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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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I thoguht u meant the Wolfguard being able to be recruited unlike FE3 then you said Miccy and I thought Micaiah and went like whaaaa and then...yeah. I wouldve liked to have the option to kill the Avatar in that 1 scene, I even said yes, Lucina do it but lolnope. Stupid Chrom and his blandness intervened to save Gary Stu.

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The wolfguards surprisingly is not as disturbing as Michalis was

I mean, the the former is just.... Hardin's follower. Even in the ending, they stayed true to their core for the most part.

The latter? lolnope after he finished being a tyrant, NOW he conquered another region after he get his own kingdom. It somewhat contradicts with FE11 and it just feels.... wrong

On that note, SURPRISINGLY Micaiah has simmilar scene in FE10.....

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As for the Basilio thing, it wasn't him coming back and saving the day that bothered me, it was the fact that the avatar PLANNED THE ENTIRE THING OFF SCREEN.

No joke. That really sucked because the game didnt hint at it, yet your character was planning this whole thing. Wat.

I also agree that the choices you make as the Avatar should have some effect on the story. The fact they dont really irks me.

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(This is my first FE game)

I like the all of the marriage and children.

- I like actually like Chrom

- I love having an Avatar that I customize and other stuff

- I like the MMU/Lucina pairing (Is this unpopular?)

- I like Cynthia/Yarne pairing

- I like Female Morgan more than Male Morgan

- I like the MU ending

(Probably more to this list)

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All aboard the hate train!

-I find the majority of the cast despicable or downright annoying.

-Though it's the right direction musically for the series, the soundtrack still hasn't evolved out of Tsujiyoko's tendency to puke on thematic development.

Everything else has either been stated a million times over or meshes better with "popular" opinion. Other than maybe the game's blatant scoffing at unnecessary things in the plot like sacrifices and moral dilemmas (not sure whether that's popular or not).

Edited by Duels at Dawn
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All aboard the hate train!

-I find the majority of the cast despicable or downright annoying.

-Though it's the right direction musically for the series, the soundtrack still hasn't evolved out of Tsujiyoko's tendency to puke on thematic development.

Everything else has either been stated a million times over or meshes better with "popular" opinion. Other than maybe the game's blatant scoffing at unnecessary things in the plot like sacrifices and moral dilemmas (not sure whether that's popular or not).


The soundtrack is a mix of mediocre and downright AMAZING, with most of the amazing tracks only being played for short intervals a few times in the game.

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-Though it's the right direction musically for the series, the soundtrack still hasn't evolved out of Tsujiyoko's tendency to puke on thematic development.

If I may ask, could you please elaborate what you mean with "puke on thematic development"?

To be honest, I don't even know what "thematic development" is.

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If I may ask, could you please elaborate what you mean with "puke on thematic development"?

To be honest, I don't even know what "thematic development" is.

Basically taking musical ideas/themes and developing them throughout a cohesive work, whether by expanding and adding to the theme or creating new contexts via key or through the narrative. Fire Emblem has never been strong in that department.

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Basically taking musical ideas/themes and developing them throughout a cohesive work, whether by expanding and adding to the theme or creating new contexts via key or through the narrative. Fire Emblem has never been strong in that department.

Thank you for the response.

So basically stuff like Elincia getting a more melancholic and heavier sounding version of her leitmotif in Radiant Dawn to go along with the burden of her leadership? Or am I completely of the rails there?

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it'd be more like, how in "don't speak her name" you get a lot of variations on the same motif but played differently within the same piece (idk if this is a really good example but i'm going to run with it because it's the only one i can think of offhand)

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(This is my first FE game)

I like the all of the marriage and children.

- I like actually like Chrom

- I love having an Avatar that I customize and other stuff

- I like the MMU/Lucina pairing (Is this unpopular?)

- I like Cynthia/Yarne pairing

- I like Female Morgan more than Male Morgan

- I like the MU ending

(Probably more to this list)

Popular Opinion

Liking Chrom is a bit of both. Depends on location. Haven't seen a whole lot of Chrom hate here, he's hated to hell and back on GameFAQs. Loved to hell and back on Gaia, and rather neutral on Tumblr.

MU is generally liked, even if he's OP. (And is likely a feature that will stay with the series, even if some people dislike that)

MaMU/Lucina is typically liked from what I've seen.

Now that's an unknown. (Probably the same case as me and Gerome/Severa. It's unpopular, but at the same time, it's not)

Popular Opinion.

MU's ending is liked more than Chrom's. (For somegodawfulreason.)

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Popular Opinion

Liking Chrom is a bit of both. Depends on location. Haven't seen a whole lot of Chrom hate here, he's hated to hell and back on GameFAQs. Loved to hell and back on Gaia, and rather neutral on Tumblr.

MU is generally liked, even if he's OP. (And is likely a feature that will stay with the series, even if some people dislike that)

MaMU/Lucina is typically liked from what I've seen.

Now that's an unknown. (Probably the same case as me and Gerome/Severa. It's unpopular, but at the same time, it's not)

Popular Opinion.

MU's ending is liked more than Chrom's. (For somegodawfulreason.)

People still use Gaia?

More unpopular opinions:

[spoiler=Regarding Tharja]I don't think this Tharja will be as bad a parent that Tharja of the future turned out to be. Child abuse isn't cute, and it isn't okay, but I feel like Tharja of the future was motivated to protect her family, which is why she was studying curses so intently, and why she had to give Noire that amulet (To ensure Noire's survival). That doesn't excuse her behavior, but it doesn't mean this Tharja will fall into the same trap.

