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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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GGG, already addressed Shulk, but Roy has much better shield pressure and is more rush down than Cloud.

I think Roy is still viable at least, it's just that Cloud can do a lot of things easily that Roy struggles for.

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I think Roy is still viable at least, it's just that Cloud can do a lot of things easily that Roy struggles for.

Well Roy still has something that Cloud lacks to an extreme level, actual good throws, but yeah Cloud does have some things Roy would kill for too.

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Well Roy still has something that Cloud lacks to an extreme level, actual good throws, but yeah Cloud does have some things Roy would kill for too.

I think getting to charge some limit for free off a grab fits Cloud's style nicely honestly.

(Also off-topic but I've been wanting to play you for a while, when are you generally free?)

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I think getting to charge some limit for free off a grab fits Cloud's style nicely honestly.

(Also off-topic but I've been wanting to play you for a while, when are you generally free?)

I suppose you got me there, but u don't think they have enough KB for that entirely! :P:

Uhhh my free time is kinda all over the place, I'd have to figure that out ^^;

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The one thing Cloud has that Roy wants is results. ;)

I'm not sure what happened with him. People had high hopes for him (remember when Zero said Roy could beat Sheik?) and he just hasn't been used.

Kinda like Duck Hunt (minus the part about Zero saying they could beat Sheik).

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getting to go to norcal regionals! pretty excited. will hopefully get to try out SF 5 and smash 4!.

Oh thats awesome, hope you have fun!

Also this was posted in the Corrin thread, but I feel its key to show here too.


Corrin is looking to have an incredible amount of options.

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It'd be awesome if you could pin someone to the side of the stage.

It's be pretty cool alright but how would it functionally be useful? Seems like it'd be more detrimental to me since it'd probably restore their midair jump otherwise it'd feel needlessly cheap.

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Hmmm, I don't know. It's more damage at least!

I think the cancel option puts an opponent into helpless state when it's used onstage, so, maybe...?

Nevermind, it was probably just tumble.

Edited by Dotty
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Hah hah hah wow. Smashboards just released it's first official Smash 4 tier list. Right before the patch shakes things up even further. I'll post the text version here:

(Top) S: Sheik, Zero Suit Samus, Rosalina & Luma
(High) A: Ryu, Pikachu, Sonic, Fox, Mario, Diddy Kong, Meta Knight
B: Villager, Cloud, Ness
(Middle) C: Captain Falcon, Yoshi
D: Luigi, Dark Pit, Pit, Peach, R.O.B., Wario, Toon Link, Lucario
E: Captain Olimar, Greninja, Ike, Donkey Kong, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Bowser, Robin
(Low) F: Roy, Kirby, Bowser Jr., Mr. Game & Watch, Lucas, Mewtwo, Falco, Wii Fit Trainer
G: Shulk, Marth, Link, Duck Hunt, Little Mac, Dr. Mario
(Bottom) H: King Dedede, Lucina

I: Mii Brawler, Charizard, Palutena
J: Samus, Mii Gunner, Mii Swordfighter, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, Zelda

Yeah. Like... we totally have enough data to say for sure that Cloud's high tier, and that Roy's low. And Robin just squeezes into mid-tier.

The most liked comment sums it up pretty well:

"I agree with ZeRo. It's too early for a tier list, especially when we don't have all the characters. "

Edited by The DanMan
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I have quite a number of gripes with the list, although S-A-B I can mostly agree with.

It's just way too early. I wasn't expecting a tier list until a while after EVO, but this one is it what it is.

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Kinda seems weird to release a tier list when a patch and new content is less than 48 hours away, especially with new characters coming. But ignoring that...

It's overall what I expected. I'm glad S-tier isn't just Sheik tier because ZSS and Rosaluma have put in serious work as well and it's totally obvious that they're the best three characters in the game. Kinda surprised Jigglypuff isn't the worst character but I knew it wasn't Palutena. Once you look into the scores, you realize how much of a mess mid tier is because they're so close.

I'm glad we have one now as a reference point moreso than anything else. I love seeing how metagames evolve from list to list.

Also funnily enough, Peach is 19th in both this list and the Brawl list. She's the only character in the game with that distinction.

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I'm still sad how far Luigi has dropped in the past few months. He used to be a top five character...

But Ike as best FE character is sweet. :D Let's see if Corrin can top him!

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Yea I usually consider Link to be low tier scrub trash

Then I recall my love to destroy links

And wonder which professional players play Link

and then I remember, this tier list is a smashboards tier list, and take every post with a grain of salt

since you know, it's like their favorite condiment

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the players who voted are all people like Earth and 6WX

it doesn't hurt to release a tier list, though the timing is funny.

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