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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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I decided to ask this to you all because it has recently occurred to me that nearly all of my opinions about this game are unpopular. xP

I think the only ones that are actually popular is that the game is awesome and StahlxCordelia is an awesome pairing. ._.

But I can name a lot of opinions I have that most people seem to not agree with.

- Frederick is my favorite character in the game and he's not popular. I haven't met many fans that love him as much as I do.

- I think Lucina is ugly and rather bland. Her father is cooler and I'm not a Chrom fan either. But most female players love Chrom and most players seem to think Lucina is cute as hell.

- I'm not a ChromxFemale Avatar shipper at all. Most other female players love this pairing (so many it seems, that I find the pairing overrated).

- I'm an adamant FrederickxFemale Avatar shipper (but for more reasons than just my love for Freddy) and I've only found like one other person that shares this OTP with me.

- Several of my other pairing choices don't appear to be that popular either.

- Henry creeps me out and I'm not that big a fan of him. Though I admit he's hilarious sometimes. But he's quite popular.

- I hate Tharja and she seems to be quite popular too.

There might be other things I'm not thinking of too.

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  • I don't think Henry's as awesome as everyone makes him out to be.

I don't think Inigo's all that great, either.

I think Chrom's a creep.

Stahl/Cherche and Stahl/Olivia are my OTPs.

Male!Avatar/Cynthia is the best.

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I decided to ask this to you all because it has recently occurred to me that nearly all of my opinions about this game are unpopular. xP

I think the only ones that are actually popular is that the game is awesome and StahlxCordelia is an awesome pairing. ._.

But I can name a lot of opinions I have that most people seem to not agree with.

- Frederick is my favorite character in the game and he's not popular. I haven't met many fans that love him as much as I do.

- I think Lucina is ugly and rather bland. Her father is cooler and I'm not a Chrom fan either. But most female players love Chrom and most players seem to think Lucina is cute as hell.

- I'm not a ChromxFemale Avatar shipper at all. Most other female players love this pairing (so many it seems, that I find the pairing overrated).

- I'm an adamant FrederickxFemale Avatar shipper (but for more reasons than just my love for Freddy) and I've only found like one other person that shares this OTP with me.

- Several of my other pairing choices don't appear to be that popular either.

- Henry creeps me out and I'm not that big a fan of him. Though I admit he's hilarious sometimes. But he's quite popular.

- I hate Tharja and she seems to be quite popular too.

There might be other things I'm not thinking of too.

I find Chrom to be an Ike rehash lacking the development and charm that FE9 Ike had (If I could bench him he'd hit the bench so hard it would get pregnant with Lucina), and I'm not too fond of Lucina either.

About Henry, he was flanderized in the localization.

Frederick is a cool guy, but definitely not my favorite.

ChromxFeMU is a pretty terrible pairing as far as supports go.

Edited by Virion
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I think Chrom is a failing Ike-wannabe with a little Marth mixed in myself. I applaud IS for getting the idea to combine the two most popular lords in the series, but they didn't quite pull it off very well, imo.

And don't worry, even if not many people love Frederick, that just means more Freddy Bear for me. Same with other characters I love that aren't popular. :3

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I decided to ask this to you all because it has recently occurred to me that nearly all of my opinions about this game are unpopular. xP

I think the only ones that are actually popular is that the game is awesome and StahlxCordelia is an awesome pairing. ._.

But I can name a lot of opinions I have that most people seem to not agree with.

- Frederick is my favorite character in the game and he's not popular. I haven't met many fans that love him as much as I do.

- I think Lucina is ugly and rather bland. Her father is cooler and I'm not a Chrom fan either. But most female players love Chrom and most players seem to think Lucina is cute as hell.

- I'm not a ChromxFemale Avatar shipper at all. Most other female players love this pairing (so many it seems, that I find the pairing overrated).

- I'm an adamant FrederickxFemale Avatar shipper (but for more reasons than just my love for Freddy) and I've only found like one other person that shares this OTP with me.

- Several of my other pairing choices don't appear to be that popular either.

- Henry creeps me out and I'm not that big a fan of him. Though I admit he's hilarious sometimes. But he's quite popular.

- I hate Tharja and she seems to be quite popular too.

There might be other things I'm not thinking of too.

I love the game too and I also think Stahl/Cordelia is an awesome pairing.

