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What are you hoping WON'T be in the next FE? Or wouldn't be against being removed?

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I would have actually liked Gangrel if a) they expanded on the conflict between the asshole exalt and Plegia, and how that's affected him as a king, and b) didn't completely ruin his character by bringing him back in the paralogue.

So much potential in the idea that Chrom's dad (or whoever it was, I can't even remember) was a complete dick, but of course, like many other good ideas in Awakening, it's a complete afterthought because they didn't bother to expand on it.

I can definitely agree with this, but I just really dislike the "Look at me, I'm SO EVIL!" antagonist. Even with detailed background on the previous Exalt and Plegia, I'm not sure they could justify that part of Gangrel.

How so? All it did was make you reset when it hit since it might as well be a gameover.

What status staves are so powerful they force a reset? Berserk is the only one I can think of that could really put you in a bad position, and only if you don't have a Restore staff nearby.

All in all, I can't actually think of any game mechanics from the GBA era and on that I would mind being included, they just need to be done right. I really like the idea of Pair Up, for example, but it needs a serious re-balance if used again.

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Sleep always results in death in 4-4 and 4-3. Berserk will more likely than not, cause the berserked dude to kill your precious restorer or someone else. Status was way dumb. It's more noticeable in LTC though. In a normal playthrough, I still hate them because they slow me down to a crawl in order to avoid them. FE can do without that stupidity again.

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Sleep always results in death in 4-4 and 4-3. Berserk will more likely than not, cause the berserked dude to kill your precious restorer or someone else. Status was way dumb. It's more noticeable in LTC though. In a normal playthrough, I still hate them because they slow me down to a crawl in order to avoid them. FE can do without that stupidity again.

That reminds me, my main gripe with status staves was that the enemy generally got more mileage out of them than you did. GBA Silence in particular was pretty bad, mainly in FE6 - you really couldn't expect reasonable accuracy on the very enemies it was meant to be used on because the only people I'd expect to make good use of them either came late or wouldn't ever get to the rank needed to use it.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I can definitely agree with this, but I just really dislike the "Look at me, I'm SO EVIL!" antagonist. Even with detailed background on the previous Exalt and Plegia, I'm not sure they could justify that part of Gangrel.

I could totally see IS pulling it off if they actually bothered with the story. They did it with Nergal, and he turned out to be an excellent character.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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status is only dumb if you don't have a good way to get around it

the staff hit mechanics also need to be changed. i actually prefer FE5's staff targeting mechanic to those of later games.

It always hit in that game assuming the magic stat of the user was greater than that of the target, right?

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yeah; transplanted into later games, it will be mag vs. res

you could also employ variants or mix the mechanics. the problem with the recent staff hit formula is that you can get unlucky and still get hit by ~30 hit, which is the hit rate when target res is approximately equal to user mag.

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I wouldnt mind it if it was implemented better. 100% hit if mag>res sounds good, as long as it can be avoided in some clever way and they're mostly there to prevent you from doing something. But putting a berserk boss on top of the map on top of other staff users, as well as more status staff users every freaking chapter is part of why I won't ever replay Fe6.

Edited by Peekayell
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Was it Chroms dad or some other relative? I can hardly remember anything storywise about Awakening.

Yeah, it was Chrom's father who started that crusade against Plegia... and that's because from a certain viewpoint, there's nothing in-depth to remember.

The story was really the game's only major disappoint for me, I wish that instead of sitting through long speeches with the talking character's model standing around we could actually have some sort of flashback scene... or even a flashback chapter. Where we actually play as Chrom's father and take control of a critical battle or something.

That would be so cool, I can't handle it.

As for my vote, can our villians not just randomly wake up one morning and decide to go fuck over the world just because they want to? Please? Either I misinterpreted Validar's actions... or that's basically what he did.

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Wow, I didn't even remember it was Chrom's dad that started this Plegian thing. FE13's story is so bad :(

Beginning of chapter 6, before Marth appears. I actually played it to pay attention to the story the first two-three times around, so I know a few of the finer plot details.

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I like Pair up, but it needs to be severely balanced. They should take out just about everything but class based bonuses, and maybe even make those have some "minus 1 to this stat".