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People still use Gaia?

More unpopular opinions:

[spoiler=Regarding Tharja]I don't think this Tharja will be as bad a parent that Tharja of the future turned out to be. Child abuse isn't cute, and it isn't okay, but I feel like Tharja of the future was motivated to protect her family, which is why she was studying curses so intently, and why she had to give Noire that amulet (To ensure Noire's survival). That doesn't excuse her behavior, but it doesn't mean this Tharja will fall into the same trap.

There's enough people there. Including me. A forum is a forum, man.


Tharja's issue wasn't that she gave Noire the Talisman. Its that she used her as a testing dummy for any and all curses she came up with. AND the game outright states she's going to continue to do that. (Noire's solo ending, much?) Altered Timeline!Noire will get off a bit luckier, because Timetraveler!Noire tanks the curses for her, but still...

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Am I the only one that really likes this song?:

It's definitely my favorite song in FE13. And the only FE song that brought out the feels in me.

I like it too. [/nodnod]

Although my favorite underrated song is Misericorde.

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I think Brady is an amazing unit and in both of my playthroughs he was my best character. I couldn't believe my eyes in here when he was unanimously considered the worst character.

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I think Brady is an amazing unit and in both of my playthroughs he was my best character. I couldn't believe my eyes in here when he was unanimously considered the worst character.

more like worst unit

there's a difference, you know

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Im don't know abot you, but to me, FE has always been a shipping simulation that happened to have SWORDS AND WARS.

In fact, I think this very nature is the reason why even since the NES days, FE is heavilly marketed towards female audience >_>

I kind of doubt that, since Marth's games (excluding FE12) barely had character development for the supporting cast. (Hence why Akaneia's western fanbase is so small, which leads to less shipping compared to the rest of the series. I can't speak for the others.) Support convos are the most "shippy" thing FE has to me, and those didn't come in until FE6. Even if what you're saying was completely true, it's never been to the extent of Awakening. (FE4 might be on a similar level; I don't know anything about that game, admittedly.)

Anyway, I sorta just realized how broken this game is, with the reclassing system and infinite grinding. FEDS did a better job, in my opinion. Also, I think at least half of the cast's outfits are ridiculous (Lissa, how the hell do you sit at a desk with that cage dress thing?), I dislike the implementing of voice grunting, and Emmeryn, Walhart, and Gangrel should have stayed dead. (I do not pay attention to the "popularity" of my opinions, but generally, they're in the minority, so...yeah.)

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I kind of doubt that, since Marth's games (excluding FE12) barely had character development for the supporting cast. (Hence why Akaneia's western fanbase is so small, which leads to less shipping compared to the rest of the series. I can't speak for the others.) Support convos are the most "shippy" thing FE has to me, and those didn't come in until FE6. Even if what you're saying was completely true, it's never been to the extent of Awakening. (FE4 might be on a similar level; I don't know anything about that game, admittedly.)

Anyway, I sorta just realized how broken this game is, with the reclassing system and infinite grinding. FEDS did a better job, in my opinion. Also, I think at least half of the cast's outfits are ridiculous (Lissa, how the hell do you sit at a desk with that cage dress thing?), I dislike the implementing of voice grunting, and Emmeryn, Walhart, and Gangrel should have stayed dead. (I do not pay attention to the "popularity" of my opinions, but generally, they're in the minority, so...yeah.)


The cast barely have any words unless your name is Sheeda

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I think Brady is an amazing unit and in both of my playthroughs he was my best character. I couldn't believe my eyes in here when he was unanimously considered the worst character.

I know, right? I don't get why he gets all the hate. Sure, he joins as a priest, but he's already level 10, so you can re-class him.

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Probably not unpopular. Oh well.

-I legit felt sad for the 2nd Gen children

-Avatar/any 2nd Gen kid is a no and is just plain creepy

-I dislike Sumia

-I dislike Sumia/Chrom

-I dislike anyone/Chrom

-Especially F!Avatar/Chrom

-Seriously. It's overrated

-The support convos between F!Avatar and Chrom are terrible

-The support convo between M! Avatar and Chrom were honestly more romantic and had more feeling than the one with F!Avatar

-I feel indifferent towards Chrom

-Female Morgan > Male Morgan

-Galeforce is overrated

-Tharja is a terrible parent

-Even so, I still love her personality

-I prefer Male Avatar over Female Avatar

-The plot is so shonen and cheesy I could cry

-Emmeryn's death could have been sadder

-I liked Avatar's personality throughout the game

-The "I want to save my friends" parts make me want to cry

-Say'ri/Lon'qu not being an option makes me upset

-The extreme optimism in this game also makes me want to cry

-Avatar's ending was better than Chrom's, but they both lacked emotion

And I'm sure it's a popular-ish opinion, but I'm ridiculously disappointed that the SpotPass characters couldn't have supports with anyone else other than Avatar.

Also, I'm a bit disappointed that everyone decided to be optimistic in Avatar's ending instead of being realistic. The fact that no one felt sadder than "Oh man there aren't any cookies left" is kinda stupid.

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I know, right? I don't get why he gets all the hate. Sure, he joins as a priest, but he's already level 10, so you can re-class him.

Brady's one of those characters who seems laughable when you get him initially, but if you passed down Galeforce, just take a stint in GK for Luna and maybe Dual Guard, promote to Sage and you're pretty much set for, well, all the rest of the maingame and postgame.

Cynthia's the same way, and lots of people hated her too initially.

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