- I like Frederick, but he isn't my favorite

- I agree, I like Lucina as a unit, and she has her moments, but overall she's rather bland. I think the same of Chrom, just seems bland.

- Chrom/Sumia. Yep.

- Frederick/Miriel and Male Robin/Lucina. Yep.

- *Shrugs* Not sure if mine are.

- Same. He's creepy.

- Again, same. As a unit I like her, as a character I hate her.

Anyway, for me, besides the ones I agree with you on...

- While Awakening is awesome, it is definitely not my favorite Fire Emblem game, I seem to find in a lot of places that most say it is the best.

- I don't think Sully is all that great, but I see a bunch of people love her. Same with Gaius and Cordelia.

- I think Sumia is pretty great.

Other than that I have no idea if my opinions are popular or not.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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1) I find Chrom rather uninteresting. I don't dislike him but nor can I say I really like him. He's just there for me.

2) I think Miriel and Laurent are awesome.

3) I don't see my Avatar as an extension of myself or myself in any way. Heck, my default avatar is male.

4) I never thought Libra looked like a girl. I can tell pretty definitively he's a guy. Only thing that threw me off was his Japanese name, "Libera", which is the name of a princess in this one manhwa I like.

5) I have no real opinion on Cordelia or Tharja.

6) I care not about what is "canon" or not. it's not like something being "canon" will spoil my enjoyment of the game ;/

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Here's mine: Awakening isn't the BEST game in the series. No, I'm not trolling.

But that's just the biased opinion coming from a guy who enjoyed the hell out of Shadow Dragon. So...carry on.

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  1. Cordelia, Tharja and Owain can burn.
  2. This is basically Fanservice Emblem.
  3. Grinding and postgame has ruined gameplay discussions.
  4. Lazy character models don't bother me because I usually play without animations.
  5. Severa's temper tantrums are pretty cute and I get annoyed when people never get past her recruitment dialogue or C supports.
  6. Vaike!Owain annoys me to no end.

I would say more, but I think these are definitely unpopular.

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"Chrom is a carbon copy of Ike and I wouldn't like him if Tomokazu Sugita didn't voice him."

That's really it in general.

Chrom is my rule 63 husbando only BECAUSE of Sugita.

Yes, I am gay for Sugita. Everyone is. Even the women. Even those who dislike him. EVERYONE is gay for Sugita.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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1. Chrom should have died in the main story after Ch.23

2. Spotpass paralogues shoudn't have happened

3. Pair Up isn't OP

4. Frederick is bad

5. Sumia is bad

6. Galeforce isn't the best skill in the game

7. Nowi and Nah are terrible

8. Third Gen kids aren't worth the effort.

9. Inigo is overrated.

10. Henry isn't interesting.

Edited by Dinfinitysignfina
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Well, the only unpopular opinion that comes to my mind is that... I really think that Lucina and Gerome supports fit them very well (Actually I started to like the pairing after read their supports) and it shows the point of their relationship, the understanding between them (at least in the A and S support), but bleh, probably that idea is only mine

Edited by SniperGYS
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- I hate Tharja and she seems to be quite popular too.

Shes really not. It seems the unpopular opinion is mine: Tharja cracks me up therefore i like her.


Breaker skills > Galeforce. Breaker skills AND Galeforce = 2ywu9mo.gif

I dont play the game for the plot.

I have no strong feelings either way when it comes to Chrom/Avatar outside gameplay reasons.

Severa is not visually appealing.

Nowi is adorable. And i prefer her over Tiki.

Nah is best child.

Libra was never a trap type character to me. (hes too masculine)

I dont really ship anyone that hard outside Virion/Cherche.

Cherche is best female.

I forget Kjelle exists half the time.

I dont care for Vaike, personality wise or gameplay wise.

Miriel is awesome.

So is Laurent.

