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Rate The Parent Day Five: Sully


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Because it's half the game! (The half people talk most about).


1: Everything is secondary to the purpose of creating the strongest children - Unique weapons and DLC skills count for jack if the kids can't use them to kill people.

2: These pairings do not exist in the same game (ie for the purpose of discussion it is perfectly valid to use GaiusxSully in one discussion, then GaiusxMiriel in another).

3: The Avatars can only be used for pairings in their own vote. Everyone else has to deal with each other. The only exceptions to this are characters who must marry the Avatar to produce any children at all. They are judged by their own merits in a special little voting pool, just for them.

3: Characters are judged on stat modifiers, skills then can pass on, people they can marry, number of children they can feasibly produce and quality of said children etc etc, rather than their own combat skill and abilities.

4: Try and keep your shipping at sub-rabid levels. Bias points exist for a reason and people going 'ooooh Cordelia is so hot 10/10 would waifu' will be gently ignored. :Soldier:

5: Obviously, some units have linked children and others do not. Disregard this for the sake of voting. Some children are naturally better than others because of inferior linked parents, but we aren't supposed to discuss that. This is about producing the best children possible of the children, regardless of what their genes are forced to endure. :ph34r:

6: Bias points are +/- 1, as usual. Can't go above 10 or below 0.

7: Characters are purely judged on a min/max scale, rather than efficiency or children's starting stats.

8: Have fun. Getting frustrated is bad for your health.

What each score means: 1: I forbid you to breed.

5: You may report to your local breeding officer, satisfactory one.

10: You may report to your local breeding officer, oh one of endless stats! Praise be thy name as you take a waifu/husbando and improve the gene-pool!

So, Chrom.

He's got Lucina linked and is obliged to marry at some point because of that. The story itself demands such. The limited number of marriage options is annoying but he has the advantage of being able to marry Villager Girl-chan, who no-one else can. She is also the purest of them all.

Useful enough, if you want to marry as many people as possible off. though that doesn't really count for much. His stat modifiers definitely lean towards being fast, hard-hitting and fragile, but aren't very extreme in any direction. No magic classes to pass down either. If nothing else, a +2 overall stat bonus. He had uncontrollable skill passdown, but the skills he passes are great. Pretty good overall.

Max bias points for being the broest of them all though.

7.0 with no Bias.

8.0 with Bias.


Average Score

No Bias Score:

Chrom : 6.38

Male Avatar: 10.0

Female Avatar: 9.49

Frederick: 7.21

Bias Score:

Chrom: 6.59

Male Avatar 10.0

Female Avatar: 9.49

Frederick: 7.21

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Sure I'll give it a try. Very limited options, but he passes on some of the greatest skills ever. Not only that but his mods are pretty good. He adds cavalier to all but kjelle's class set. Pretty solid. Also auto marries

A solid 8

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Chrom eh?

+1 SPD mods is decent(IIRC he also have +1SKL?)

Has Luna, Dual Guard+, and RFK/Aether

So, not only he gives access to the second most OP class skills in the game(Cav and Knight), he ALSO gives a w1n skills


-2 bias for his issues

6/10(this is my actal score)

+1 bias becase CAVALIER

But seriously, most of the fathers can be summed as "Have Knight. High Score. Have Cavalier. High Score"

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Sooo limited here.

Gives Cynthia Aether, alongside Archer and Cavalier skills.

Gives Kjelle Aether, alongside Archer skills.

Gives Brady Rightful King, alongside Archer skills.

Gives Inigo Rightful King, alongside Archer and Cavalier skills.

So he gives half of his kids nothing (lolarcher), and Cavalier is really only help for Inigo because Paladin skills suck (Cynthia already gets Great Knight).

and Lucina doesn't need him to be awesome. :P


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Chrom eh?

+1 SPD mods is decent(IIRC he also have +1SKL?)

Has Luna, Dual Guard+, and RFK/Aether

So, not only he gives access to the second most OP class skills in the game(Cav and Knight), he ALSO gives a w1n skills


-2 bias for his issues


Remember that he can't pass down anything but Aether or Rightful King. Of course, that might not effect your score.

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I actually lowered mine after reading Difin scores

And I was like "Oh right, he can't father anyone but them"

The game are pretty harsh for Luna since there are only 2 father who has +spd Luna, which is Vaike and Chrom >_>

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While he may seem good for being a lord that is forced to marry and is a bit limited, Chrom isn't THAT great of a parent. the only thing he gives that's somewhat noteworthy is Aether and Rightful King (okay, that's actually noteworthy) His modifiers are merely decent, and his inheritance options are restricted to Aether for Females and Rightful King to Males.


