", but I doubt that they'd announce Lucina if she was hidden.

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So this just showed up online.



Edit: My guess would be because they're alt skins, yet Fusioin/Zero Mission ZSS isn't there too

Retro characters not together and Bowser Jr. peaked after Sunshine I though, I doubt this. By which I mean the characters I'm hoping for aren't there

Edited by Mikethfc
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So this just showed up online.



My biggest call out, which I'm surprised on one else has brought up is "Where are the Mii fighters?

Other than that, here's a few other things that aren't huge gripes for me, but who knows.

-I strongly doubt that Dr. Mario would return over Mewtwo.

-Dark Pit most likely will not get his own seperate character, though that can happen.

-Lol on the Duck Hunt Dog, but seriously, that alone makes this list fake on all accounts.

Edited by Naui
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So this just showed up online.



I too thought it looked pretty realistic (but so did others so idk) but...

- Lucina, Dark Pit, and Dr. Mario are not grouped with the other members of their franchise.

- Mr. Game & Watch's (top right corner) hand is inside Wario's box...

Also, I'm not saying Bowser Jr. shouldn't get in / has no chance of getting in... but there are already 5 mario characters, and there are a total of 9 mario characters if you count the spin-offs too. (Wario's definitely coming back).

And that dog's ear is also inside Greninja's box.

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So this just showed up online.



1. Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, and Lucina not being grouped with the other reps of the franchise.

2. Dr. Mario.

3. Yoshi separating Rosalina and Bowser Jr. from the other Mario reps (he counts as a Yoshi rep).

4. Duck Hunt Dog.

5. Wolf, Lucas, and Ice Climbers cut. I could buy Wolf and/or Lucas, but not Ice Climbers and definitely not all three.

6. Dark Pit.

7. What the hell is Mr. Game & Watch doing all the way up there? (and then his hand, as Carter pointed out)

8. No apparent location for Mii Fighters.

It's about time something like this showed up, but it's fake.

Also, I could swear I've seen that art of Falco somewhere. 'twould be nice if someone could find the source and discredit this for good.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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So this just showed up online.



Well, it's more convincing than a lot of fakes I've seen (mostly because, from what I can tell, there's new art for a lot of the unrevealed characters. I mean, I barely recognized Shulk down there. Why would he be with the third party characters?). But there are some oddities:

1. Lucina, Dr. Mario (of all the Melee cuts, why would he be the one brought back?), and Dark Pit are separate from their series. This could be explained by them being clones, but it's still really strange.

2. Mr. Game and Watch's hand extends out of his box and into Wario's. This is probably the strongest evidence against it being real.

Also, is that the Duck Hunt Dog between ROB and Greninja? Hilarious if it is.

Edit: Wow, I really added nothing new.

And I think Naui had the best refutation:

Where are the Mii fighters?

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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Also, I could swear I've seen that art of Falco somewhere. 'twould be nice if someone could find the source and discredit this for good.

It looks an awful lot like his intro cut in in SSE to me.

Probably imagining things but whatever.


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I wouldn't mind duck hunt dog, but seriously, this is fake, for reasons pointed out. Anyone who does have a copy of the new Smash Bros. is going to upload many more photos than this.

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I thought that was Banjo for a moment, and I'd shit brix if Banjo+Kazooie were playable characters in this

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I agree it's fake too. Dr. Mario and Dark Pit would NOT get their own character slots considering Sakurai's original plan for Lucina. Besides, even if that wasn't considered, if Sakurai wanted to give Dark Pit his own slot, he would've had him share Palutena's trailer like he had Robin and Lucina share one. Yet Dark Pit appeared in it and wasn't said to be in his own slot.

Another thing no one else pointed out: Sakurai groups each franchise in columns, not in rows. It's been this way in both Melee and Brawl. I don't know about 64 though, as I never played it.

Oh, and since no one could post the pic of the day due to the forums being down for awhile, Sakurai is just showing us that treasure chest item. Too bad it only appears in Smash Run. :( (and I still wish it was modeled more after a Zelda chest...)

Edited by Anacybele
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">shulk’s face is edited from little mac

>the clones aren’t with their respective franchises

>wario’s model is from the brawl reveal trailer

>that’s a screenshot of FFA with no mii fighters slot on it

>Dr. Mario is shooped from an image from deviantart

>bowser jr’s model is shooped from a bit of promotional art

>yoshi is between two mario characters"

Pulled from tumblr. I don't think G&W's hand is going into Wario I think it's just Wario's shoulder blending in perfectly, but still it's fake for reasons stated.

Apparently along with this select screen, they said Lucas, Chorus Kids, Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Snake are DLC.

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Now that the forums are back up (though perhaps only temporarily), I can post this analysis of the leak that I found:

I mean, I still really like the fact that Shulk is listed (and even Duck Hunt Dog), but I think that video basically exposes this leak as fake.

Also, Dr. Mario coming back but not Mewtwo (even as DLC)? WTF Sakurai if true.

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