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Not sure if these opinions are particularly unpopular, but they seem uncommon? I don't really involve myself in the fandom much outside of drawing fanart. :V

- A lot of the couples I like seem to be on the uncommon side, particularly Henry/Lissa; this in and of itself doesn't bother me, it's just a bit depressing when I can't really find fanwork with the pairings I like *single tear*

- I prefer NA-version Henry

- I am okay with the gimmicky characters in this game because I think most of them have enough dimensions added to them to keep them from being one-note; I think that considering the limitations their characterizations were going to get anyway due to the nature of the game, the supports did a decent job of fleshing them out (although I will say I probably have a high tolerance of anime, and some of the characters are more developed than the others)

- I wish Lucina was the main lord of the game instead of Chrom (at least after some point in the game or something)

- The feetless models never bothered me (seriously what was the fixation with this i will never understand)

- Nowi's outfit design is so goddamn offensively bad to me uuuuuuuuuuugh

- People getting really intense about their video game waifu/husbando kind of freak me out because a lot of the time I can't tell if they're exaggerating for humorous effect or being completely serious

- I wish instead of having an Avatar system, there was just the female Avatar as an actual character who can't get into a romantic relationship with Chrom; I liked having a gal main character and a dude main character hang out and be bffs without having to end up together, and making her an actual character would allow her to get more specific characterization that a player's stand-in wouldn't allow for

this got longer than i expected oops

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Shes really not. It seems the unpopular opinion is mine: Tharja cracks me up therefore i like her.


Breaker skills > Galeforce. Breaker skills AND Galeforce = 2ywu9mo.gif

I dont play the game for the plot.

I have no strong feelings either way when it comes to Chrom/Avatar outside gameplay reasons.

Severa is not visually appealing.

Nowi is adorable. And i prefer her over Tiki.

Nah is best child.

Libra was never a trap type character to me. (hes too masculine)

I dont really ship anyone that hard outside Virion/Cherche.

Cherche is best female.

I forget Kjelle exists half the time.

I dont care for Vaike, personality wise or gameplay wise.

Miriel is awesome.

So is Laurent.

Agreed. I'd argue he's one of the best written characters in the game.

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- I wish instead of having an Avatar system, there was just the female Avatar as an actual character who can't get into a romantic relationship with Chrom; I liked having a gal main character and a dude main character hang out and be bffs without having to end up together, and making her an actual character would allow her to get more specific characterization that a player's stand-in wouldn't allow for

this got longer than i expected oops

While I would not have minded at all if the Avatar system didn't exist and the "Avatar" was a defined character, I actually prefer the male Avatar over the female one. I wonder if that's another unpopular opinion.

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- The game is dreadfully dull and the playable characters are the only part of the game that make me like it somewhat.

- Nowi and Nah are pretty adorbs and I see no issue with either of them marrying any of their potential husbands because this is FE and playable characters marry for love. At least in FE13 which makes it painfully clear that love > everything. inb4 someone brings up the me being a lolicon thing

- I find it fucking hilarious how people make a big deal over Nowi and Nah when Lissa, Maribelle, Ricken, and Donnel are definitely the youngest of the cast and yet most people have no problem having them marry any of their potential spouses.

- Tiki is all kinds of meh. You know you screwed up by making one of the most iconic characters of the series even more boring than her original/remade counterparts when she had so much potential to be an insightful character about what has happened over the many centuries that preside the game. In fact, I'd say that her younger self is much more interesting and likable.

- I don't feel as though any of the playable characters deserve any hate because they are all fun and likable in their own right.

- Except for Morgan. Screw Morgan.

- And the Avatar.

- ESPECIALLY the Avatar.

- Like really hard.

- I would have been fine with this being the last FE since it brings nothing new for the series and they just stuck to an incredibly basic and safe formula to insure it at least sold decently because trying something new would have been crazy.

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That's pretty common, actually.

Oh, is it? Welp, mark that off the list then. :V

While I would not have minded at all if the Avatar system didn't exist and the "Avatar" was a defined character, I actually prefer the male Avatar over the female one. I wonder if that's another unpopular opinion.

Mostly I prefer the female Avatar because, well, female main characters are really underrepresented in games. And even rarer are female main characters who don't get romantically involved with another, male main character.

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Agreed. I'd argue he's one of the best written characters in the game.

YOU! Yeah YOU! Dastard! You are a dirty username thief. :P: And yes, you are correct. In my opinion. :B

- I prefer NA-version Henry

Not exactly unpopular, but yes. Same.

I dont like Gangrel. As a unit.

I dont like Anna. As a unit.

Aversa is my Male Avatar waifu officially, despite everything.

I find Shadowgift amazing.

My favorite DLC is Lost Bloodlines 2. Not sure if thats unpopular or not.

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