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Chrom, you and your Falchion just HAVE to have a limited pool of possible wifes. Seriously, why IS, I wanted a blue-haired Gerome. ._.

Onto the actual gameplay mechanics here:

First, your class set consists of Cavalier and Archer, a great and godawful class respectively. The Cavalier branch gives the children access to Aegis, Defender, Luna, Dual Guard+ and Discipline, while the only marginally useful thing out of the Archer class is Bowbreaker. Lovely going, Chrom. Second, his modifers shape him out to be a bit of a skillful fragile speedster, with his high speed and strength, (and that's some nice skill Chrom go you) yet low defenses and even lower resistance. That resistance is the death of you, Chromy boy and you know it.

The good thing about Chrom is that he makes a damn good Dread Fighter Brady - Brady's high resistance from his mother cancels out Chrom's serious issue and his father's defense, speed and strength makes him quick and hard to hit. And that skill. Brady's skill was amazing when I tried this pairing out - he critical'd all the time.

For Cynthia, that's the only time the Bowbreaker skill really comes in handy. Pass the Archer class to Cynthia for Bow Knight and watch her giggle ecstacially at the idiot trying to snipe her and failing. Add this to her Pavise and Aegis access and you have an indescrutible, quick as all hell tank. And Aether? Watch her spam this gleeflully.

The only kid who probably benefits LESS from Chrom being her father is Kjelle. There's better fathers for her, for one thing, and for another she already gets the Cavalier line from her mother, which is the only good line since from some reason the Lord class isn't passable. WTF, Chrom.

Inigo LOVES having Chrom has his father. RFK plus the cavalier line means Inigo will be doing a LOT of AstraLunaSol'ing. And he actually uses the Bow Knight class well, all things considering. Best part of all, you can actually GIVE HIM braves and Regalia without worrying too much. Armsthrift, ILY.

Lucina and Morgan don't need him to be badass, they do it on their own.

All in all, Chrom gets a 6.5, with +1 bias for a total of 7.5.

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Cynthia does not really need Bow Breaker when she have her godlike base skills she inherits from Sumia

I usually give her Aether because why not

That's true, but snipers are fairly accurate with their attacks. She could use the extra avoid.

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+The ONLY first gen Luna father that gives a positive speed mod. Inigo appreciates this most.

+Hands over the niche Rightful King and Aether skills.

-Poor modifiers. His children tend to thrive on skills alone.

-Only passes two classes

-Poopy class overlap with most of his kids. (Brady, Kjelle, maybe Cynthia)


Edited by Spaceman Craig
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inb4 everything going to hell in one way or another.



+ Has Lucina.

+ Passes down great skills in Aether/Rightful King.

+ Class tree has Cavalier in it.

+ Stat modifiers means that the other parent gets more influence on how the children will turn out statwise.

+ Can support with Sumia to solve their shared trouble of restricted Supports.


- Stat modifiers are pretty bland.

- Restricted Support Options.

- Forced marriage somewhere around the middle of the game.

- One of the potential male children he can get does not use Rightful King well.

- Besides Cavalier, class tree is mediocre in that Archer is the only other class passed down to Lucina's sibling.

Chrom is alright as a father. The mother is usually the one who decides what stats and role that Lucina will play, but just the sibling may or may not get screwed, depending on who he/she is: Brady and Kjelle only get Archer out of the whole thing, since both already have Cavalier (though I'm willing to give Kjelle the advantage out of the two of them, because she can go Assassin, and gets Aether). Inigo and Cynthia however both have Chrom as one of their better options, as inheriting the Archer class can actually benefit both of them, since Inigo can take Bowfaire, and Cynthia can take Bowbreaker (and Rightful King/Aether are used to their greatest effect on both of them).

As for Lucina, Chrom's bland modifiers, coupled with an array of decent-but-not-great skills she gets for postgame, means that her mother will give her both the stats and the skills that make her stand out:

Sumia!Lucina gives her the best Speed and Skill modifiers, and also makes her into a great all-purpose unit for either attacking, tanking, or supporting, thanks to Sumia's wonderful class options. As Sumia is the only one who gives her Knight however, Sumia!Lucina will shine the most in a tanking role, thanks to the Pavise/Aegis combo, and the skill to increase it's usefulness. She can also do well as a magical or physical attacker, thanks to Aether, Luna, Galeforce, Lancefaire, and Tomefaire, and Cleric skills allows her to support the rest with healing if you want to go down that route. On top of that, Sumia!Lucina arguably makes the best Bride if you're looking to take advantage of everything that Bride offers.

