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Enter: The Arena - Fire Emblem Character discussion Thread.


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Yeah, Ike starring in PoR was a reason he got in, but most likely not the only one. Also most likely the main reason.

I'm not the only person that believes Ike has a good chance of staying and SHOULD stay either. And they do care about the west. You guys just want your beloved Chrom in over Ike when there's no reason both can't be included. There are just as many people who think Ike should be cut. And Fire Emblem might still get 2 reps. That's a very good reason why both of them won't be in.

I can't remember where ALL of them were off the top of my head. But a few were here (which Ike had many votes in all of), a few were on some non-FE forums, and a few others were probably elsewhere. Oh, also, in most of the random online matches I had in Brawl, at least one other person besides me used Ike. So because people use a character, he's popular?

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I didn't mean that being used automatically meant Ike was popular, I meant that because so many people use him. there's a good chance a lot of those people like him. Not saying this is definite though, of course.

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I didn't mean that being used automatically meant Ike was popular, I meant that because so many people use him. there's a good chance a lot of those people like him. Not saying this is definite though, of course.

If I remember correctly, Roy was pretty popular in Melee and he wasn't in Brawl.

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Yeah, Ike starring in PoR was a reason he got in, but most likely not the only one.

I said I can't prove it. It's just a theory, but a theory with plenty of evidence to back it up. I've already given this evidence in this thread too, so I'm not repeating it.

Read this entence very carefully:

"I can't prove my theory"

"It is a theory, with plenty of evidence to back it up"

Anacybele, you have just admitted that you can't prove a theory that has plenty of of evidence supporting it. The entire point of evidence is that it proves a theory.

I'm not the only person that believes Ike has a good chance of staying and SHOULD stay either. And they do care about the west. You guys just want your beloved Chrom in over Ike when there's no reason both can't be included.

Actually, he has said that both versions will have mostly exclusive stages. I believe he means that only stages like Final Destination and Battlefield will be seen in both. It's just what I think though, it hasn't been confirmed.

Start of this argument was sound, stating something sakurai has said. Then you flunk it by supporting the statement with your "beliefs". Beliefs do not equal facts, your interpretation of a statement someone made doesn't make it the way it is going to be.

You're still missing my point entirely. There hasn't been another home console FE since RD, so if the Wii U version will have many exclusive stages that are only from home console games, it would make a lot of sense to pick ones from RD. Kauku Caves is from RD and Riven Bridge was a map from both it and PoR, so they're my top picks.

We've heard you fangasm of Riven bridge and kauka caves quite a lot already, your wishes do not equal what is going to happen. Those two places being "your top picks" are completely irrelevant because you have no say in the matters of SSB4's development.

I can't remember where ALL of them were off the top of my head. But a few were here (which Ike had many votes in all of), a few were on some non-FE forums, and a few others were probably elsewhere. Oh, also, in most of the random online matches I had in Brawl, at least one other person besides me used Ike.

"I can't remember where ALL of them are"

IHO has asked you multiple times to support your claims with the actual evidence by showing those polls, yet you just claim the same thing again, ignoring his valid arguments. Your discussion went like this:

ANA: There are loads of polls that have Ike as the #1!

IHO: Show me those polls

ANA: Well, there are some on Serenesforest and some elsewhere, but Ike got #1 in a lot of those!

IHO: Then show them

Ana: I can't remember where some of them are but believe me, Ike scored high in almost al of them!

See the problem?

And once again, you seeing a lot of Ikes online is completely irrelevant to showing IHO the polls you claim to have seen.

IF he does, which I still highly doubt.

Nope, I wouldn't. Believe what you will, but only I know how I'd act. And I love how people here assume that just because one is debating about one of their favorite characters automatically means they're biased and only biased.

I have one definition for you: "Clouded judgement"

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Yes, but Roy was removed because he was replaced by a newer Lord. I'm expecting the same for Ike

This. Unless FE gets a third character slot the not Marth lord will always just be a flavour of the month character who will be replaced by the most recent lord.

Edited by Kamina
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Yet you all are saying Ike won't stay because of his lack of popularity in Japan. You're being quite confusing here.

And lol, my judgement being clouded. Sorry, this just made me laugh, seeing as it's entirely false.

But I'm clearly not getting to any of you with this, so I'm done with this debate. Believe that I'm entirely biased and clouded if you want, but I'm not changing my mind that I think FE is most likely getting three reps, Marth, Ike, and Chrom.

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Oh dude they should get OVA Marth to do the lines! That'd be great!

Can't say I've heard his English voice. Who does that?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Yes, but Roy was removed because he was replaced by a newer Lord. I'm expecting the same for Ike

I really hate it when people say crap like this. Roy wasn't replaced at all, in fact both he and Ike were planned to be in the game from the start, but Roy was cut(likely dues to time restraints). If Ike really did replace Roy, there wouldn't be any leftover files for Roy on the disk.