Or, you could just get rid of pair up and have it so the double battle only happens when 2 units are adjacent.

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If there's an Avatar, for the love of God, let him/her not have an OP skill like Veteran.

Not using your MU for half the story, because he is overpowered kinda breaks the insertion, for sure... :/:

About FE13 MU, I already said that they shoulddn't have made it have such a detailed background, and makes it just another member of the Shepherds...

This would be completely broken, but I'd like to see a Valkyrie Jeigan....

Well, about FE5's status effects... Don't tell me you forgot infinite use status effect, with 20 + 10 Terran Bonus Mag. And infinite range, obviously. (I hate Elf...)

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Not using your MU for half the story, because he is overpowered kinda breaks the insertion, f

About FE13 MU, I already said that they shoulddn't have made it have such a detailed background, and makes it just another member of the Shepherds...

This would be completely broken, but I'd like to see a Valkyrie Jeigan....

Well, about FE5's status effects... Don't tell me you forgot infinite use status effect, with 20 + 10 Terran Bonus Mag. And infinite range, obviously. (I hate Elf...)

Valkyrie Jeigan would be cool actually... Edited by lethality
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1) Reclassing. I believe it takes away a character's uniqueness, and it's just silly to reclass and focus on raising some stats on purpose. It was done rather well in FE11/12, though.

2) I'm not sure if there is such a thing in FE13, but I'd like to promote units the same way as in FE9/FE10/FE4 (if they don't promote like this in FE13, I want them to remove it). I dont want to wait that long until I get a promotional item. It's extremely silly how there are so few of these items in the GBA FEs.

3) I don't know how FE13's Support System works, but I prefer something like FE9's system. I'm completely against having characters sit next to each other so they'll develop their support points. If FE13's system works like FE9's, then I have no complaints.

4) An extremely OPed Avatar with broken growths. Also, giving the option to choose a personality for the Avatar would make him/her less wooden.

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My Unit needs to go.

Or at least less important. FE13's MU really irked me how some nobody with amnesia became Chrom's best bud and everyone's favorite person.

FE13 is a typical anime.

Also, one thing I'm glad that NEVER came back. I was playing FE5 once, and Leif was low on HP, so I had Safy heal him. Imagine my horror when she MISSED.

Edited by GabrielKnight
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Also, one thing I'm glad that NEVER came back. I was playing FE5 once, and Leif was low on HP, so I had Safy heal him. Imagine my horror when she MISSED.

Thanks for giving me a reason to stray away from FE5... Because seriously, crap like that happening makes me wonder "What were they thinking?!".

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My Unit needs to go.

Or at least less important. FE13's MU really irked me how some nobody with amnesia became Chrom's best bud and everyone's favorite person.

Yep, remove it, please. Or at least, don't make an entire game focused on player created character.

It is the main reason FE13 story sucked hard beside the time travel as plot device

seriously people need to stop write about time travel on a large scale

This. Please, no more Gangrel's.

Constable Reggie explain Gangrel's thing really well. It is not Gangrel himself as a mad king made him a bad character (in writing perspective), it is the poor execution on Gangrel's persona as a mad king make him despiseable to no end. Mad king itself hold interesting premises, and if done right, it could result in better brewed story.

For me perhaps "no more poorly written villain/character like Gangrel"

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hard beside the time travel as plot device

seriously people need to stop write about time travel on a large scale

Time travel can be very well done, like Valkyrie Profile. I also find the very basic notion of time travel in FE13 to be interesting, it's just that the story in FE13 is such a stupid anime cliche that it makes everything else look bad. It might as well be Girls Bravo with swords.

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Time travel can be very well done, like Valkyrie Profile. I also find the very basic notion of time travel in FE13 to be interesting, it's just that the story in FE13 is such a stupid anime cliche that it makes everything else look bad. It might as well be Girls Bravo with swords.

Yep, time travel could be actually pretty good stuf when it handled correctly (like everything does). Like, if I could take an example outside of game, Stein's Gate focus on how butterfly effect could horribly alter the shape of the world.

In Awakening case however, they done it pretty bad. It like the time travel plot is an excuse for child character to fight beside their parent. This make my mind numbingly painful from imagining many thing out of that. They should handle parent/child things with better and careful thought.

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