Sully!Lucina makes her more balanced statwise, but also makes the best ferry!Lucina, thanks to the Wyvern Rider tree, and the Pass skill that she can inherit from Sully's Myrmidon tree. Bowfaire from Chrom's Archer tree combines well with Sully's Swordfaire from her Myrmidon tree for an Assassin!Lucina, and Swordfaire in general combos well with Lucina's Parallel Falchion. Lucina also gets Astra as an offensive skill.

Maribelle!Lucina is probably the best Support!Lucina. Getting Troubadour means she gets Dual Support+, which combos well with Dual Strike and Dual Guard. Tomefaire and Lancefaire ensures that she can stay as a Support unit. She also ties with Sumia!Lucina for best magically offensive Lucina in my opinion, getting access to Mage and the Dark Knight class. Galeforce can be gotten through this pairing to help with her offensive, and she can take Tomefaire, Aether, and Luna, to further bolster her offense.

Olivia!Lucina makes the best physically offensive Lucina by far, giving Lucina Aether, Luna, Astra, Swordfaire, Lancefaire, and Bowfaire all in one, and classes that make good use of any of those, in addition to getting Galeforce and Pass. Olivia can also give a unique, functional, skill to Lucina, though it's next to useless in builds. However, Olivia!Lucina will mostly be a physically offensive powerhouse, and not much else, sacrificing versatility for pure offense.

Rating: 6/10 (No bias.)

Chrom is linked to Lucina, who can fill a role in your army and be good no matter what, but whether Lucina's sibling will be a good or bad choice depends on the parent in question. As is, Chrom is a serviceable father, whose own child's role will be determined by the mother thanks to Chrom's bland modifiers, and who gives classes and skills that may make him a great choice for Lucina's sibling, or be one of the least sought options for that child.

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Cynthia does not really need Bow Breaker when she have her godlike base skills she inherits from Sumia

I usually give her Aether because why not

You don't really have a choice in Chrom's case, do you? I thought the skills he passed down were locked.

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He passes down Aether, and potentially Rightful King, to his children, two great skills, and gives them decent stats and growths due to his balanced speed and strength.

It's a shame that there's so few people to pass it down to, and one's a magic user, while another can only be fathered by Chrom by befriending a low stat dancer in chapter 11 while not interacting with any other women prior.


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This will be my first time doing such reviews of characters, so wish me luck that I don't make a complete arse of myself. Anyways...

Chrom has a lot of good things and a lot of bad things for him.


  • Giving secondary children Rightful King or Aether is absolutely awesome. This makes his secondary children (sans Brady) very powerful indeed (Aether Cynthia anyone?).
  • Giving access to the Cavalier class line is a good plus, allowing access to Aegis, Luna, and Dual Guard
  • Good offensive modifiers (+1 STR, SK, SP) means that the kids can become hard(er) hitters.


  • Children only get access to the Cavalier class (and the awful Archer class) and whatever classes Chrom's waifu gives him, so limited skills and class options.
  • Pretty bad defensive modifiers (-1 D, RES), which unfortunately cannot be reversed (all of his waifus give out a negative modifier on either Def. or both)

Overall, Chrom is a very interesting father. He makes his children very offensive-based, but leaves his children having fairly sub-par defenses. His options for marriage yield key skills for his children, but worsen the Defense problem. Unfortunately, he only passes two classes overall and it overlaps with other options. I'd say he is only decent overall, a shame that he cannot marry more/be better.


Biased: 5.5/10

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Cavalier alone is awesome, but in practice, his restriction on marriages makes it difficult for me to really consider him good as a parent. Speed with Luna is nice, but in practice, the only kids who can really make use of him are Inigo, who does turn out awesome, I'll admit, and Cynthia, who already gets Luna, but Pavise/Aegis is kinda nice I guess. Admittedly, he's propped up by the mothers, because Inigo (Olivia can pass Galeforce) and Sumia have some of the best class sets in the game.

He produces the second-worst Brady who still turns out OK(Rightful King Miracle, anyone?) and ties with half the cast for the worst Kjelle, although Lucina turns out alright no matter what you do because Cavalier is that good.


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> ties with half the cast for the worst Kjelle

Surely Aether gives him a slight advantage over the lesser half?

Yeah, I guess all things considered, Aether gives a slight advantage, but Kjelle doesn't have RK to make up for the low proc rate. Hurts Lucina a bit too, since Knight is Kjelle-exclusive, meaning Lucina can't run something like Pavise/Aegis/Aether/RK to tank a bit.

Basically the order of Kjelles minus Avatar goes like Donnel/Vaike/Gregor/Gaius > Henry/Libra > The rest. Most of the time she ends up either getting Archer sometimes with Mage, or nothing. Kjelle would really like to get a reliable healing skill if at all possible, (or failing that, she makes a surprisingly good Sorcerer) and I'm not really sure if Aether is reliable enough for her.

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