Also, basing your predictions on a two-game "pattern" is a really dumb idea. Remember that Mother, Kirby, and Donkey Kong didn't get any additional playable characters for two games.

I personally think Ike is sticking around. He has a lot more going for him than people give him credits for.

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I really hate it when people say crap like this. Roy wasn't replaced at all, in fact both he and Ike were planned to be in the game from the start, but Roy was cut(likely dues to time restraints). If Ike really did replace Roy, there wouldn't be any leftover files for Roy on the disk.

Also, basing your predictions on a two-game "pattern" is a really dumb idea. Remember that Mother, Kirby, and Donkey Kong didn't get any additional playable characters for two games.

I personally think Ike is sticking around. He has a lot more going for him than people give him credits for.

I'm not basing it on a pattern. it seems fairly obvious that if FE gets 2 reps, Chrom replaces Ike. Roy was planned for Brawl, but so were 6 other characters. Ike replaced Roy in the sense of representing recent Fire Emblem games.

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I'm not basing it on a pattern.

Yes you are. Don't bullsh*t me. And if you aren't, most people who say that Chrom will replace Ike aren't.

it seems fairly obvious that if FE gets 2 reps, Chrom replaces Ike.

Who's to say we'll be stuck with 2 characters again? I could easily see FE getting 3, and possibly even four.

Roy was planned for Brawl, but so were 6 other characters.

Not sure what this has to do with anything. In fact, I'd say it helps Roys chances, since Sakurai likes ot go back and revisit characters he planned to but couldn't get the chance to implement in previous games.

Ike replaced Roy in the sense of representing recent Fire Emblem games.

So would you also say that Pokemon Trainer replaced Pichu? Saying that Ike replaced Roy implies that Ike was the reason Roy got cut, which likely wasn't the case. There likely just wasn't enough time to work on him.

Edited by shinpichu
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I didn't even argue about whether or not Ike would be cut or not for chrom that last post. just pointed out that the entire discussion was flawed. Also great how you ignored 95 % of what I pointed out.

Also, clouded judgement:

Anaybele, do you love ike?

Your profile says you do.

Do you know the term "having your heads up in the clouds"? It's about being in love.

Do you know how they say "love makes blind"? (It means it impairs judgement)

Tadaa, you are madly in love with Ike, having your head up in the clouds, which in turn, impairs your judgement.

Sound reasoning amiright

In any case, I wouldn't mind pair up being implemented in one way or another. Lucina in the Background and being switchable with chrom. With DS+ being side B (Double attack.) DG+ up B and having a variation of counter. taking no damage and just giving knock back or w/e to the opponent. Down B could be a switch of character, Chrom being heavier and stronger. Luncina having more evade and speed, as well as longer hatboxes or something.

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Also, clouded judgement:

Anaybele, do you love ike?

Your profile says you do.

Do you know the term "having your heads up in the clouds"? It's about being in love.

Do you know how they say "love makes blind"? (It means it impairs judgement)

Tadaa, you are madly in love with Ike, having your head up in the clouds, which in turn, impairs your judgement.

You're right, love can blind and impair one's judgement, but I'm careful not to let that happen to me. I realize that while Ike has a high chance of sticking around for this Smash Bros., he won't have much of a chance next time unless FE has more reps. I'm going to have to accept that and I do.

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So has anybody here considered nobody only in Awakening being playable.

Since it's another game with Marth's continent and none of the blue haired Lords do much that sets them apart from Marth and Ike.

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So has anybody here considered nobody only in Awakening being playable.

Since it's another game with Marth's continent and none of the blue haired Lords do much that sets them apart from Marth and Ike.

Anything could happen, of course, and no, they sure as heck don't, but I have a strong feeling we're getting some Awakening representation in. I mean, there's only been three games so far - trying to establish a pattern of sorts is silly.

I just have a hunch we'll be seeing him. I'd like that, but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.

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Given that he's shooting to add unique characters, I feel a lot less safe about Chrom. Sure he can add Roy and emphasize the fire part of the sword of seals, but what can he do with Chrom?

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If he doesn't feel that either Chrom or Lucina are unique enough, then he could go with the avatar unit. The avatar could have a moveset using swords and magic. Perhaps the option to play as either the male or female version would be nice.

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If he doesn't feel that either Chrom or Lucina are unique enough, then he could go with the avatar unit. The avatar could have a moveset using swords and magic. Perhaps the option to play as either the male or female version would be nice.

The only "unique" thing I think they can use is have him switch between swords and lances, like his Great Lord class.

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